One of my favourite types of RP in EVE is blog/fiction quality stuff. The ability to literally pull a chatlog, format it correctly, and then market it as a piece of fiction.
However, most of that "roleplayed fiction" is mostly done in RP social groups. EM, VETO, smaller groups, etc. It requires a second person who is also equally interested in creating fiction-quality stuff, however. Two players I have RPed with to this extent; Vieve and JiaLei Lian.
Another issue is that the endless OOC discussions of "what a capsuleer would and wouldn't do" has torn the inspiration from my RP. Seriphyn is a big mighty capsuleer luminaire general rawr rawr, and so, when he's not in space, he's either at home or sat behind a desk. We've all talked about how capsuleers "wouldn't do that" and OOC-thru-IC, you may get ridiculed for saying that you went commando and nuked some unnamed deadspace colony.
I mean, it's a BIG universe. Can easily make up a random deadspace colony (mission agents spawn em all the time) or some very remote island on a planet (planets are equally big places) that you can toy around with. Sure, a capsuleer doesn't have a reason to go lead a squad of marines up those parts, but what's gonna stop them?
Subconciously, this self-conciousness has made me reluctant to play out more generic, "space captain" RP...which is a shame, because a lot of it is awesome if done right, and believably. The alternative is playing more of Seriphyn's SDII identity up...big desk jockeying Luminaire General capsuleer is one giant cover-up for being a Black Eagle paramilitary. Of course, I can't really
play this out if there's no one to play
with So, I'm looking to see if someone is willing to "adopt" my character into your ongoing storylines or whatever. For me it's all about character driven stuff; yes, on the IGS it's like "Go Fed!" but IC Seri doesn't care that much about the Fed. I mean there is soooo much more in the EVE universe than bars or ships...especially on planets. But the constant, collective community discussion (am not innocent of that) of like "This? No. This? No. This? No." has taken its toll.
It's also because, being a "Fed RPer" externally, there's no one else really to group up with to write this RP'd fiction. There's only so much fuel of being creative on the IGS before you get fatigued of the naysayers :X