I am so very much looking forward to DUST. I do hope, however, that they set things up so that stealth and finesse have a place.
My favorite FPS is one where the other side has no idea it's in a battle; there's nothing like sneaking into the middle of a hostile camp in Far Cry 2 with the difficulty cranked to maximum and executing the entire staff one by one with a silenced pistol before anybody even spots the first body.
Of course, that's PvE. Stealth can be hard to work in a multiplayer FPS: most players go for the loud and powerful approach, and overall stealth seems to take a tertiary role in virtually any game that isn't specifically designed to circle around that and virtually nothing else (the "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood" multiplayer being a good example).
I'm hoping that there will be some nice stealth elements mixed in with all the "space marine" -ness of it all, but I'm not holding my breath.