Hi folks.
My name is Usagi, and I am an alcho- that's not right. But my name is Usagi. Some of you may know me, most of you won't as I kind of blend into the woodwork.
I have been playing EVE since 2004, got into some arrrpeee in 2007 with APEX just in time to be slaughtered by the Star Fraction, then bounced around a bit trying to figure out which part of EVE I liked best until now.
Usually I'm stuck being a rather casual player, and unfortunately my alt's 'passive' income scheme isn't as passive as I'd like it to be, but none the less, as I posted over on 'that other board', a couple of RPer's I know have reappeared from virtual hibernation, so I thought I would poke my head back in a bit and see how things were going.
I heard you guys were pretty friendly, so I thought I'd hang out here for a while before making an ass out of myself in The Summit or on the IGS (so at least you'd know who that ass was).
Personally, I was more into the story telling side of Usagi than I was immersing her into things; I am a hopeful writer once I figure out which of these work at home scams isn't actually a scam. However I did enjoy that aspect of it as well.
I hope that we can be friends, and that you guys won't beat up on me too much for having forgotten all I bothered to learn
all those many, many, many, many three years ago.