Some of the difference might be down to a lot of quasi- and para- military stuff going on. The Caldari Navy is home for a lot of people who aren't what we probably would think of as 'military' - but they are probably all in there. Similarly everyone employed by the megacorp security arms.
Like I said, even if you include police and private security personnel (which, like much of the Caldari military, are megacorporate operations), the number is still considerably less than 1% in the United States (let alone 15%). The problem is that the Caldari are supposed to be avaricious capitalists, albeit nationalist and militarist ones, and security forces are ONLY overhead -- they don't generate profit (unless you're subcontracting to someone else, but even then it's a sunk cost -- it doesn't generate overall profit for the Caldari State).
I could have bought 1.5% with a significant reserve, but 15% active duty personnel is pretty ridiculous. According to numbers I can find, even at its greatest extent, the Wehrmacht under Nazi Germany had fewer than 10M people under arms at a time when the population of Germany alone was ~90M (or ~11%), and that's if you ignore that much of the Wehrmacht in 1943/1944 was conscripts from occupied countries and/or men who were barely fit for duty (including teenagers and old men). The thing that pisses me off is that anyone who did the least bit of research on numbers that would make sense here would have seen that that number is just ridiculous.
Ehm. Die Wehrmacht had more around ~18M active soldiers on maximum
here and
+600k "Hilfswillige, unter anderem Soldaten der Roten Armee und ethnische Minderheiten in der Sowjetunion" Auxiliary volunteers, including Red Army soldiers and ethnic minorities in the Soviet Union. Which were directly under the control of the Wehrmacht.
+594k maximum for the
Waffen-SS, with Volksdeutsche and Auxiliary volunteers.
+150k around, count for members the Sicherheitspolizei (Sipo) – bestehend aus Geheimer Staats- (Gestapo) und Kriminalpolizei (Kripo) –, des Sicherheitsdienstes (SD), der Ordnungspolizei (Orpo) etc.. also counting again with auxiliary volunteers, like Algirdas Klimaitis etc.
+100-500 ad hoc units like Sonderkommandos which had done some police work and some other shit. but the were short living, most with just one purpose and mostly made out personal with no fighting value (former Russian criminals etc..)
So in total around 19.5M by a population in 1939 (
with Austria, Bohemia, Memelland etc..) 79.525M, which gives us around 24%
But now a huge but. The problem as Svetlana rightfully mention in this numbers are also Volksdeutsche and auxiliary troops etc.... Secondly which is more important, that Germany had during that time the resources of whole Europe. As some french historians rightfully mention, they have pay for the German army and its campaigns. So two elements which the Caldari dont have. So I think, as well as Svetlana that the US or maybe the imperial Germany would be better examples. During the first world war had imperial Germany around 13M troops (counting navy and army) by a population of 67,5M. And that was already the maximum on possibilities, as Germany was collapsing for sure after 4 years (economically and socially). Which gives us around 19%. So, I dont think 15% is realistic too. I dont think that the Caladri would have such along breath. As already mention, ships are capital intensive and when you think how up to date the Caldari hold there fleet; you would count that most likely their navy is the most capital intensive in New Eden. And not forget, the lost man power (labour); as well as already mention, that they are dead investment (about: sunk costs. They are past cost, which cannot be recovered. They also shouldnt be part of a decision as its distort a cost-benifit analysis etc...). So back to the topic.
So, YES! I SECOND, that the number is way to high.