If you've ever run a sufficiently integrated courier chain and gotten three storyline missions an hour, you begin to come 'round to the idea that courier work is where it's at for defining what a mission hub is. Admittedly, these mission hubs optimize faction standing treadmills, and if there's anything you need in EVE, it's less fucking grind.
But for the uninitiated, I'll change the thread topic a little.
ALSO, don't give raw numbers of agents in this thread, plox. Count and give me a number that reflects how many agents there are in a division whose percent breakdown favors courier work, or where courier missions make up 50% of division assignment handouts. A good standby is anything from the Accounting, Archives, Distribution, Financial, Manufacturing, Marketing, Mining, Production, or Storage divisions.
Gulfonodi, for example, only has 13 courier agents, and may be less opportune for those who wish to raise standings with Matari R&D corps, as there are absolutely no Core Complexion or Boundless Creation agents in sight; they're all Native Freshfood lackeys. When the interactions of the standings system are taken into account, this is useful for some things, but fucking terribad for a good datacore farm, and so Gulfindi is clearly a faction standing farm (unless there's an IC point to farming for Native Freshfood aside from recursion. Oh, lul.); when one considers that the payoff for a mission hub being calibrated to a specific corporation is quicker access to storyline missions for that corp, things shift further.
The benefit of npc-corp specific hubs for more profitable datacore farman and shorter standings grinds should be purty obvious, tho.