I know. I know this is hard for some people. Some people need to have 'solid facts' or 'truths' as a starting point of their RP (and often their own lives). Even though these 'facts' and 'truths' are nothing more than their interpretation of certain source materials. They put faith in these selected and interpreted facts and truths as if it was a true religion. If it is written in the EVElopedia that the sun revolves around the earth, would you claim it does?
De facto, Merdaneth, we need some common ground to orient ourselves in life.
If you start doubting that it's a bad idea to set your home on fire if you're freezing, then, by all means, feel free to set it ablaze while you're in. Fact-skepticism is a nice thing, but there's a point where it's just too academic. But, really, if you think that it's not true that you will burn as well while sitting in your house that's aflame or simply think that it's 'merely one possible interpretation' that you will die in the fires, you can also pour gasoline over yourself and set yourself ablaze. After all, the 'truth' that you will die or at least be severely burned is 'nothing more than an interpretation of some chemistry books and maybe other sources'. (But I know, it's hard for some people to accept that you can't set yourself seriously ablaze and survive that and that there's a
real world out there and that it's comforting for those people that one can doubt all that from ones position in the comfy armchair.)
But honestly, I don't think you really doubt the fact that pouring gasoline over yourself and setting it ablaze is a bad idea, unless you want to die. Similarly, I also don't think that you seriously doubt that there is a President of the United States of America and that he doesn't have the powers that are invested exclusively into the Supreme Court. Yes, you might do so as an academic exercise, but in your day to day life you do probably accept it tacitly. Just as you don't set yourself ablaze to check your knowledge about the complete oxidation of the human body.
That has nothing to do with 'one true religion-ism'. It's just simple pragmatism.
In EVE these kind of facts are established by PF. Yes, that means written text. While in the real world you can check (at least some) things that are written or you get from other sources by 'looking at the real world', e.g. by enflaming yourself (For, of course, you never know for certain if you aren't the one exception to natural laws as we know them until now until you tried.), reading the constitution of the United States and doing empirical research on the
de facto role of the President and the Supreme Court, you can't do that in EVE. Because it's a made up universe. It's made up by the PF. Therefore the PF is the standard by which to measure, else what Lyn said happens.
A nice recent incident to consider was that PIE was said to have disrupted the live Minmatar event in Pator in the news message, which wasn't the case.
I don't think that whether PIE was involved there or not qualifies as PF. Other than that, I think I already addressed that point, just in regard to EVElopedia:
Did I say that everything in the [EVE News] is established fact? No. [...] Are some things that are to be considered established facts by the PF only found in [EVE News]? I do think so.
Or to put it otherwise:
Would you doubt that there was a Minmatar event in Pator? If something like it is announced in the News, do you go "Oh, that's the News, they might say there will be an event, but that tells us nothing."? Or do you doubt whether Jamyl Sarum is the de facto Empress of the Amarr Empire, because, for all we know, the News could've lied about that all the time to us? Is Merdaneth running around and telling everyone that Jamyl is a lie (and the cake, too)?
If your character sees a link to a similar article, does he/she automatically assume the source is unquestionable truth and fact?
Established facts should always be open to discussion, btw. because humanity can always err. Yes, 'science' does that, too.
Can you answer that question for yourself, now? I am really puzzled how you jump from 'established facts', especially given the context I already provided, to 'unquestionable truth'.