It should also be noted that there's a difference between appearing older and appearing decrepit and ugly. Amarr are not trying to look ugly. They're trying to look aged. So I absolutely do think it's something that's favored by both men and women. It's not about 'trying to look like a shriveled crone'. It's about looking distinguished, intelligent, wise, experienced. And if you go too far in that attempt, like trying to jump decades above your actual age, you just make yourself look fake. Like with older people trying too hard to look younger, if you don't handle it right it makes you look worse instead of better. It's all about how you do it. Makeup and such is done to supplement your look, not replace it. Whether that's making yourself look a bit younger, or making yourself a bit older, it should be subtle and natural.
Samira tries to make herself look and seem older. She also tries to make herself look attractive and beautiful. The two are not mutually exclusive... and in Samira's mind, as an Amarr, they are one and the same.