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That the Rogue Jovian General incident years ago sparked Tech 2?

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Author Topic: Revolt against ccp - isn't this blowing out of proportions people?!  (Read 28537 times)

Kaleigh Doyle

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You guys certainly have a flair for the dramatic.  Really, comparing Mideast rebellion against dictatorial regimes with customers unhappy with the direction of internet spaceships has me wondering how fervent these eve protesters are about issues that matter. In other words, if this is your Arab spring (lol), maybe quitting eve is a positive direction.

Revan Neferis

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You guys certainly have a flair for the dramatic.  Really, comparing Mideast rebellion against dictatorial regimes with customers unhappy with the direction of internet spaceships has me wondering how fervent these eve protesters are about issues that matter. In other words, if this is your Arab spring (lol), maybe quitting eve is a positive direction.

You know, absurd coincidence but I was thinking exactly in the same lines.
My my...

This said, I'd love to answer those questions bellow too, I think it's a very objective way to see the issue:

What do you think protest are intended to produce?

Noise and drama  and a sense of "belonging to the pack " to a minority of playerbase who are not even close to corresponding to the totallity.

What do you think protest are producing now?

Ill use Merhals quote to that because its perfect:  The ansswer above plus "unnecessary work for people who are simply doing their jobs."

What method of stating your dissatisfaction would you use?

Methods that wouldnt include breaching ccp's privacy and internal communications, neither spamming forums and destabilizing the game play of others would be a good start.
Practical example: Not happy? unsub.
Dont have the balls to unsub? Dont buy their items.
Still annoyed? Write a complaint to custumer satisfaction ccp quality deparment.
Still omg pissed off? Sorry.

Give time to ccp to work their things out. Business decisions as such dont and wont occur in a blink of an eye.

In short, these are all " better, more rational and mature methods for stating our dissatisfaction." than throwing worthless tantrums.
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All of what Revan said, really.

Revan Neferis

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All of what Revan said, really.

What in hell...
Erotic Evil: Sexy and Dirty, Dirty Rich.

Jade Constantine

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All of what Revan said, really.

What in hell...

Strange things happen during rebellions my love. Mizhara singing from your hymnbook and me feeling Merdaneth makes some solid points. Still we all have to love the freedom of speech we enjoy yes!

There are some arenas so corrupt that the only clean acts possible are nihilistic


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All of what Revan said, really.

What in hell...

I know, right? Apocalypse. It's coming.


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You guys certainly have a flair for the dramatic.  Really, comparing Mideast rebellion against dictatorial regimes with customers unhappy with the direction of internet spaceships has me wondering how fervent these eve protesters are about issues that matter. In other words, if this is your Arab spring (lol), maybe quitting eve is a positive direction.

I'm tend to be fairly non-dramatic. However, I'm fairly certain the principles of revolt apply equally to both incidents, even if the trappings are different.

Also, frustration and loss are not absolute emotions where you can use a objective yardstick and disqualify some people as worrying about issues that don't matter. When there are people dying of hunger or conflict daily in the world, getting upset because your partner was looking at another will always sound trivial.

In other words, if this is your Arab spring (lol), maybe quitting eve is a positive direction.

This seems rather disrespectfully worded.


Jade Constantine

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You guys certainly have a flair for the dramatic.  Really, comparing Mideast rebellion against dictatorial regimes with customers unhappy with the direction of internet spaceships has me wondering how fervent these eve protesters are about issues that matter. In other words, if this is your Arab spring (lol), maybe quitting eve is a positive direction.

I'm tend to be fairly non-dramatic. However, I'm fairly certain the principles of revolt apply equally to both incidents, even if the trappings are different.

Also, frustration and loss are not absolute emotions where you can use a objective yardstick and disqualify some people as worrying about issues that don't matter. When there are people dying of hunger or conflict daily in the world, getting upset because your partner was looking at another will always sound trivial.

In other words, if this is your Arab spring (lol), maybe quitting eve is a positive direction.

This seems rather disrespectfully worded.

On this matter I'm in agreement with you Merdaneth (shock horror right) :)

Still on reading the latest Zulu devblog I now have some hope for a good resolution and its time for the CSM team we elected to show their quality in discussions with CCP face to face to pass on the concerns we have as a community.

I think the protests could and should continue to a degree certainly to keep up the momentum - but it is a positive step forwards that CCP have agreed to these extraordinary meetings to discuss the crisis.

There are some arenas so corrupt that the only clean acts possible are nihilistic

Katrina Oniseki

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Quote from: Katrina Oniseki
We've made our points as loudly and violently as we can, and no more amount of 'internet rioting' will get the point across any clearer. You don't have to forgive, you don't have to forget, and you certainly do not have to trust. However, I believe we should wait and at least allow proper negotiation a chance. They are giving us their ear, or at the very least giving us a chance to speak through the proper channels. This is what we need, and this is what we can reasonably expect from them given the situation.

Otherwise, you're just asking them to play hardball, and like it or not, if we play that... they will win. They will run their game the way they want to run the game, and we can either shut up about it or LEAVE. If enough of us leave, EVE dies and nobody wins. If not enough leave, EVE keeps going without the dissenters and CCP 'wins'.

They aren't going to bend over and lube up for us. Stop expecting them to.

That's from my EVE-O post.


Also, are Jade and Revan a couple?

Kaleigh Doyle

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If you feel my post is disrespectful a) report and b) don't reply. That said, I find the notion of relating a real episode where people are dying to oppressive regimes to the frustrations of repressed eve customers an unrealistic and unequivocal analogy here. It be would similar to striking union workers relating to the plight of Jews in the Holocaust to send their's just absurd.  I respect the overall message, just not the rhetoric.
« Last Edit: 26 Jun 2011, 13:29 by Kaleigh Doyle »

Jade Constantine

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If you feel my post is disrespectful a) report and b) don't reply. That said, I find the notion of relating a real episode where people are dying to oppressive regimes to the frustrations of repressed eve customers an unrealistic and unequivocal analogy here. It be would similar to striking union workers relating to the plight of Jews in the Holocaust to send their's just absurd.  I respect the overall message, just not the rhetoric.

For what its worth Kaleigh the fact I responded to the comment means I wouldn't report it - I just felt you were being a bit sharp with the comment. On the broader point its a slippery slope to rule out political metaphors particularly when discussing military or political history - how many times do we talk about sov warfare being trench warfare, about carpet bombing towers, about scorched earth strategies etc etc. All these reference great human suffering in real life but we speak of them as reliable anecdotal metaphor for discussion. While I agree with you certainly that describing the June Eve Revolt against MT as the spaceship arab spring is a bit over dramatic - it is useful to discuss the theory of uprisings and rebellions and public disorder in terms we are all aware of from watching our news this year.

People in this thread have asked "what is being achieved by public protest and civil disobedience" etc. Why not use the metaphor of rl political unrest to help answer the question.

There are some arenas so corrupt that the only clean acts possible are nihilistic

Katrina Oniseki

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If you feel my post is disrespectful a) report and b) don't reply. That said, I find the notion of relating a real episode where people are dying to oppressive regimes to the frustrations of repressed eve customers an unrealistic and unequivocal analogy here. It be would similar to striking union workers relating to the plight of Jews in the Holocaust to send their's just absurd.  I respect the overall message, just not the rhetoric.

I have to agree with her here. I too find it over the top to compare outrage over the prices of virtual goods and promises a for-profit company has made to a loyal fanbase, to the Arab Spring. Just like the references to 9/11 and people purposefully mispelling 'CCP Hilmar' as 'CCP Himmler'. I feel that it's out of line, and overdramatic. I don't feel the references are necessary.

For what its worth Kaleigh the fact I responded to the comment means I wouldn't report it - I just felt you were being a bit sharp with the comment. On the broader point its a slippery slope to rule out political metaphors particularly when discussing military or political history - how many times do we talk about sov warfare being trench warfare, about carpet bombing towers, about scorched earth strategies etc etc. All these reference great human suffering in real life but we speak of them as reliable anecdotal metaphor for discussion. While I agree with you certainly that describing the June Eve Revolt against MT as the spaceship arab spring is a bit over dramatic - it is useful to discuss the theory of uprisings and rebellions and public disorder in terms we are all aware of from watching our news this year.

People in this thread have asked "what is being achieved by public protest and civil disobedience" etc. Why not use the metaphor of rl political unrest to help answer the question.

Also, in response to your response, Jade: Trench warfare, carpet bombing, and scorched earth policies are all commonly used terms for military strategies. Those are references to tactics and strategies, not specific events (like the Arab Spring, 9/11, or The Holocaust)
« Last Edit: 26 Jun 2011, 14:13 by Katrina Oniseki »


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I have to agree with her here. I too find it over the top to compare outrage over the prices of virtual goods and promises a for-profit company has made to a loyal fanbase, to the Arab Spring.

I have no problem with that opinion, I had a problem with the expression of that opinion. To me it seemed expressed in a manner that indicated I was an idiot and not worthy of respect as a person for having my (different) opinion.


Katrina Oniseki

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I have to agree with her here. I too find it over the top to compare outrage over the prices of virtual goods and promises a for-profit company has made to a loyal fanbase, to the Arab Spring.

I have no problem with that opinion, I had a problem with the expression of that opinion. To me it seemed expressed in a manner that indicated I was an idiot and not worthy of respect as a person for having my (different) opinion.

Oh. Well, I don't think that. :)
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