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Author Topic: Railroaded?  (Read 8993 times)

Shalee Lianne

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Re: Railroaded?
« Reply #45 on: 24 Jan 2011, 17:54 »

I think the live events are awesome.  I've participated in a few since all of this Sansha stuff started, though I wasn't at the one yesterday.  I didn't think it was worth it tbh, having to deal with lag and war targets.  It's a lot of risk with no real pay out, especially if it is all scripted and whatever you do doesn't matter anyhow.

Louella Dougans

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Re: Railroaded?
« Reply #46 on: 24 Jan 2011, 18:53 »

Just to clarify: I can totally get whining about the node cracking. It's just the "OMG the Sansha incursions happened regardless of what we did" that I found a bit... off.

I don't think anyone is saying that.

It's the one-sidedness of a lot of the events. The handful of occasions where the "objective complete" happened, despite the carrier being lost. Things when if the players turned up in rookieships, it wouldn't have made any difference to the way events unfolded.

Difference between "oh, we lost." and "curse you Kuvakei! you have sown the whirlwind and shall reap the hurricane!".

Like, I don't feel any achievement shooting a t1 fit frigate when flying a t2-fit Arbitrator with t2 drones.
I also don't feel any loss losing a t1 fit cruiser against a t2-fit Hurricane.
But I did feel some sense of achievement taking on 3 punishers in a Retribution, killing 2, damaging the 3rd, but losing the Retribution, even though I lost.

Julianus Soter

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Re: Railroaded?
« Reply #47 on: 24 Jan 2011, 20:24 »

This argument can't be founded on any serious appraisal of the events, right?


In-character, it should now be clear that Sansha Kuvakei will do -everything within his power- to execute his plan. His power is at the moment similar to that of Jamyl Sarum's during the Elder invasion. Capsuleers on all sides continue to underestimate him.

The sentiment about 'railroading' perhaps originates from the one narrow shave that was experienced with the Monalaz operation. Which could have been handled/planned better by CCP. But that was the one time, in my opinion.

The Yulai attack? That was a matter of overenthusiastic response. There's a curve where a response fleet of size x has maximum effectiveness. As X increases, the maximum is reached, but then crests and collapses rapidly. This is not only due to organization issues, but also server load. Not many people in the game realize this, sadly.

And there is nothing we can do to control it.

I look forward to the content and the expansion. Let's have some fun.


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Re: Railroaded?
« Reply #48 on: 24 Jan 2011, 20:58 »

Not many people in the game realize this, sadly.

I think most people do, if you were to inquire. But it's a collective action problem. Who's going to be the one to not go when you have a chance to be a part of EVE history?

Imperfect information is also problematic. I suspect many of those trying to jump in at the end there didn't know they were about to crash the node.
The assumption that other people are acting in good faith is the single most important principle underpinning human civilization.


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Re: Railroaded?
« Reply #49 on: 24 Jan 2011, 21:20 »

I think most people do, if you were to inquire. But it's a collective action problem. Who's going to be the one to not go when you have a chance to be a part of EVE history?
* Ulphus raises his hand
Adult to 4y.o "Your shoes are on the wrong feet"
Long pause
4y.o to adult, in plaintive voice "I don't have any other feet!"


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Re: Railroaded?
« Reply #50 on: 24 Jan 2011, 22:57 »

I think most people do, if you were to inquire. But it's a collective action problem. Who's going to be the one to not go when you have a chance to be a part of EVE history?
* Ulphus raises his hand
* orange follows Ulphus's lead

Julianus Soter

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Re: Railroaded?
« Reply #51 on: 24 Jan 2011, 23:07 »

Would it be inappropriate to suggest that the population here isn't the norm?


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Re: Railroaded?
« Reply #52 on: 24 Jan 2011, 23:40 »

Not at all.

Elsebeth Rhiannon

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Re: Railroaded?
« Reply #53 on: 25 Jan 2011, 02:26 »

n-character, it should now be clear that Sansha Kuvakei will do -everything within his power- to execute his plan. His power is at the moment similar to that of Jamyl Sarum's during the Elder invasion.
If you mean "OMG he has a superweapon that destroys fleets on one go" I think that's an over-estimation.

Major JSilva

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Re: Railroaded?
« Reply #54 on: 25 Jan 2011, 02:44 »

I will offically say this. i'm sorry for causing that lag in Yulai, i put a call to arms messgae the first of it kind out to Yulai and I misjudged who actually has access to it

From: Major JSilva
Sent: 2011.01.23 21:02

ALERT Kuvakei is confirmed in the Yulai system.

All ships move to engage and destroy nation forces and kuvkaie with him.

Major James Silva

Elsebeth Rhiannon

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Re: Railroaded?
« Reply #55 on: 25 Jan 2011, 03:30 »

I appreciate you admitting responsibility, Major, but I think the word would have passed around anyway with the same result. This was very big - a live event leading to a major content release - and I think CCP themselves misjudged how many people will want to be in on it.


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Re: Railroaded?
« Reply #56 on: 25 Jan 2011, 04:43 »

n-character, it should now be clear that Sansha Kuvakei will do -everything within his power- to execute his plan. His power is at the moment similar to that of Jamyl Sarum's during the Elder invasion.
If you mean "OMG he has a superweapon that destroys fleets on one go" I think that's an over-estimation.

No, but his wormhole generator gives him unparalleled strategic and tactical flexibility. Being able to hit wherever whenever without warning is certainly in the same power range as a direct superweapon.
Nation fleets may be far smaller than Empire fleets but the Navies are spread out. Nation could theoretically attack them piecemeal and if they concentrate to avoid that hit unprotected military stations and so on.

Elsebeth Rhiannon

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Re: Railroaded?
« Reply #57 on: 25 Jan 2011, 07:47 »

No, but his wormhole generator gives him unparalleled strategic and tactical flexibility. Being able to hit wherever whenever without warning is certainly in the same power range as a direct superweapon.
Nation fleets may be far smaller than Empire fleets but the Navies are spread out. Nation could theoretically attack them piecemeal and if they concentrate to avoid that hit unprotected military stations and so on.
Not claiming it is not an advantage, but I guess I am OOCly too among the capsuleers who underestimate him, as I do not think that really quite gives him the opportunity Soter and you seem to think.

My advantage is that I am pretty confident I will be proven right in the game, and the empire navies and CONCORD high-sec space will still be there in a year or two. ;) (Sorry if that comes close to metagaming; I seriously do make an attempt to estimate it without being biased by that.)


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Re: Railroaded?
« Reply #58 on: 25 Jan 2011, 10:38 »

Oh sure, but my IC explanation for that would be Sansha using his advantage poorly and so the wormhole generator not living up to its potential.

Elsebeth Rhiannon

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Re: Railroaded?
« Reply #59 on: 25 Jan 2011, 11:13 »

:D Fair enough.

I guess my main point is that I disagree with Soter OOCly that it is "obvious" that Sansha is now a major superweapon wielding enemy #1. Dangerous sure, and worrisome, sure, but I am not sure I agree that the PF makes it obvious (as opposed to possible, which I completely agree on) that capsuleers who think he will just be one nuisance more in the galaxy are underestimating him seriously.
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