Hi there from the artist formerly known as Zagamesh.
Summoned from the long years in exile with the lives of many a virgin to return as the Federal propagandist, sophist and demagogue everyone seems to love to hate (or hate to love, or just hate). Yeah, I decided to release the checks I usually maintained for everyone's sake on his tendencies to be a right-wing Sociocrat, Blaqueist and Rodenist because I realized there's some sort of perverse vicarious pleasure to be derived in exploring the internal complexities of a man cut from the same cloth (As I've found) as Beria, Goebbels, Heydrich and Stalin.
It's screwed up, I know, and it's partially why I began playing other characters but it seems there's some kind of ironic beauty in the fact that even thousands of years in the future humanity can repeat its mistakes in New Eden - even if it at times it seems like Mjalnar does copypasta of Hegel, Fichte and Primo de Rivera or I the player would be the very type of person my own character would put against the wall without hesitation.
But no really, I'm just here for Dust. I might even RP in it.
Conducting the plasma flambe of other mercenaries...
...As a Master...
Anyway, how is everyone doing these days?