let's say the jovians planned to uplift the minmatar tribes then tool might have to be introduced through some use of spiritual symbolism like an star spirit or warrior spirit.
then if it is genetic it had to prevent some eugenicism that lead to impairing like mongoloidism.
let's assume one get's bull because of genetic combination then they either have bul for female's with a opposite genetic combination or females get no bull. we know ray of matar seems to appear on either gender as we are not told it's female specific.so male bull has to not marry female bull. but he can choose hoove female.
so jovians uplift minmatar with marker systematic then they need to implement some breeding policy.
otherwise population relying on voluval would eventually not be capable of more the ball looking at in no time.(can ask my father about this if you want he is a human geneticist specialised in enfermidat hereditaria ... uff i think i misspelled that term)
okay genetic markers are somehow able to look at sexual genomes x and y and warn about bad coupelings. does okkham's razor ask us to assume anything to make this work. well only that ther needs to be an additional marker to the core symbol like fire ... the triangle in the center of the ammatar mandate symbol is the metaphysical symbol for fire by the way
(maybe broken shield he brings fire to the defense burning it in the process)
so let's say there is earth bull, fire bull, air bull and water bull. and fire can marry earth,air water which leads to a possibility of 3 different same tattoord child combinations in bull pairings (easy to calculate) most likely two.
then the tatoo would be with something akin to a radical in chinese writing (kanji?)
well as long as ccp says not otherwise then a voluval tatoo has at least 2 different geometrical lines.
from the tattoo chronicle
where the soul and destiny of a person are said to be revealed
which also states that tatoos to minmatar are as god to the amarr, basicly revelations of a higher truth.
means they might speak about tatoos as similar to astrology, numerology, "elementalology"(yin yang, i ching)
not sure but i slowly think they have a story for each tatoo and shamefull for the bad tatoos.
as shame is an emotion and what is better suited to stirr emotions than a good story.
and i set the hypothesis that minmatar is a kind of ai we don't yet understand at all