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The Lai Dai megacorporation has far ranging interests, is one of the foremost research companies in the cluster, and has strong links to the Khanid Kingdom?

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Author Topic: The Good RP Logs Thread!  (Read 98967 times)

Lyn Farel

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #15 on: 25 Jan 2013, 15:00 »

Not from the Summit either.

A happier time that might give hints on why Lyn has later become such a distant, sarcastic cynic (a situation a bit similar to Kat's current situation, even if a lot less dramatic).

Now I think of it, most conservative Minmatars and Amarrians would have been horrified by their behavior and stories.


  Channel ID:      -27597443
  Channel Name:    The Shrine of the Frozen Winds
  Listener:        Lyn Farel
  Session started: 2012.02.03 20:02:57

 [ 2012.02.03 20:02:59 ] EVE System > Channel MOTD: The Shrine of the Frozen Winds is located in a mysterious place known as the Cradle of the Frozen winds. Its formed by a series of six huge mountains crating a circular wall of rock. the entire area is filt with large strong trees covered in icicles that have been frozen in twists and turns as though they were being blown by a phantom wind, and powder snow bathed in soft blue light. The shrine its self is a small circular wooden building. It's wooen form covered in snow and ice, a small plume of smoke rising from its roof, witthin it is a polished wooden floor, the walls built from the trunks of trees have symbols and names carved int there bark. At the center of the room is a small stone table on it incense and a small fire burn infront of an Idol of the Spirit of the Frozen Winds. It's made form branches taken from the trees, bound with vines, he sits lotus style and wears a cloth around his waist. his body is covered with symbols carved into the wood. The Shamans hut is located beside the shrine, its a small wooden building with a thatch roof, snow piled upon it, its windows covered with frost. Inside is a cluttered mess of books, tools, and collected curiosity's. Alarge couch with a leather bean bag sit in the center of the room facing an open fire and a neocom with a holoscreen.((note to matari characters, the Cradle of the wind is said to be haunted by cruel and predatry ice spirits possibly since there home was tresspassed into by the amarians according to some myths. ))(( the woods surrounding the shrine ))
 [ 2012.02.03 20:22:08 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote enters the Hut as he pulls the hood back from his overcoat, batting the snow off his shoulders.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:25:09 ] Lyn Farel > /emote after having looked around curiously outside, she slips in the hut, all swaddled in a thick coat covered in snow. Half her face is hidden behind a long scarf.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:25:15 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote hangs his coat, sliding his gloves into the pockets, knocking the snow off the bottom of his boots before making his way across to the fire, taking a seat on the beanbag infront of it, warming his hands.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:25:59 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote turns and looks to Lyn smiling, rubbing his hands together quickly to get some warmth back into them as he stands up and heads back toward her.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:26:02 ] Caellach Marellus > Bit cold outside..
 [ 2012.02.03 20:26:53 ] Lyn Farel > /emote hesitantly smiles and removes her scarf. "Yes." she simply says. "It is refreshing."
 [ 2012.02.03 20:28:01 ] Caellach Marellus > Fresh air like that, you just don't get it in a station enviroment... can I take your coat?
 [ 2012.02.03 20:28:36 ] Lyn Farel > /emote tilts her head. "Are you cold ?" She starts to remove it.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:29:18 ] Caellach Marellus > No I meant to hang it up...
 [ 2012.02.03 20:29:30 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote blushes as he chuckles to himself.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:30:20 ] Lyn Farel > /emote bites her lip. "Oh right !" She handles it to him.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:31:07 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote knocks some of the snow up before hanging up Lynara's coat, still rubbing his hands together afterwards. > The cold has gotten my fingers numb though..
 [ 2012.02.03 20:33:08 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote heads back towards the fireplace continuing to warm his hands as he takes a seat on the floor infront of it. > This is helping though.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:34:33 ] Lyn Farel > /emote silently smiles and follows him. "All this place seems a bit rustic."
 [ 2012.02.03 20:35:25 ] Caellach Marellus > It's very... back to basics, but there's a charm in that I like. And... it's quiet.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:35:38 ] Caellach Marellus > Sure beats being in a station enviroment.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:36:44 ] Lyn Farel > /emote seats down on the floor. "You never get planetside ?"
 [ 2012.02.03 20:37:05 ] Caellach Marellus > Rarely, I don't have family down there so there's little reason to go other than sight seeing.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:37:30 ] Caellach Marellus > And most places like that are busy tourist attractions... or just highly populated areas.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:38:02 ] Lyn Farel > "Some are still interesting."
 [ 2012.02.03 20:38:55 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote turns to Lyn and smiles. > Any you'd care to recommend?
 [ 2012.02.03 20:39:57 ] Lyn Farel > /emote stares at her feet. "Oh well, you probably know some of them better than I do... like Crystal Boulevard. But there others like the Culture Recess."
 [ 2012.02.03 20:40:57 ] Caellach Marellus > Ah the Crystal Boulevard.... been a while since I was there. That place is anything but quiet.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:41:05 ] Caellach Marellus > Not familiar with the Culture Recess though...
 [ 2012.02.03 20:41:13 ] Lyn Farel > "Ah uh... of course, if you look for quiet places..."
 [ 2012.02.03 20:42:15 ] Lyn Farel > "My old estate was quiet too. But my ... uh feelings are mixed on this place so I can not really appreciate it."
 [ 2012.02.03 20:42:36 ] Caellach Marellus > This place as in here, or your old estate?
 [ 2012.02.03 20:44:48 ] Lyn Farel > "The old estate."
 [ 2012.02.03 20:45:41 ] Caellach Marellus > It was rather plesant from what I saw, I felt rather welcome there... then again that might just have been the company.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:45:51 ] Lyn Farel > "I have seen a lot of places. Considering the number of planets, it is not so hard to find, but rather difficult to choose I suppose..."
 [ 2012.02.03 20:45:59 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote flashes Lynara a grin before turning back to the fire to warm himself some more.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:47:43 ] Lyn Farel > /emote 's face turns red and she stares back at her hands. "I uh... maybe but you would probably not have really enjoyed it when we were still children..."
 [ 2012.02.03 20:49:28 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote raises an eyebrow. > Why so? I suppose it might have been less fun than running around a mining station sitting on the laps of shuttle pilots and learning how to fly...
 [ 2012.02.03 20:49:41 ] Caellach Marellus > But there were good sides too to where you grew up surely?
 [ 2012.02.03 20:51:10 ] Lyn Farel > /emote nods vigorously with a smile. "Of course. The library."
 [ 2012.02.03 20:52:04 ] Lyn Farel > "But I am pretty sure you would have found it dull and boring. And also, my mother was an ultra conservative aristocrat with a lot of labor slaves."
 [ 2012.02.03 20:52:33 ] Caellach Marellus > I would have probably got into trouble with vocal objections.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:52:47 ] Lyn Farel > /emote nods.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:53:41 ] Caellach Marellus > My father taught me the value of freedom when I was young..
 [ 2012.02.03 20:53:53 ] Caellach Marellus > I've been getting in trouble for it ever since.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:54:18 ] Lyn Farel > /emote glances at him curiously. "That sounds rather vague.."
 [ 2012.02.03 20:54:51 ] Caellach Marellus > Vague?
 [ 2012.02.03 20:55:31 ] Lyn Farel > "Freedom."
 [ 2012.02.03 20:56:11 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote chuckles. > Well, it's as best as it could be taught to an 8 year old boy.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:56:23 ] Lyn Farel > /emote nods.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:56:41 ] Caellach Marellus > I found myself in a spot of bother at school. My lunch money had been stolen, I didn't know it at the time I thought I'd lost it.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:56:58 ] Caellach Marellus > The boys who stole it from me were older, 13, 14...
 [ 2012.02.03 20:57:23 ] Caellach Marellus > Claimed they could lend me the money for my lunch that day. Giving me my own money back, smart bastards.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:57:47 ] Caellach Marellus > Course I had no way of paying them without going hungry at lunch, and they knew that.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:58:20 ] Caellach Marellus > So instead they called on me to do favours, little things, if I helped them out enough they'd forget my debt.
 [ 2012.02.03 20:58:48 ] Caellach Marellus > Seems so stupid looking back now, but I was so naive..
 [ 2012.02.03 20:59:35 ] Caellach Marellus > One day doing one of their favours got me in trouble, and that's when the story started to unravel. The boys were punished and that night my Father sat me down on my bed... and I've never forgotten what he said next.
 [ 2012.02.03 21:00:27 ] Lyn Farel > /emote listens, somehow captivated.
 [ 2012.02.03 21:00:51 ] Caellach Marellus > "Always repay your debts and return your favours as soon as you can. Never find yourself owing more than you can afford. Because when you cannot pay them with money, you find yourself paying with sweat and blood.
 [ 2012.02.03 21:01:46 ] Caellach Marellus > And when something other than your conscience tells you what you should do, and who you should be, you stop being all together."
 [ 2012.02.03 21:02:24 ] Caellach Marellus > It took a few years for me to fully understand what he'd said.
 [ 2012.02.03 21:02:57 ] Lyn Farel > "That sounds very astute"
 [ 2012.02.03 21:05:30 ] Caellach Marellus > But I lived by a few principles, I never borrowed nor begged. I lived by my own decisions, and I never compromised who I am...
 [ 2012.02.03 21:05:42 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote sighs, > Till I became a capsuleer anyway.
 [ 2012.02.03 21:24:37 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote throws another log on the fire, stretching his arms and legs. > I think my muscles have finally defrosted.
 [ 2012.02.03 21:42:39 ] Lyn Farel > "What do you mean, until you became a capsuleer ?"
 [ 2012.02.03 21:43:54 ] Caellach Marellus > I've made decisions while being out here, naive led ones.
 [ 2012.02.03 21:44:05 ] Caellach Marellus > Done things I shouldn't have done, and should have known better.
 [ 2012.02.03 21:44:12 ] Caellach Marellus > It was like being a child all over again.
 [ 2012.02.03 21:46:20 ] Caellach Marellus > Flown with the wrong people, held the wrong state of mind, been unable to keep things fully on the level.
 [ 2012.02.03 21:46:47 ] Lyn Farel > /emote whispers. "This is how one learns..."
 [ 2012.02.03 21:47:52 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote nods. > Yeah, but some things you thought you already knew.
 [ 2012.02.03 21:48:20 ] Caellach Marellus > Then coming out here, it stuns you, the vast size and complicated nature, it's so easy to forget who you were.
 [ 2012.02.03 21:49:18 ] Lyn Farel > /emote looks uneasy. "That is probably true..."
 [ 2012.02.03 21:49:40 ] Lyn Farel > "I forgot most of what I was."
 [ 2012.02.03 21:50:09 ] Caellach Marellus > I flew under the banner of pirate loyallists, thinking I was helping people. I flew with insecure racist nationalists who couldn't see past their own nose, living in a world of black and white.
 [ 2012.02.03 21:50:27 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote turns to Lyn and tilts his head. > And who was that?
 [ 2012.02.03 21:51:12 ] Lyn Farel > "Uh, the model daughter of an unsane fallen Holder..."
 [ 2012.02.03 21:51:23 ] Lyn Farel > /emote looks slightly disgusted.
 [ 2012.02.03 21:52:26 ] Lyn Farel > /emote glances at him curiously. "Pirates ? You mean, Preta Light ?"
 [ 2012.02.03 21:52:52 ] Caellach Marellus > Yeah... Naraka's. "Humantarian wing."
 [ 2012.02.03 21:53:14 ] Caellach Marellus > And model daughter? Let me guess, you didn't stick with all the virtues of a prim and proper Amarrian Heiress?
 [ 2012.02.03 21:54:47 ] Lyn Farel > "Oh actually I did... Or I think so. Besides not really paying attention to all the fluff and protocol..."
 [ 2012.02.03 21:55:43 ] Caellach Marellus > You don't have their mindset, if I can generalise for a moment.
 [ 2012.02.03 21:55:45 ] Lyn Farel > "Though I learned quickly that the faster I learned how to behave like a proper amarrian heir, the more time I had for me to do something else."
 [ 2012.02.03 21:56:11 ] Lyn Farel > "Oh well, I have never really been one anyway."
 [ 2012.02.03 21:57:19 ] Lyn Farel > "Somehow the only thing that allowed me to do what I really liked to do was my mother detachement. She did not really care about me, only about the heir."
 [ 2012.02.03 21:57:51 ] Caellach Marellus > Well your lack of a stick up your arse and the fact you aren't seeing me as mere lesser human scum that needs educating... I'd say you're not a model amarrian by "expected" standards.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:00:21 ] Lyn Farel > "Uh, not all amarrian nobles are like that..."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:00:36 ] Lyn Farel > "But my family was, surely."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:01:00 ] Caellach Marellus > I've noticed there's a few that aren't.. I'm sure they aren't revered as "Model" Amarrians either.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:01:15 ] Caellach Marellus > That said, I'm glad you're not that girl they intended you to be, I doubt we'd be able to talk her and now.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:01:29 ] Lyn Farel > "You would be surprised, in some Holder families in Tash-Murkon or Kor-Azor.. Especially Tash Murkon."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:02:09 ] Lyn Farel > /emote slightly blushes. "I am happy to but... I would never have been anyway. I think I would have killed myself, had I not managed to run away."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:03:29 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote frowns at the thought. > I'm definately glad you got away then.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:04:09 ] Caellach Marellus > And I've had dealings with a couple of holders in Tash-Murkon and Kor.. that place is rife with Nation.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:05:07 ] Lyn Farel > "Rife with Nation ?"
 [ 2012.02.03 22:06:36 ] Caellach Marellus > I've run into more than my fair share in that area.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:06:50 ] Lyn Farel > "Oh... yes."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:08:27 ] Lyn Farel > /emote twists her hands nervously. "Anway... I know what you mean regarding your.... uh, issues with your lunch money."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:08:50 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote smiles. > Found yourself in debt with the wrong people?
 [ 2012.02.03 22:09:08 ] Lyn Farel > "Not in debt but... that was still bullying."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:09:55 ] Caellach Marellus > I'm sorry to hear that, no doubt you dealt with it in the end though?
 [ 2012.02.03 22:11:41 ] Lyn Farel > "Well, I became a capsuleer... Somehow I was lucky."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:12:25 ] Lyn Farel > "I studied at the Republic Military School. I think that was a mistake."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:13:53 ] Caellach Marellus > I'm not sure I was entirely happy with where I went either. Maybe CAS would have been a better choice.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:16:02 ] Caellach Marellus > I'm guessing your heritage caused problems at Military School?
 [ 2012.02.03 22:16:05 ] Lyn Farel > /emote nods. "I have never really been attracted by military things. And yet I went to that school."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:17:07 ] Lyn Farel > "Yes... I was not really full of military dreams like they all were. And I was an ammatar traitor."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:18:03 ] Lyn Farel > "Of course, even the administration were not really willing to take me in..." She looks away.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:19:07 ] Caellach Marellus > Why did you choose it then?
 [ 2012.02.03 22:19:50 ] Lyn Farel > /emote fidgets. "Because my master and I just had left Caille and the Federation that day, and were headed to Republic space."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:20:38 ] Lyn Farel > "And I was full of naive eagerness to discover the Republic."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:22:10 ] Caellach Marellus > So why not Pator Tech or Republic University?
 [ 2012.02.03 22:25:49 ] Lyn Farel > /emote fidgets. "I am not sure. Oh of course, I proposed both, but I was told to try different things for a change." She almost repeats someone else's words : "A well rounded individual is worth infintely more than someone only caring about one thing."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:26:10 ] Lyn Farel > /emote she shrugs. "I believed it. I think I still believe it."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:26:53 ] Caellach Marellus > Your mentor told you that I presume?
 [ 2012.02.03 22:27:00 ] Lyn Farel > /emote nods.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:27:20 ] Lyn Farel > "Now I think it was also convenient for him."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:27:46 ] Caellach Marellus > Well, UoC wasn't my choice, I didn't actually have a choice. But it was the only way I'd ever have been able to afford the education.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:27:59 ] Caellach Marellus > At least it wasn't the Navy Academy.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:28:21 ] Lyn Farel > "Was it that bad ? I quite enjoyed my time in UoC, even if most of the students here were so childish..."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:29:05 ] Lyn Farel > "But I was in lower classes at that time, not the UoC classes for capsuleers."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:29:14 ] Lyn Farel > "And barely a full time member."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:29:18 ] Caellach Marellus > They weren't any better behaved.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:30:05 ] Caellach Marellus > My class was almost entirely a bunch of rich kids with their feet nowhere near the ground. What potential most of them had was pissed away by endless nights of sex drugs and alcohol fuelled parties.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:30:26 ] Caellach Marellus > My first year I flew rings around my entire class, completely untouchable.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:30:35 ] Lyn Farel > /emote blushes.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:31:00 ] Caellach Marellus > I was the only one to make the second year out of twenty of us.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:31:31 ] Caellach Marellus > Plenty of classes mind, those of us who passed the first year were just put together, then same again when they cut for the third and fourth years.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:31:50 ] Caellach Marellus > So in the end what you were left with was the best the University had.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:32:07 ] Lyn Farel > "Amarrian prestigious universities have that merit : they often only accept the elites, and most of them get their year... But at the same time, half of them actually pay to get it..."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:32:13 ] Caellach Marellus > Or the ones who didn't drink themselves stupid and get ruined on drop every night, and wake up in someone else's bed.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:32:33 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote scoffs. > They just did it at the weekend.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:32:42 ] Lyn Farel > /emote grins.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:33:56 ] Caellach Marellus > I suppose I was lucky to find someone else who could rise above all that and was as focused to her studies as I was. From my second year onward she made me work for every top mark in class I earned.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:34:10 ] Caellach Marellus > I'd have gotten lazy and complacent with that bunch of incompetants otherwise.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:34:36 ] Lyn Farel > /emote nods. "Yes. I remember."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:35:05 ] Lyn Farel > /emote looks sad. "I am sorry."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:35:22 ] Caellach Marellus > Still, I got through all that in the end, and now here I am...
 [ 2012.02.03 22:35:35 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote turns to Lynara and smiles. > Thankfully, here you are too.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:35:57 ] Lyn Farel > /emote fidgets again.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:36:19 ] Lyn Farel > /emote tilts her head, switching of subject without even thinking about it. "How did it end ? With the bullies I mean ?"
 [ 2012.02.03 22:38:25 ] Caellach Marellus > They got a long time in detention, never troubled me again. You?
 [ 2012.02.03 22:40:15 ] Lyn Farel > /emote looks embarassed. "This is a... whole story."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:40:25 ] Lyn Farel > "Or well, not that much..."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:40:46 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote turns to face Lyn and tucks his legs underneath him and leans forward. > I've all the time to listen.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:41:33 ] Lyn Farel > /emote says faintly : "Oh well, if you say so..."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:41:58 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote listens intently.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:43:03 ] Lyn Farel > "They were not the first group to harass me, sometimes violently. After all, like in Caille, I was the dull and boring brain that stayed in her little corner. But unlike Caille I was here full time and not just as a guest, and I was ammatar."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:44:00 ] Lyn Farel > "Of course, telling them that I was not really anymore had never worked, and I knew it."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:44:58 ] Lyn Farel > "Someday, they stuck me in a quiet lab and had obviously something in mind."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:46:47 ] Lyn Farel > "Somehow they were going to force me to go to the Voluval. Their reasoning was that I was not one of them and thus had nothing to do here."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:47:34 ] Lyn Farel > "And of course, their real goal was to make me obtain something like the Pale Eye or the Spiral, or even the Ammatar mark, but I did not know that back there."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:48:13 ] Lyn Farel > "I just thought they would let me alone once done."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:50:14 ] Lyn Farel > /emote looks lost in her thoughts for a moment.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:52:25 ] Caellach Marellus > Forcing their traditions and beliefs onto another.. it's a hypocrisy I sadly found in the Republic myself
 [ 2012.02.03 22:52:54 ] Lyn Farel > "Somehow it worked."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:54:30 ] Caellach Marellus > They marked you?
 [ 2012.02.03 22:55:01 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote blinks in disbelief. > Against your own damned will?
 [ 2012.02.03 22:55:41 ] Lyn Farel > /emote blinks and shakes her head. "No, no... I mean, it worked, they left me alone after, and it worked because I was curious to see that ritual."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:55:59 ] Caellach Marellus > O.. oh...
 [ 2012.02.03 22:56:01 ] Lyn Farel > "I thought I could understand how it works, like everyting."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:56:05 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote takes a deep breath.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:56:08 ] Caellach Marellus > And did you?
 [ 2012.02.03 22:56:17 ] Lyn Farel > /emote looks annoyed. "Not really..."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:57:09 ] Caellach Marellus > Not everything is to be understood.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:57:21 ] Lyn Farel > /emote smiles. "Not yet."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:57:24 ] Caellach Marellus > Infact some things are best kept a mystery.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:58:10 ] Caellach Marellus > The answers are often less... interesting than the theories.
 [ 2012.02.03 22:58:19 ] Lyn Farel > /emote nods thoughfully. "This is something Gorda Hoje implied."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:59:25 ] Lyn Farel > "Let us only hope the search never ends, that the Absolute Truth stays hidden forever. For if the search ends, we end.Then we become nothing more than dust, specks of sand on the shore of universal lie."
 [ 2012.02.03 22:59:35 ] Lyn Farel > /emote stares at the fire.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:00:07 ] Caellach Marellus > I wonder what the Absolute truth even is.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:00:50 ] Lyn Farel > "A general concept. It is mostly a perfect and unique state of understanding of everything."
 [ 2012.02.03 23:01:12 ] Caellach Marellus > I mean I always wondered if religion and the existence of God can be proven... because it would cause a great shift in the universe if either side were proven true.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:01:50 ] Lyn Farel > "In the state of Absolute Truth, all these things are answered."
 [ 2012.02.03 23:02:14 ] Lyn Farel > "But this is mostly a metaphysical concept..." She shrugs.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:02:36 ] Lyn Farel > /emote stares at him in the eyes. "Have you read the Serum of Truth ?"
 [ 2012.02.03 23:02:58 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote shakes his head. > I'm not one for books.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:03:12 ] Caellach Marellus > I got through University on a more practical level.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:03:40 ] Lyn Farel > /emote shrugs. "To everyone their own things, I suppose..."
 [ 2012.02.03 23:06:11 ] Caellach Marellus > I was never much for sitting back and reading.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:06:42 ] Caellach Marellus > I spent my hours taking apart engines, calibrating targeting systems and thruster boosts.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:06:49 ] Lyn Farel > /emote smiles.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:06:50 ] Caellach Marellus > When I wasn't working with the ships I was in simulators.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:07:06 ] Caellach Marellus > I don't claim to be a clever man Lynara, I just work hard at it.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:07:43 ] Lyn Farel > "I uh.... I never had the intention to..."
 [ 2012.02.03 23:08:57 ] Caellach Marellus > I know.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:09:08 ] Caellach Marellus > I'm just stating who I am.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:09:16 ] Caellach Marellus > Before someone confuses me with being a genius.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:09:45 ] Lyn Farel > "What matters is most wisdom than genius. Some genius are just terrible at it."
 [ 2012.02.03 23:09:59 ] Lyn Farel > /emote glances at her coat, apparently still a little wet but drying slowly. "I would like to see a little the surroundings. I have not had the occasion to visit. This is so beautiful."
 [ 2012.02.03 23:10:44 ] Lyn Farel > "Sometimes when I get in my quarters for days, I almost forgot that there is a world outside.;."
 [ 2012.02.03 23:13:52 ] Caellach Marellus > Not sure how far we can wander, they said the local wildlife isn't too friendly. But I'd like to see what's out there too.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:16:04 ] Caellach Marellus > Shall we?
 [ 2012.02.03 23:16:53 ] Lyn Farel > /emote nods.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:17:15 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote stands up, taking a moment to stretch his legs out, before offering a hand to Lyn.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:18:10 ] Lyn Farel > /emote takes his hand timidly and gets up. She grabs her coat and wraps herself in it, folding her scarf loosely around her face.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:20:27 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote slips into his coat and fastens it up, before putting his gloves back on and pulling up the hood as he turns to Lyn. > Ready?
 [ 2012.02.03 23:21:32 ] Lyn Farel > "Sure."
 [ 2012.02.03 23:21:59 ] Lyn Farel > /emote opens the doors happily, recieving a flurry on the face.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:22:21 ] Lyn Farel > /emote grimaces and blinks.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:22:41 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote follows Lyn out, closing the door behind them.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:23:54 ] Lyn Farel > /emote heads over to the little frozen pond on the left.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:25:11 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote follows behind at a slow pace, looking around at the surroundings.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:25:20 ] Lyn Farel > /emote can't help but look around if the area is safe enough.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:26:08 ] Lyn Farel > /emote forgets it as fast as the idea came and starts wandering around the pool, listening to the ambiant silence.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:27:03 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote looks over at Lyn as a brainwave hits him, before bending over to tie his boot lace.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:27:15 ] Lyn Farel > /emote turns back at Caellach and waits for him.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:27:37 ] Lyn Farel > /emote tilts her head and frowns slightly, then heads back to him.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:27:46 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote looks up from his boot. "I'll be with you in a minute, gloves and laces don't go so well. Go ahead."
 [ 2012.02.03 23:29:57 ] Lyn Farel > /emote looks confused for a moment, then nods with uncertainty and continues to walks around the lake again happily.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:30:50 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote waits till Lyn takes a few steps before standing up with something small in his hand as he follows after her.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:31:23 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote suddenly stops and takes aim. > Hey Lynara..
 [ 2012.02.03 23:31:55 ] Lyn Farel > /emote turns back, a slight happy smile on her face.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:32:06 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote throws the snowball at Lyn, with a cheeky grin on his face.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:34:57 ] Lyn Farel > /emote gets the snowball on her face, blinking under the complete surprise, slipping on the snow and falling backwards.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:35:56 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote laughs as he heads toward her. > You alright?>
 [ 2012.02.03 23:37:07 ] Lyn Farel > /emote rolls over, now facing the ground, apparently a little stunned.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:39:37 ] Caellach Marellus > ..Lynara? You ok?
 [ 2012.02.03 23:39:53 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote takes a knee by her and places a hand on Lyn's shoulder.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:40:24 ] Lyn Farel > /emote rolls over and clumsily throws back at him another snowball.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:42:27 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote takes a cheek full of snow as it lands in his hood and goes down the inside of his coat, the cold on his skin causing him to jerk and shudder uncontrollably. > AGGHAGHAHAAAA Coldcoldcoldcoldcold!!!
 [ 2012.02.03 23:42:50 ] Lyn Farel > /emote brushes the snowflakes off her face with her thick gloves, out of proportion compared to her hands.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:44:05 ] Lyn Farel > /emote sits up, an unvolontary smile on her face.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:44:47 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote stares at Lyn and lurches forward at her after a second, his hands on her shoulders with his weight behind.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:46:11 ] Lyn Farel > /emote falls back again under the weight.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:46:32 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote pins Lyn down as he looks at her. > That.... was cold.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:46:49 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote leans his face in towards hers, nearing nose to nose.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:46:54 ] Caellach Marellus > ... nice shot.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:47:01 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote breaks out into a grin and starts to laugh.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:48:41 ] Lyn Farel > /emote blinks, her face turning red.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:50:11 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote looks at her and suppresses his laugh as he raises his eyebrow. > Either your cheeks get chapped really easy... or you're blushing.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:56:48 ] Lyn Farel > /emote looks terribly embarassed, her frosted breath drawing patterns above her face.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:57:45 ] Caellach Marellus > And considering you're not yelling me to get off at this point...
 [ 2012.02.03 23:57:51 ] Caellach Marellus > I'm going to go with blushing.
 [ 2012.02.03 23:58:06 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote stands up and offers Lyn a hand.
 [ 2012.02.04 00:00:38 ] Lyn Farel > /emote takes it softly and stands up, doing her hair clumsily.
 [ 2012.02.04 00:01:08 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote gently wipes a couple of snowdrops off Lyn's face and puts his arm around her. > Truce?
 [ 2012.02.04 00:03:49 ] Lyn Farel > /emote folds her arms around his neck, leaning her head against him. She whispers. "Truce."
 [ 2012.02.04 00:05:31 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote runs a gloved hand through her hair as he returns the embrace.
 [ 2012.02.04 00:07:07 ] Lyn Farel > /emote closes her eyes for a while. "I am sorry. I feel so weak."
 [ 2012.02.04 00:07:50 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote looks down at her. > You alright? Have you not had much to eat or sleep as of late?
 [ 2012.02.04 00:10:54 ] Lyn Farel > /emote shakes her head. "Something else... I will... tell you back in the hut, if you do not mind..."
 [ 2012.02.04 00:11:35 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote looks at Lyn with concern for a moment before nodding. > Alright, do you want to go now, or look around a bit more first?
 [ 2012.02.04 00:15:16 ] Lyn Farel > "We can walk a little more I guess."
 [ 2012.02.04 00:16:32 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote 's look of concern breaks into a gentle smile. > Lead the way.
 [ 2012.02.04 00:20:09 ] Lyn Farel > /emote stars walking again, though more tiptoeing than anything else. She heads towards the tree covered in snow.
 [ 2012.02.04 00:21:40 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote follows behind her, carefully placing his feet on the snow as he tries to keep his balance.
 [ 2012.02.04 00:23:50 ] Lyn Farel > /emote does not seem to have such problems, though her pace is not really assured. "Have you ever seen a place like that before ?"
 [ 2012.02.04 00:24:17 ] Caellach Marellus > Like what, that hut?
 [ 2012.02.04 00:24:26 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote clearly has little experience walking on thick snow.
 [ 2012.02.04 00:25:32 ] Lyn Farel > "No, the place..."
 [ 2012.02.04 00:25:52 ] Caellach Marellus > No... least not like this with this much snow.
 [ 2012.02.04 00:26:12 ] Caellach Marellus > I was present at a lodge for a Voluval ceremony once.
 [ 2012.02.04 00:26:57 ] Lyn Farel > /emote stops next to a tree and looks at him. "There is something eerie about this place... Ah ?"
 [ 2012.02.04 00:28:06 ] Caellach Marellus > The silence is somewhat unnerving and yes.. a corpmate of mine when I was still in Electus Matari. He and another Alliance member undertook theirs together. Interesting ceremony, I don't recall many details, I felt a bit out of place.
 [ 2012.02.04 00:31:28 ] Lyn Farel > "The place was similar ?"
 [ 2012.02.04 00:31:42 ] Caellach Marellus > The building was larger, and the area had far less snow.
 [ 2012.02.04 00:31:55 ] Caellach Marellus > But the same tranquility and back to basics feel about the place.
 [ 2012.02.04 00:33:56 ] Lyn Farel > /emote nods. "Voluvals tend to vary greatly."
 [ 2012.02.04 00:34:24 ] Caellach Marellus > This was a Brutor tribe one
 [ 2012.02.04 00:34:27 ] Caellach Marellus > Very physical
 [ 2012.02.04 00:34:32 ] Caellach Marellus > Bit of full on sparring
 [ 2012.02.04 00:36:06 ] Lyn Farel > "I see."
 [ 2012.02.04 00:36:45 ] Caellach Marellus > A few of the tribesmen kept looking at me, grinning, during the fighting. If I didn't know better I'd say they were trying to intimidate me..
 [ 2012.02.04 00:36:58 ] Caellach Marellus > /emote looks to Lyn and grins. > I like my skin without ink though.
 [ 2012.02.04 00:37:07 ] Lyn Farel > "I do not know much about the Voluval ritual. People like miss Surionen must prove very knowledgable about it."
 [ 2012.02.04 00:37:27 ] Lyn Farel > "Oh uh, yes... why ?"
 [ 2012.02.04 00:37:51 ] Lyn Farel > "Oh, of course, I mean, I prefer it that way too..."
 [ 2012.02.04 00:37:57 ] Caellach Marellus > Everyone these days has piercings or tattoos... just seems rare to have my skin untouched.
 [ 2012.02.04 00:38:02 ] Caellach Marellus > It's who I am, by not marking myself.
« Last Edit: 25 Jan 2013, 15:03 by Lyn Farel »

Silas Vitalia

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #16 on: 04 Feb 2013, 00:31 »

Silas Vitalia > Hmph.

Silas Vitalia > Just trying to be nice.

Pa'Vi > Perhaps you should date him Silas?

Silas Vitalia > Should I?

Silas Vitalia > Ninavask, remove your clothing.

Silas Vitalia > Let's see what we're working with.

Ninavask > /emote bursts out laughing.*

Ninavask > No

Gwen Ikiryo > /emote looks terrified.

Silas Vitalia > No deal.

Pa'Vi > /emote chuckles.


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #17 on: 04 Feb 2013, 10:11 »

 [ 2013.01.05 12:48:25 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > Hello, Summit.
 [ 2013.01.05 12:50:33 ] Graelyn > 'Afternoon.
 [ 2013.01.05 12:51:01 ] Camille Roth > Hello Captain Mister Thessalonia. Do you have a spare brain yet?
 [ 2013.01.05 12:51:28 ] Ciarente > /emote closes her eyes > Camille ...
 [ 2013.01.05 12:51:38 ] Camille Roth > What? I asked nicely!
 [ 2013.01.05 12:51:40 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > /emote grins.
 [ 2013.01.05 12:51:47 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > No, not yet, Ms. Roth.
 [ 2013.01.05 12:52:21 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > The second I get an extra brain sans Networking implants, however, you will be the first person I contact.
 [ 2013.01.05 12:52:57 ] Ciarente > /emote murmurs something that sounds suspiciously like "lalala I'm not listening"
 [ 2013.01.05 12:54:12 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > long as you promise not to make a mess with it.
 [ 2013.01.05 12:54:25 ] Camille Roth > No! It's for science!
 [ 2013.01.05 12:54:45 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > clean science, I hope?
 [ 2013.01.05 12:54:51 ] Saya Ishikari > /emote blinks at the exchange, eyeing the two of them oddly...
 [ 2013.01.05 12:55:14 ] Camille Roth > /emote says virtuously > I always observe all biohazard protocols!
 [ 2013.01.05 12:55:27 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > Good.
 [ 2013.01.05 12:57:36 ] Ciarente > /emote murmurs > Perhaps I did something really terrible in a previous life.
 [ 2013.01.05 12:58:12 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > You are raising a child with a hearty interest in science, Ciarente; Nothing wrong with that.
 [ 2013.01.05 12:58:27 ] Camille Roth > /emote says helpfully > You've done some pretty bad stuff in this one, Cia!
 [ 2013.01.05 12:58:38 ] Ciarente > Yes, thank you, cherie.
 [ 2013.01.05 12:59:44 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > /emote grins.
 [ 2013.01.05 12:59:52 ] Saya Ishikari > Just to make sure I heard that correctly...  A spare brain...  And casual permission to poke and prod it?...
 [ 2013.01.05 13:00:16 ] Camille Roth > Yes! I study the brains of Sansha capsuleers!
 [ 2013.01.05 13:00:38 ] Camille Roth > Well, so far, just Mister Kyber's.
 [ 2013.01.05 13:01:00 ] Saya Ishikari > /emote nods a little, as though chalking that answer up on some invisible tally...
 [ 2013.01.05 13:01:32 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > Camile, you are aware I would be removing all proprietary implants from the brain before turning it over, right?
 [ 2013.01.05 13:01:46 ] Camille Roth > You said!
 [ 2013.01.05 13:02:17 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > Good.  Just wanted to make sure you were 100% aware of that.  You would only be able to study those implants through their absence, rather than their presence.
 [ 2013.01.05 13:02:29 ] Camille Roth > Yes, I know!
 [ 2013.01.05 13:02:31 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > So yes, soon as I get a spare brain, you can poke it to bits.
 [ 2013.01.05 13:02:53 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > Assuming your mother gives you permission to do so, of course.
 [ 2013.01.05 13:03:10 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > I don't want to overstep her parental authority.
 [ 2013.01.05 13:03:19 ] Camille Roth > /emote looks puzzled > What does Mama have to do with it?
 [ 2013.01.05 13:03:37 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > Parental Authority, Camille.
 [ 2013.01.05 13:03:56 ] Ciarente > He means me, cherie. Captain Thessalonia, I am Camille's sister, and legal guardian, not her mother.
 [ 2013.01.05 13:04:11 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > Oooh
 [ 2013.01.05 13:04:14 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > My apologies.
 [ 2013.01.05 13:04:27 ] Ciarente > /emote smiles > That's quite all right.
 [ 2013.01.05 13:04:31 ] Tiberious Thessalonia > Well, since you are her legal guardian, parental authority falls on you.
 [ 2013.01.05 13:05:06 ] Ciarente > And believe me, dissecting a donated brain is the least worrying thing I can think of Camille getting up to in her spare time.
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.

Tiberious Thessalonia

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #18 on: 04 Feb 2013, 10:23 »

I particularly enjoyed that one too :3
Do you see it now?  Something is different.  Something is never was in the first part!

Vincent Pryce

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #19 on: 04 Feb 2013, 11:26 »

Loved the scene between Lyn and Cael.

Makes me miss the RP with Lyn. Good times. miss The Keep's Library, was one of my favourite channels.

Lyn Farel

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #20 on: 05 Feb 2013, 05:27 »

I heard Mercy's Keep is reopen.

We could reopen the library too.

I hear that Mitty loved the place too.
« Last Edit: 05 Feb 2013, 05:30 by Lyn Farel »

Mitara Newelle

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #21 on: 05 Feb 2013, 22:54 »

I heard Mercy's Keep is reopen.

We could reopen the library too.

I hear that Mitty loved the place too.

Section 3) Shitposting. "The cluster would be a much better place if all Amarrians were set on fire"

Karmilla Strife

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #22 on: 05 Feb 2013, 23:44 »

I thought Old Man Otheiran closed it down. He didn't like all those capsuleers on his lawn.


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #23 on: 18 Mar 2013, 06:39 »

Someone post the Cia and Cami spai logs D:

Lithium Flower

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #24 on: 21 Mar 2013, 07:03 »

Summit logs. Well, maybe not good RP in a traditional sense, or even not good at all. But it was funny. So, here they are.
[ 2012.12.22 17:35:02 ] Aelisha > Evening
 [ 2012.12.22 17:35:05 ] Grideris > Yes Schere, it is.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:35:40 ] Luna Hanaya > Greeting, capsule-dwellers!
 [ 2012.12.22 17:35:51 ] Scherezad > "I, uh, the, the cleaners here, tehy, um, they have, uh, uniform. Overalls. I - oh, uh, hello."
 [ 2012.12.22 17:35:54 ] Aelisha > Has much of note been hapenning today?
 [ 2012.12.22 17:36:03 ] Katherie Hobbes > Heyo, Luna - and welcome.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:36:21 ] Barnabas Sondel > /emote nods to  Aelisha and  Luna Hanaya, "hello"
 [ 2012.12.22 17:36:23 ] Cest Bravura > Something about scantily clad federation maids.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:36:35 ] Cest Bravura > Which of course I have no experience of whatsoever.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:36:43 ] Katherie Hobbes > I bet, Cest.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:36:48 ] Luna Hanaya > Quick qquestion, if you don't mind, do I have a face? >_>
 [ 2012.12.22 17:37:03 ] Barnabas Sondel > nope
 [ 2012.12.22 17:37:03 ] Aelisha > Your image has not yet been processed by CONCORD central administration.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:37:05 ] Jandice Ymladris > Feed doesn't come trough yet for me
 [ 2012.12.22 17:37:12 ] Katherie Hobbes > No, there appears to be an issue with the visual feed.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:37:16 ] Lunarisse Aspenstar > Although a face appears for me on my chat side of the neocomm
 [ 2012.12.22 17:37:23 ] Lunarisse Aspenstar > but not on my neocommlist
 [ 2012.12.22 17:37:30 ] Luna Hanaya > Oh, I knew they were slackers!
 [ 2012.12.22 17:38:15 ] Aelisha > They get a lot of new pilots data to process i am afraid.  Especially around firmwareu pdates such as the recent ones.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:38:21 ] Synthetic Cultist > You appear to look like a dark haired Khanid woman.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:38:34 ] Synthetic Cultist > with hair styled to your Left, the image's Right side.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:39:04 ] Lasairiona > /emote connects to the channel, "Evening all."
 [ 2012.12.22 17:39:44 ] Barnabas Sondel > evening
 [ 2012.12.22 17:40:07 ] Katherie Hobbes > /emote waves at the pilot connecting in: "Lasairiona - buddy! Good to see you again!"
 [ 2012.12.22 17:40:23 ] Lasairiona > /emote grins, "It's just Lasa and yes! Lovely to see you again!"#
 [ 2012.12.22 17:41:05 ] Luna Hanaya > Excuse me, but would you like to hear a story? Even if it is bb a bit?
 [ 2012.12.22 17:41:30 ] Barnabas Sondel > yes do tell
 [ 2012.12.22 17:41:50 ] Luna Hanaya > I know I am not a good storyteller
 [ 2012.12.22 17:42:11 ] Grideris > Hold on, let me grab some popcorn
 [ 2012.12.22 17:42:13 ] Barnabas Sondel > its ok .. let's hear it
 [ 2012.12.22 17:42:21 ] Grideris > If I don't eat it now, I'll eat it later.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:42:25 ] Luna Hanaya > But please, sit with me and listen for a while
 [ 2012.12.22 17:42:31 ] Luna Hanaya > I will tell you a story.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:42:43 ] Luna Hanaya > A story of untold adventurers and unknown heroes
 [ 2012.12.22 17:42:45 ] Lunarisse Aspenstar > I like stories!
 [ 2012.12.22 17:42:46 ] Katrina Oniseki > /emote gets a new cup of tea and sits down to listen.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:43:02 ] Barnabas Sondel > /emote listens attentively
 [ 2012.12.22 17:43:02 ] Luna Hanaya > A story of valorous warriors and monstorus beasts
 [ 2012.12.22 17:43:23 ] Luna Hanaya > A story of enormous strength and inhuman cruelty
 [ 2012.12.22 17:43:35 ] Luna Hanaya > A story of true love and virulent hatred
 [ 2012.12.22 17:43:48 ] Luna Hanaya > A story of uneasy waitings and fierce battles
 [ 2012.12.22 17:44:04 ] Lasairiona > /emote taps her fingers on the arm of her chair
 [ 2012.12.22 17:44:05 ] Luna Hanaya > A story of glorious victories and miserable defeats
 [ 2012.12.22 17:44:21 ] Luna Hanaya > A story of devastated lands and places forgotten
 [ 2012.12.22 17:44:26 ] Luna Hanaya > A story of vivid life
 [ 2012.12.22 17:44:47 ] Luna Hanaya > *vith lowered voice* and untimely death...
 [ 2012.12.22 17:45:06 ] Andreus Ixiris > Is this the story?
 [ 2012.12.22 17:45:07 ] Luna Hanaya > So...
 [ 2012.12.22 17:45:11 ] Luna Hanaya > *coughs*
 [ 2012.12.22 17:45:24 ] Luna Hanaya > Umm... anyone has glass of water?
 [ 2012.12.22 17:45:25 ] Andreus Ixiris > Spoilers: It was the butler drone.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:45:28 ] Andreus Ixiris > It's always the butler drone.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:45:47 ] Barnabas Sondel > does this story involve a man named Jed and Texas T?
 [ 2012.12.22 17:45:53 ] Luna Hanaya > Ah, well, the story.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:46:11 ] Luna Hanaya > So...
 [ 2012.12.22 17:46:28 ] Luna Hanaya > *coughs again* well,
 [ 2012.12.22 17:46:31 ] Lunarisse Aspenstar > Shhh give her space to talk!
 [ 2012.12.22 17:46:46 ] Luna Hanaya > I run into roid belt and pwnd a random noob!
 [ 2012.12.22 17:46:47 ] Luna Hanaya > The end.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:46:57 ] Grideris > Really?
 [ 2012.12.22 17:46:58 ] Andreus Ixiris > That wasn't a very good story
 [ 2012.12.22 17:46:59 ] Grideris > That's it?
 [ 2012.12.22 17:47:12 ] Luna Hanaya > yea (:
 [ 2012.12.22 17:47:16 ] Scherezad > /emote stares blankly
 [ 2012.12.22 17:47:32 ] Grideris > Your story was uneventful, and you should feel bad.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:47:53 ] Luna Hanaya > but it has one major event
 [ 2012.12.22 17:47:59 ] Luna Hanaya > had
 [ 2012.12.22 17:48:00 ] Lunarisse Aspenstar > *scowls*
 [ 2012.12.22 17:48:02 ] Luna Hanaya > >.>
 [ 2012.12.22 17:48:15 ] Barnabas Sondel > /emote sighs disappointed
 [ 2012.12.22 17:48:32 ] Lunarisse Aspenstar > *disconnects with a sulk*
 [ 2012.12.22 17:48:46 ] Lasairiona > /emote starts laughing, "Really? That's it?"
 [ 2012.12.22 17:49:04 ] Grideris > One event a story does not make.
 [ 2012.12.22 17:49:14 ] Barnabas Sondel > /emote glares at Luna for a minute then returns to conduct business on his datapad

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #25 on: 23 Mar 2013, 01:00 »

MASSIVE RP Event started by Anslo. Rescuing civilians from the curface of Caldari Prime near the crash site, ignoring FedNav and CONCORD orders against such.

Things got pretty crazy exciting after that, with simultaneous RP going on in Fleet chat and Summit, chatting between each other and the DUSTies. Possibly one of the best examples I have seen of cross-game RP yet.

Logs too big to quote.. will put through pastebin. These are raw logs, not cleaned. Read at your own risk. - Fleet Chat - Summit Chat
« Last Edit: 23 Mar 2013, 01:04 by Katrina Oniseki »

Morwen Lagann

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #26 on: 23 Mar 2013, 01:04 »

MASSIVE RP Event started by Anslo. Rescuing civilians from the curface of Caldari Prime near the crash site, ignoring FedNav and CONCORD orders against such.

Things got pretty crazy exciting after that, with simultaneous RP going on in Fleet chat and Summit, chatting between each other and the DUSTies. Possibly one of the best examples I have seen of cross-game RP yet.

Logs too big to quote.. will put through pastebin. These are raw logs, not cleaned. Read at your own risk. - Fleet Chat - Summit Chat

About three minutes later, ingame:

[07:03:11] Katrina Oniseki > For a minute I read my own post wrong
[07:03:14] Katrina Oniseki > and I thought I typed
[07:03:23] Katrina Oniseki > "MASSIVE ERP event hosted by Anslo"
[07:03:26] Katrina Oniseki > I was like
[07:03:30] Katrina Oniseki > WAIT SHIT NO
« Last Edit: 23 Mar 2013, 01:06 by Morwen Lagann »
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #27 on: 23 Mar 2013, 02:31 »

I definitely enjoyed this little event. May have missed out on the main course, but screw CCP, we don't need them anyway :D

Props to Anslo for being the initial leader and causing this thing to even happen. It was fascinating for me to see this thing play out the way it did, especially since we're learning about social psychology and all that for AP Psych. It felt kind of cool being one of the reasons for the event's escalation.

Moreover, it was nice seeing so many capsuleers of different loyalties coming together to help. Much <3 to everyone there.
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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #28 on: 23 Mar 2013, 16:37 »


Fuck da po-leece, we rescue who we want.

Ché Biko

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #29 on: 23 Mar 2013, 21:18 » - Summit Chat:
 [ 2013.03.23 01:55:33 ] Che Biko > Biko out.
You just had to rub it in, didn't ya? 8) :lol:
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