Eve's endorsement of character sales is interesting, part of the reason I was able to get into the game in the first place. Their are many more factors to it though then your average wow character sale. In wow, you can nowadays pay to change everything about your character. Eve contains the player reputation, and when a character switches hands, the buyer is taking everything along with it, name from a book I've read and didn't realize included. Goshien started out as belonging to someone with very little organization for assets, but as far as a reputation or any stint in the RP community, clean slate as far as I could tell. His combat log contained one loss and no kills, which is now filled with any number of both. From in-game, this is a very obvious 180 in behavior. Which would naturally happen with any character sale.
So what if that character had a reputation, or was an avid RP'er, and now? Someone else is behind the controls, doing whatever they want to do. A roleplayer probally has a stronger attachment to their character then most, but if the time came, and you wanted to leave that character behind, would you take the oppurtunity to make some isk for alt? For a friend? For a pinch in case you decided to snap up something new?
Short version. What do you think of character sales, would you ever/have you ever, and would you ever sell your character?