Ogod...VOICE RP in bars? Ogod...any majors in drama, anyone?
I'll get more people staring at my pixellated tits and some people would be barely understandable. Most likely get, "you're a female playing internet spaceships? I call shenanigans," from 99% of channels except those with people that realise women do play internet spaceships.
I'd love to say I'm excited about this, but I tend not to get my hopes up on new updates. Incarna will make station camping more unbearable than it already is.
Captain's Quarters will be fun to play with for a few minutes; then it'll just be another way to sit idle and be lazy, but avatar spinning instead of docking with all your big, shiney things and spinning them. Maybe you can edit your avatar's clothing in the Captain's Quarter... I can see it now, loads of scantily clad, buxom females running around with little boys drolling over the pixel breasts and thighs of their latest fap alt whilst speaking in barely understandable dribble.
Okay, I'll stop ranting.