In gallente space, you should keep in mind that you cannot use french as a key on how to pronunciate the names.
Mainly because the Federation is what it is.
A collection of different cultures.
Hence the different system names should be pronunciated in the way that the culture does which named it.
For example, Mies. Finnish word for man. Clearly you pronunciate it the Caldari way.
Same for all the system names that seem 'oriental'.
Because there was no Jin-Mei when the systems were named.
One thing about double vowels, or in case of double y in Myyhera.
You do not break the word into two pieces, you just lengthen the vowel.
If you want to break it in two, its Myy-hera.
In finnish, each and every letter has a specific way to pronunciate it that does not change, ever.
That is where the finnish accent tends to come from.
We read the letters, not the words.
Little bit of something to twist your tongue around.
A like a in father.
B like a b in bee.
C can be a K or an S.
D like a d in Dumb.
E like ea in feather.
F like f in FFFUUUU.
G like g in grand.
H like h in happy.
I like e in evil.
J like the start of u in use.
K like c in cat.
L like l in laughter.
M like m in mill.
N like n in nill.
O like o in pole.
P like p in pie.
Q like ummm, eh, there is no finnish words with the letter.
It's just there because of the Latin origins of the finnish written language.
R like dr lengthened in drop.
S like s in suppose.
T like t in tap.
U like the double oo in soon.
V like v in venus.
W is a double v in finnish, sometimes its used like a u.
X combination of k and s.
Y like ... uhhh, I don't think it is used in english at all.
Here's a finnish word with a double y
Z like z in a zap.
Å like O.
Ä like a in flap.
Ö like, something thats not in english either. Like oe in