So, I was chatting with a friend/corpmate and MSN, and got into a rant about the current state of RP that actually had some good points to it - so, here's the distilled version.
The issue, in my opinion, is that there is no longer much in the way of RP sub-communities/sub-factions. This has largely taken the epic, multi-person feel out of RP and instead broken it down to individual interactions between players.
(DANGER: Much bittervent ranting about "the good old days" ahead.
For example, when I got here, the Amarr "faction" was composed of a bunch of different corps and alliances - I can name about a half dozen offhand - but even within that front, there were some differences of opinion that resulted in sub-factions, who again would work together to do stuff
tm., but might collectively get together to pew the Minmatar or Blood Raiders. Another good example of the "sub faction" concept was discussed by Arkady in another thread (CBA to go find it at this second) about the Minmatar faction, when there was much internal disputation about whether it was better to immediately attack the Empire to try to force the release of slaves, or player Midular's game of seeking peace and mutual recognition. Regardless of which side you sat on, you had a group of people you could work with towards that goal, and a group of people you could clash with - and of course, the Amarr, whom you could all get together and shoot at if they provoked you.
But what happened?I honestly don't know. I really don't. It's nice to lay blame on a topic as painful as this one, but I don't think a single point - or even five individual points - can be blamed for the decline of conflicting factions. I think though, that I can identify three points which may have contributed to this situation:
First, FW, which attempted to artificially create sides with very strict, forced parameters while at the time being inclusive to everyone and not just RPers, which quickly meant that inter- and intra-faction cooperation became difficult at best.
Second, the lack of storyline development - both overall, and in terms of storylines that can create conflict between defined factions; it was nigh-impossible to create inter-faction conflict out of Apocrypha, and only two distinct factions could be formed of Incursion, with both more or less stalling once Incursions became a mechanic and live events were only a chance for actors to appear in shiny ships, yell scary things in local, and then disappear.
Third, the appearance of non-factional, mutual-cooperation style corps - note that this is in NO WAY a strike against FW or "non-denominational" corps as a whole; I'm in FW myself and have had plenty of good interactions with multi- (or non-) factional corps... in fact, I'd say that when distinct, opposing factions begin to crumble, the formation of organizations in the "middle ground" is a natural occurance. Unfortunately, however, if you are specifically looking for and hoping to provoke inter-factional conflict, these are not neccesarily fertile ground.
But what did this mean?It meant each person had to "carry the flag" personally. With no more factions to naturally create conflict between each other, storyline to bring up new points to RP and conflict on, it fell to each player to create their own storylines to run with. Of course, player-made storylines aren't inherently bad, but when they're all you have to run with, it quickly becomes tiresome and difficult to have to invent your own activity all the time - sometimes, just plain not possible; running a storyline personally is a tiring, difficult process that doesn't work well with RL requirements - not to mention there's a fine line between running a good storyline and being percieved as just starting the dreaded DRAMA. Unable to run their own storylines and with nothing provided for them, people just get bored (or tired) and leave.
tl;dr - factions, which previously conflicted and drove action, broke down while the storyline didn't advance, so people had to make their own stuff all the time. This is tiresome and not everyone can do it. So, people left instead.
Just my 0.02 ISK.