More than a year ago, when this forum was created, the following mission statement was put up in lights:
Backstage is a place for EVE players to discuss aspects of EVE-Online, particularly as they pertain to role-playing, in an open and mature environment. Old and new, pirate and bear - all are welcome!
Our intention is to offer a culture that encourages discussion over argument and mutual respect over enmity through the use of clear posting guidelines along with explanations of what is considered acceptable and unacceptable; meaningful discussion is to be valued above theatrics and hyperbolic argument in pursuit of 'winning' threads.. The main idea here is that while IC people might be enemies, the forum is OOC and as such people should act like adults discussing their mutual hobby.
This was never an uncontroversial project. Opinions were expressed to the original moderation team that the forums should have different kinds of moderation standards - ranging from moderation but with no expectation of civility and consideration to no moderation at all but pre-emptive perma-banning of certain individuals (the list of said individuals, of course, varied depending on who was doing the suggesting).
None of these were considered adequate by the founders of this forum. The idea behind Backstage was to create a place for the discussion of Eve without flaming, flame-baiting, trolling, thread-wars and general bullshit and ass-hattery. There is the whole rest of the internet for that, if that takes your fancy. It does not take ours.
was not and
is not intended to be the forum for the resolution of all IG and OOG grievances, conflicts, disputes and arguments.
was not and
is not intended to be the first and last resort for all RP related matters, subtexts to the IGS, Eve fiction, CAOD and other forums.
was not and
is not intended to be the place for carrying on disputes from the wide range of OOC channels in-game.
Nor will you be exempted from moderation standards because you:
a) feel strongly about a matter; and/ or
b) occupy a particular position in game; and/ or
c) express an opinion the moderators agree with; and/ or
d) harass moderators in or out of game in response to moderation; and/ or
e) disagree with the rules; and/ or
f) dislike the moderators; and/ or
g) are convinced your particular post is more important than the rules; and/or
h) believe that a particular individual is not worth civility.
The moderation team will continue to apply the rules and standards of Backstage to the best of our ability in our entirely volunteer capacity in order to maintain a forum which meets the original purpose of Backstage.
It is true that given these rules and standards, it is not always possible to express an opinion on a heated and contentious issue with a full flow of free form invective.
We consider that to be a
feature of the forum, not a