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That the Intaki Liberation Front's "rampant griffin" corp logo was adopted after the pro-Federation corp The Durandal Organization created a logo using motifs similar to the ILF's original logo?

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Author Topic: A Future Vision and implications.  (Read 12657 times)


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Re: A Future Vision and implications.
« Reply #75 on: 28 Mar 2011, 16:27 »

The Character Creator - There is a Socket at the Base of the Skull - Long hair or a High Collar would Hide it I supose - But he had neither. 


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Re: A Future Vision and implications.
« Reply #76 on: 28 Mar 2011, 16:32 »

That socket is lower than you remember, and would be completely covered by the bald dude's jacket. I happen to have the character creator open right now, and had a look at the trailer for comparison. I'd photoshoop up a comparison shot but I'm lazy.


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Re: A Future Vision and implications.
« Reply #77 on: 28 Mar 2011, 16:37 »

ok - Since i'm at work I can't verify one way or the other


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Re: A Future Vision and implications.
« Reply #78 on: 28 Mar 2011, 18:56 »

It's got to be a capsuleer, otherwise the video will be pointless.


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Re: A Future Vision and implications.
« Reply #79 on: 28 Mar 2011, 19:14 »

Unless one of their next, as-yet-unannounced projects also takes place in the EVE universe... ;)


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Re: A Future Vision and implications.
« Reply #80 on: 29 Mar 2011, 09:18 »

It just occurred to me how wrong I was... duh.  It could not have been his dread, since he was not in it, nor was he in-pod.  Unless orbital attacks can be controlled remotely, (advanced car starter?) but no, that would wreck the game.  So, it had to be just a communication.


Hamish Grayson

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Re: A Future Vision and implications.
« Reply #81 on: 29 Mar 2011, 12:03 »

I think the most likely answer is that the guys making the video have either have no clue or don't care how the capsule works.   If retconing us backing into the captain's chair will sell incarna then CCP will do it without a second thought.   A significant amount of role-players don't know that they command from inside the pod - average joe mission runner probably doesn't either and that is the guy CCP is marketing to.

If this doesn't sell then certain people will have egg on their face and that just won't do.   It's why we are being forced into captains quarters when it just doesn't fit with the established story and why we will be forced to go use incarna to buy drugs.   Does it make sense that somebody who commands multipal capital ships and several colonies can't appoint one of the tens of thousands of people in his employ to go pick up his smack for him?  No, it doesn't - but we are going to be forced to do it ourselves because they need incarnia to work.
« Last Edit: 29 Mar 2011, 12:17 by Hamish Grayson »

Benjamin Shepherd

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Re: A Future Vision and implications.
« Reply #82 on: 29 Mar 2011, 13:06 »

So much controversy over a simple trailer. Lighten up, it's just a game.


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Re: A Future Vision and implications.
« Reply #83 on: 29 Mar 2011, 13:10 »

I am reminded of Bellisario's Maxim:

Don't examine this too closely.

Shintoko Akahoshi

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Re: A Future Vision and implications.
« Reply #84 on: 29 Mar 2011, 13:37 »

... oh, and where do I sign up for a cute Gallente stalker?

Thank you for your interest in Honest Shin's Cute Gallente Stalker Serviceā„¢. In order to best match you with an appropriate stalker, please fill out this application and return it at your earliest convenience. Liberated Caldari AI technology will then be used to assign the best stalker for your needs. No further interaction will be necessary on your part.

Application for Stalker Service

Net worth:
Describe your ideal stalker:
Please write a paragraph summarizing why you wish your own cute Gallente stalker:

Hamish Grayson

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Re: A Future Vision and implications.
« Reply #85 on: 29 Mar 2011, 13:48 »

I am reminded of Bellisario's Maxim:

Don't examine this too closely.

This is a site for PF nerds.  It's what we do.

Hamish Grayson

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Re: A Future Vision and implications.
« Reply #86 on: 29 Mar 2011, 20:25 »

Ok...I may have fibbed just a little about not reading SHC anymore..but I'm stuck on duty and hyped up on caffeine because I have to stay awake until midnight incase they need me fix stuff.


Quote from: Seleene
Quote from: Bartholomeus Crane
That vision was about 3/4 about Dust and Incarna, and maybe 1/4 of spaceships.

If that's CCPs vision of EVE, I'm not quite sure I want to be part of it (or part with my money for it).

I though it was typically CCP. Lots of hype, mostly about things we won't get, looking good, with relatively little in the way of probable reality.

I got a large "this wasn't what I signed up for" vibe from that vision. Sorry, but all I was thinking when I saw that was "CCP is going for the money from now one". I'm think more and more it won't be my money though ...

This pretty much.

When CCP Presents was over, I found Noah and had a chat with him about all of the awesome that we'd just witnessed and how little of it had to do with spaceships.  Torfi made the 'mistake' of coming to shake my hand about CSM 6 and I didn't let him walk away without asking him why the only thing in his presentation about "Iterations" was stuff about turret art and some post it notes that got exactly one slide.  I didn't get much in the way of replies, ofc, but I wasn't the only one who poked them about this.  I didn't get a chance to corner Arnar, but I did speak with him the day before and feel pretty good about him.

I also commented on how odd I found it that CCP did not take the opportunity to make a very brief but solid statement on their stance on micro transactions with regard to the three intellectual properties they are now developing.  Blah blah, it's not all finalized, etc... but it does seem clear that they are only going to do MT's for vanity items.

All in all, while it was a fun trip and all of my old co-workers were smiles, hugs and handshakes, I've been to six Fanfests now and this was the first one where at the end I felt completely disillusioned and confused about the message CCP is trying to send.  As a side note, I just want to make clear that the majority of the devs in the audience had no real idea what the main presentation was going to consist of either and quite a few of them had similar reactions ("Okaaaaaay.....").

CSM 6 will certainly be interesting.

Lyn Farel

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Re: A Future Vision and implications.
« Reply #87 on: 30 Mar 2011, 03:59 »

Seleene...  :roll:


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Re: A Future Vision and implications.
« Reply #88 on: 30 Mar 2011, 11:23 »

Crane and Seelene actually put it better than I ever could.

I'm just worried this'll change Eve to the point where it's no longer Eve.


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Re: A Future Vision and implications.
« Reply #89 on: 30 Mar 2011, 12:15 »

EVE isn't even EVE.

By that, I mean the game doesn't really live up to the idea, but that idea is SO AWESOME and the game approximates it closely enough that we end up sticking around in some form or fashion anyway.

For that reason, I don't get too worked up about the details of the new video: it communicates the idea to me. EVE may never actually get there, but this keeps me going.
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