"but that's not an OOC problem, that's an IC one. That's how nullsec currently is: very little time for national politics, you are too busy defending your space against other nutcase demigods.
I dislike the 'nutcase demigod' rationalization to explain behaviour that basically amounts to 'playing a game'. For me it doesn't work. It doesn't fit.
If my character speak to people most of them they don't act insane at all. I guess they might be classified as delusional or schizophrenic, since they often claim there are no other people in this univese except for capsuleers and even that this world is not really here, and that it is only a game.
Then again, if they are nutcases because they don't really believe this is a real world, maybe I should re-evaluate my own sanity, since most capsuleers seem to believe this isn't a real world and act like it and only a few don't.
In fact, when they question my sanity and start asking me questions about how I view the world, I often have no answers for their simple questions. I cannot explain why what they call NPCs 'never speak to me', or at certain intervals 'a whole class of weapons and modules suddenly starts functioning differently', or 'how come that pirate ships never warp out and seem to have endless supplies', 'why can't we see interbus shuttles on scanner' etc. etc.
If anything, I have to conclude IC that they are the sane people, and I am the nutcase.
So, for me, it just doesn't work.
I also believe the question can be termed as: Are nullsec capsuleers are so immersion-breaking that its hurts RP? And to that question I have to answer: mostly yes.