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Author Topic: Character Development Questions  (Read 1401 times)

Saede Riordan

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Character Development Questions
« on: 15 Jan 2013, 08:35 »


I'd like to pick people's brains if I can about the way I'm developing Saede as a character. I think I'm doing a decent job, but I'm obviously biased, so I'd like some feedback.  Be honest, I'm asking people to tell me what I'm 'doing rong' so feel free to do so. I'll sort of go over what I want to do with the character, how the character feels in my head and the way I'm hoping the character comes off, and you guys can tell me your thoughts, give feedback, etc.

I have Saede divided sort of into two parts, Srs Saede, and Unsrs Saede. The two do overlap a lot, but yes, my character isn't a troll all the time.

Srs Saede:
Saede's serious business side is a confident, driven, and worldly young woman. She has goals, and she is very unscrupulous in her pursuit of them. This can on times border on the outright manipulative, and she has no problems lying to people to get what she wants. That said, she's still a very good, and loyal friend, and in a lot of ways acts like everyone's big sister, (she is the eldest of six, so big surprise there). She doesn't let her friends take shit and will often defend them much more then she'll defend herself. Philosophically, she's somewhat of a cynic and somewhat of a nihilist, if it existed I could easily see her reading Nietzsche, Clausewitz, and Sun Tzu. She is an atheist, strongly transhumanist, strongly anti-government, and supports the use of technology to better mankind in every way possible. She's pro-Rim, seeking to help the people living out in the worst conditions on the cluster fringes, and pro-Sebiestor tribe, though decidedly not pro 'tribes' as a whole. She is also, (and none of you better just happen to 'find this out' because I've not mentioned it at all IC) a graduate student of the Society of Conscious Thought. Sort term goals include but are not limited to: discovering a method of reaching functional immortality that the average person in the cluster can reach. Ending the capsuleer wars and uniting Capsuleers as a political block, (eliminating the problematic ones if required), pursing peace with the Rogue Drones, collapsing the Amarrian Empire. Long term goals include: Immanentizing the Eschaton.

Unsrs Saede: Recognizing that even her short term goals are years if not decades of work away, if achievable at all, Saede tries not to take herself (or anyone else) too seriously when she can avoid it. Enter: Unserious Saede. Unserious Saede is a nerd, and honestly, she's kind of a dork. If she living in our world, she would have gotten teased in highschool and picked on by all the popular kids. She prowled around on capsuleer fansites and message boards long before becoming a capsuleer, and in a lot of ways is an ascended fangirl. She has capsuleer posters on her wall, she has clothing with the portraits of famous capsuleers, reads capsuleer fanfiction. She also is into other aspects of geek culture, and she plays tabletop RPGs and video games as well. She's also a massive troll. She loves getting people flustered and is perfectly willing to say, 'fly' a replica gallente cruiser back and forth in front of her camera, making 'space' sound effects. She doesn't shy away from gallows humour or sexual innuendo, and generally enjoys riling people up.

Overall I really like her as a character, and I do enjoy playing her a lot, but I want to make sure I'm not pissing people off OOC with my antics.
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Lyn Farel

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Re: Character Development Questions
« Reply #1 on: 15 Jan 2013, 14:41 »

I think the unserious Saede part should work well. At least, it speaks to me and I can already get a small picture out of it.

For the serious side, it is all good and all but I read a lot - I mean, a lot - of motivators and mindsets all put there in the same basket and... I find that a little confusing, like there is a little too much. For example, nihilist while being a phylantropic humanitarian ? I have difficulties to concieve that paradox. Especially since she seems to have quite big ideals, where nihilism is actually the negation of every goal or purpose in life... ?

Also, on the SoCT student part, not saying that it is impossible to see a nihilist coming out from here (after all, HyCon + a laissez faire approach can generate a lot of things...), but it might require a bit of justifications and good explanations on why she can be. Of course, the result can definitly be interesting. Like someone concluding that the Serum of Truth is all about nihilistic purposes would kind of be a big troll in the SoCT face.

Hope it helps or is at least usefull...

On another note and just out of curiosity, are her SoCT studies accessible to other SoCT alumni ?

Saede Riordan

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Re: Character Development Questions
« Reply #2 on: 15 Jan 2013, 15:01 »

On another note and just out of curiosity, are her SoCT studies accessible to other SoCT alumni ?

I'll go ahead and say yes because I think some neat RP could come out of it.

Saede's motivations basically run like this:
There is no God, there is no supernatural, the universe is rational, mechanical, and understandable.
Therefore, humanity has no higher purpose, because no higher purpose exists. Humans are biological meat computers.
Therefore, humans must take it upon themselves to create their own purpose.(if they stop fucking around. This is where the cynicism comes in)
Therefore, humans must move forward technologically and evolutionarily, and aggressively pursue the best possible end result of the species. (thus she is a transhumanist)

The nihilism manifests out of her cynicism. When she doubts humanity, and doubts she can achieve her goals, the universe starts looking like a very bleak meaningless place. Like, life is meaningless to her, but there is a way to create meaning, however, most people are too attached to the paradigm therefore nothing will change and life will stay meaningless.

That make any sense?
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Lyn Farel

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Re: Character Development Questions
« Reply #3 on: 15 Jan 2013, 15:59 »

Well actually yes, but I would rather call that absurdism, but whatever. I understand now.

Thanks for the clarification. =)

Saede Riordan

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Re: Character Development Questions
« Reply #4 on: 17 Jan 2013, 00:36 »

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Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Character Development Questions
« Reply #5 on: 17 Jan 2013, 00:42 »

From my limited interactions, I like her.

Unserious Kat gets along with Unsrs Saede, yet Serious Katrina doesn't get along well with Srs Saede. It's odd. Kat isn't sure whether to despise her or befriend her.