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Author Topic: The Good RP Logs Thread!  (Read 98966 times)

Ava Starfire

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #45 on: 07 May 2013, 20:10 »

[ 2013.05.08 00:44:06 ] Tabor Murn > /emote enters the hall. He is completely naked and his body is completely covered in a layer of ash. His head is shaven. He shivers severly and nearly stumbles as he walks toward the fire.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:44:27 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote smiles and pats Ava's shoulder, "Here he is."
 [ 2013.05.08 00:44:58 ] Ava Starfire > /emote looks over, and jumps up and runs over > Tabor?! Honey??!
 [ 2013.05.08 00:45:19 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote goes and curls up in her blanket by the fire again.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:45:22 ] Ava Starfire > Oh, god, exposure... Eva, get me some blankets, now, please. And um... some warm water and a cloth
 [ 2013.05.08 00:45:57 ] Tabor Murn > /emote looks at Ava and sits without saying a thing.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:46:00 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote nods and hops up, running some hot water and rushing to get some blankets from the guest bedroom, where she's stolen all the spare ones.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:46:15 ] Ava Starfire > Where have you...
 [ 2013.05.08 00:46:19 ] Ava Starfire > /emote hugs him
 [ 2013.05.08 00:46:32 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote returns and wraps a couple blankets around Tabor and places the rest next to Ava.  She goes and gets the warm water.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:46:33 ] Tabor Murn > /emote feels dreadfully cold.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:46:55 ] Ava Starfire > /emote rubs his arms briskly with the blankets > Warm. See?
 [ 2013.05.08 00:47:03 ] Tabor Murn > /emote pushes away the blanket and tries to wave the water away.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:47:26 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote places the water down on the floor by Tabor and watches him.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:47:40 ] Ava Starfire > Honey, you have hypothermia.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:48:05 ] Ava Starfire > /emote tries to cover him again
 [ 2013.05.08 00:48:25 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote places her warm hands and Tabor's arm, trying to warm him a bit with a worried look.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:48:26 ] Tabor Murn > /emote shakes his head and smiles weakly to Ava.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:49:36 ] Ava Starfire > Honey?
 [ 2013.05.08 00:49:47 ] Tabor Murn > /emote looks at Ava.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:49:50 ] Ava Starfire > /emote sighs
 [ 2013.05.08 00:50:01 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote attempts to wrap Tabor in another blanket.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:50:15 ] Ava Starfire > Eva, he's mourning.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:50:22 ] Ava Starfire > Um... I think?
 [ 2013.05.08 00:50:25 ] Punx Evangeline > Oh.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:50:26 ] Tabor Murn > /emote points at Ava.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:50:40 ] Punx Evangeline > Mourning doesn't have to mean dying though, right?
 [ 2013.05.08 00:52:04 ] Ava Starfire > He's warming up... I think.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:52:21 ] Tabor Murn > /emote nods.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:52:28 ] Ava Starfire > /emote just sits down and bundles the blanket up in her lap.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:52:42 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote nods and wraps another blanket around him.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:52:46 ] Ava Starfire > /emote leans forward and presses her face into it, so she can scream
 [ 2013.05.08 00:53:20 ] Tabor Murn > /emote places a still chilly hand on Ava's shoulder.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:54:14 ] Ava Starfire > Have you been gone all day?
 [ 2013.05.08 00:54:21 ] Ava Starfire > /emote looks up and asks, quietly
 [ 2013.05.08 00:54:44 ] Tabor Murn > /emote nods and points in the direction of a nearby mountain.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:55:48 ] Ava Starfire > /emote looks over at the mountain out the window
 [ 2013.05.08 00:55:59 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote looks too.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:57:19 ] Ava Starfire > /emote looks back at Tabor, and speaks very quietly > You do not know what's happened, do you?
 [ 2013.05.08 00:57:56 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote picks up another blanket in preparation.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:58:26 ] Tabor Murn > /emote traces the symbol of the ray of matar on the ground.
 [ 2013.05.08 00:58:44 ] Ava Starfire > /emote kneels next to him and nods a little
 [ 2013.05.08 00:59:41 ] Ava Starfire > /emote wipes a finger on the ash on Tabor's body, and with it, draws a vertical monolith, a Naglfar, on the floor
 [ 2013.05.08 01:00:16 ] Ava Starfire > /emote then draws a jagged line through it, beginning to cry quietly
 [ 2013.05.08 01:01:25 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote bites her lip and watches both of them.
 [ 2013.05.08 01:01:47 ] Ava Starfire > /emote traces out smaller curved lines around the bigger picture of the Naglfar, each one she draws resembling the same curved shape, until she has drawn fourteen around the central one
 [ 2013.05.08 01:03:40 ] Ava Starfire > /emote cuts her finger with her knife, and draws a slash through each of the images, the 14 outer ones and the middle one, in a thin stroke of blood
 [ 2013.05.08 01:04:41 ] Ava Starfire > /emote looks up at him, once she finishes her drawing, and tries to offer a small smile.
 [ 2013.05.08 01:05:24 ] Tabor Murn > /emote nods. He points to himself and then to his eyes. Lastly he points toward the mountain.
 [ 2013.05.08 01:05:38 ] Ava Starfire > /emote nods a little
 [ 2013.05.08 01:05:58 ] Ava Starfire > /emote looks back up at the mountain
 [ 2013.05.08 01:07:05 ] Punx Evangeline > He saw from the mountain?
 [ 2013.05.08 01:07:35 ] Ava Starfire > /emote nods a bit, still staring out the window

Ava Starfire

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #46 on: 07 May 2013, 20:16 »

 [ 2013.05.08 01:51:34 ] Ryoko Yukiko Kaminamida > /emote arrives via shuttle, stepping out and onto the planet, cradling a tiny box under one arm as she enters the hall, glancing around.
 [ 2013.05.08 01:51:55 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote waves to Ryoko from her warm spot by the fire.
 [ 2013.05.08 01:52:21 ] Ava Starfire > /emote is sitting on the floor in front of the fire with Tabor, who is partially covered with ashes. Ava looks like shit.
 [ 2013.05.08 01:52:22 ] Ryoko Yukiko Kaminamida > /emote smiles at Eva. She walks over, her black dropsuit lightly dusted with snow. "Hi, Eva," she says quietly.
 [ 2013.05.08 01:53:04 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote smiles, "Hi Ryoko," she says softly.
 [ 2013.05.08 01:53:12 ] Ryoko Yukiko Kaminamida > /emote spots Ava, heading toward the three of them, moving slowly with the little wooden box, which glints lightly in the firelight held under one arm.
 [ 2013.05.08 01:54:31 ] Ava Starfire > /emote looks up wearily
 [ 2013.05.08 01:55:08 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote points to Ava and Tabor, speaking to Ryoko, "It's been a rough day for them," she says softly.
 [ 2013.05.08 01:55:27 ] Ryoko Yukiko Kaminamida > /emote goes to Ava's side, sliding down to her knees and sitting back in a traditional meditative posture. She nods at Eva, and then looks back at Ava. "I heard what happened," she says quietly.
 [ 2013.05.08 01:57:35 ] Ava Starfire > /emote nods a little
 [ 2013.05.08 01:57:52 ] Ava Starfire > I figure everyone has, by now.
 [ 2013.05.08 01:58:33 ] Ryoko Yukiko Kaminamida > /emote turns to face Ava after giving Eva a sad smile. "I brought you something," she says, placing the box on the floor between the two of them. The box is simple, made of smooth wood with a latch at its top, and a metal hinge.
 [ 2013.05.08 01:58:58 ] Ava Starfire > /emote looks at it for a moment > You did not have to do that...
 [ 2013.05.08 01:59:06 ] Ava Starfire > /emote smiles wearily
 [ 2013.05.08 01:59:10 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote looks out the window at Tabor's mountain again.
 [ 2013.05.08 01:59:25 ] Ava Starfire > /emote looks at Tabor, waiting to see if he wants to peek inside first
 [ 2013.05.08 02:00:00 ] Ryoko Yukiko Kaminamida > /emote shakes her head. "It's something I was taught a long time ago," she says. "It's a...the best translation would be...'grief box.' It's for those who've experienced great loss."
 [ 2013.05.08 02:00:21 ] Tabor Murn > /emote just listens.
 [ 2013.05.08 02:00:51 ] Ava Starfire > Grief box?
 [ 2013.05.08 02:01:46 ] Ryoko Yukiko Kaminamida > /emote nods. She rests one hand atop the box. "They are never opened, except by the mourner. The mourner opens the box, and inside is an effigy that only they see. To that effigy they give all their grief, their sorrow, their sadness. You fill the box -
 [ 2013.05.08 02:02:26 ] Ava Starfire > /emote cocks her head, listening
 [ 2013.05.08 02:02:44 ] Ryoko Yukiko Kaminamida > with your sadness. Then, you close the box and lock it. Traditionally, the box is then deposited in the ocean, where the spirits' tears carry it away from you. If you are far from the ocean, it is burned where the smoke can't touch you. This sends
 [ 2013.05.08 02:03:09 ] Ryoko Yukiko Kaminamida > your grief to the heavens, and leaves you to live your life as you should."
 [ 2013.05.08 02:03:39 ] Punx Evangeline > /emote smiles, "That is beautiful Ryoko..." she says softly.
 [ 2013.05.08 02:04:00 ] Ava Starfire > /emote smiles a little
 [ 2013.05.08 02:04:07 ] Ava Starfire > Thank you, Ryoko.
 [ 2013.05.08 02:04:25 ] Tabor Murn > /emote smiles to Ryoko.
 [ 2013.05.08 02:05:31 ] Ryoko Yukiko Kaminamida > /emote leaves her hand resting on the box. "No one else may see what's in the box, Ava," she says softly. "Only you can know what the craftsman and spirits left you, and what you put into it." She gives a sad smile.
 [ 2013.05.08 02:06:11 ] Ryoko Yukiko Kaminamida > /emote looks at Tabor. "Sometimes, when grief is shared, it is not just one person that fills the box. It's a private ritual, but...I felt it might be appropriate."
 [ 2013.05.08 02:06:17 ] Ava Starfire > /emote nods a little
 [ 2013.05.08 02:08:14 ] Ryoko Yukiko Kaminamida > /emote removes her han from the box, leaving it between Ava, Tabor, and herself. She nods at them. "If you need anything," she says quietly. "Ask."
 [ 2013.05.08 02:08:34 ] Ava Starfire > /emote nods again > We will.

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #47 on: 08 May 2013, 12:25 »

Good stuff!

Snowy Mountain Retreat sadface party FTW. Well done.


Louella Dougans

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #48 on: 09 May 2013, 12:12 »

An ebil space nun on a diplomatic mission visits the SHOSK abbey...

[ 2011.03.31 20:42:13 ] Ritual Sacrifice > Nice. What's that brick thing over there?
 [ 2011.03.31 20:43:22 ] Darina Rea > It's the Sacred Brick! Some old dudes think it's important and holy... I don't understand it that well. It's important anyway.
 [ 2011.03.31 20:43:40 ] Ritual Sacrifice > cool! *goes to take a closer look*
 [ 2011.03.31 20:44:25 ] Ritual Sacrifice > /emote screams as a bolt of lightning arcs from the brick to strike her, causing her cheap plasticy clothing to melt and run off, and making her hair stand on end. She's not hurt herself though.
 [ 2011.03.31 20:44:36 ] Ritual Sacrifice > omg
 [ 2011.03.31 20:45:18 ] Darina Rea > /emote blinks > That... never happened before.

The Sacred Brick :O


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #49 on: 09 May 2013, 14:03 »

40mil for that brick.

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #50 on: 09 May 2013, 14:17 »

Psh, just a colossal buildup of static electricity set off by the presence of the opposite charge brought by the pod-goo slime of the capsuleer. Nothing holy about tha—*SMITE*

Sakura Nihil

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #51 on: 04 Jun 2013, 20:37 »

Just because I didn't want this thread to die...

Sakura Nihil > ...But given enough time, you'll run out of things to do eventually.
Sakura Nihil > /emote finishes her beer - Maybe when that happens, I'll go into politics.
Sakura Nihil > You know, waste the rest of my life doing nothing.
Anslo > Rote in politics?...
Anslo > /emote stares away nto space, blinks a few times with widened eyes and shakes his head.
Anslo > Macaper's prophecies come to life.
Sakura Nihil > /emote smiles - Sakura Nihil, in politics.
Anslo > Gods protect us..
Sakura Nihil > Running on the "vote for me, or I'll glass your city" platform.
Anslo > Nut job...


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #52 on: 05 Jun 2013, 14:48 »

Graelyn > One does not need be a Sarumite to operate in Sarum-heavy space.
Graelyn > And, good Lord, is there anyone left who might think I was a Sarumite?
Synthetic Cultist > Yes.
Graelyn > I'll put it this way:
 Graelyn > My Standings in the Empire are almost without equal, however, they are highest among House Sarum. Would this be because I back them and thier interests, or because I want friends among those who work alongside all of my greatest enemies?
Graelyn > Who knows?
 Graelyn > Obviously no one here.
Stitcher wiggles his fingers and utters a "wooooOOOOooo" noise
Synthetic Cultist > Amarr Politics is Complicated.
 Graelyn > I'm not talking about those bullshit numbers you spout...although mine are extremelly high.
Graelyn > My Standing is my NAME.
Synthetic Cultist > The Knife in the Back requires Trust
 Stitcher > your standing is Graelyn?
 Synthetic Cultist > Graelyn is not his Real Name.
Synthetic Cultist > I do not know Graelyn's Real Name.
Graelyn > I am Cardinal Graelyn of Hedion, a humble capsuleer servant of The Most Holy Empire among the famed loyalist fleet known as PIE.
Graelyn > My title was granted to me by the Defensores Fidei, the clerical arm of the Curatores Veritatis Alliance who persues the Reclaiming of the South, who named me the sole recipient of their highest designation, recognized by all peers.
Graelyn > I am among the First Generation of capsuleer pilots, one of the first to proclaim loyalty to the Empire, and one of the last to have survived this long. I have served alongside nearly every capsuleer corporation loyal to Amarr in some capacity.
Graelyn > While the Empire rarely sees fit to ask for the direct intervention of capsuleers in it's affairs, in nearly every case where it has, I have been intrinsically involved.
Graelyn > I was there with Golan Trevize when the Tribals failed to stop the Imperial Apocalypse; I stormed through Sarikusa's final defenses in the Bleak Lands alongside Admiral Sarum to end the Blood Wars
Graelyn > I hunted the Tetrimon Order when they crossed the border, defended them at the behest of the Theology Council, then oversaw thier deaths and the destruction of thier heretical texts within my own anchored structures.
Graelyn > Bricks of the Tal-Romon Cathedral sit safely in my vaults.I have worked with Heirs, Admirals, and Grandmasters, been witness to both glory and atrocity, and been the solemn keeper of many secrets.
Graelyn > That is my Fucking Name.

In case anyone was wondering, this was the speech in II that got Gottii hot and bothered...
"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"
― Isaac Asimov

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #53 on: 05 Jun 2013, 16:17 »

In case anyone was wondering, this was the speech in II that got Gottii hot and bothered...

I guess you could say it... Gottii to him.



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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #54 on: 20 Jun 2013, 01:02 »

This happened about a day or so before the siege in Haatomo ended.
N'maro Makari > I'd like to ask, what is I-RED's stance on the Haatomo situation?
 Korsavius > The Taisho has his hands tied up with other duties currently.
 Korsavius > We have yet to announce an official stance on the situation, but...
 N'maro Makari > Is he the only one that can give a policy statement?
 Korsavius > Well, no. But generally he does.
 Korsavius > Personally, though, I have committed some of my non-corporate assets to the situation to see it through.
 N'maro Makari > Well, in that case may I request for information, whether I-RED will involve itself, it's position on Heth etc.
 N'maro Makari > Just to lay our cards on the table, we're now of the opinion that Heth is a negative factor in regional stability.
 N'maro Makari > We'd like to work with Caldari organisations where we can.
 Korsavius > Naturally, I-RED will involve itself in the situation when the time is right. I cannot make any further comment on the matter. On a personal note, Heth has been a negative factor to the State for some time.
 N'maro Makari > That may be true, but our primary interest is a stable State. In any case, I would appreciate it if you passed this up the chain.
 N'maro Makari > And we'd appreciate being kept abrest of I-RED's policy and plans where applicable. If that's possible, please.
 Korsavius > Your cooperation on the matter is appreciated, but I would highly suggest you stay out of internal State affairs. The best you and your men can do at this point would be reinforcing security in the Federation, particularly in Luminaire.
 N'maro Makari > Very well, but you will pass this up the chain, wont you?
 Korsavius > No, I will not. I expect you will follow your corporate stance of neutrality in empire affairs and not intervene in the situation in Haatomo. Have faith in the CEP and Caldari Navy to put this madman and his thugs to rest.
 N'maro Makari > Shosho Lavius, allow me to lay out our policy in general a little more clearly: Our primary objective is not to be neutral but maintain interstellar stabilty. If maintaining stabilty means involving ourselves in Heth's demise, overtly or covertly, then
 N'maro Makari > that is what we must do. We will be operating inside and outside the State, and would much prefer to work with local allies with mutual goals, and we do consider I-RED an ally.
 N'maro Makari > We will be at work, directly or indirectly, so wether we help each other is very much up to you. I would stress that working together may well produce better results.
 N'maro Makari > We have no desire to meddle.
 N'maro Makari > Hence why I contacted you in the first place.
Korsavius > I don't think you quite understand the magnitude of this situation, Captain.
 Korsavius > For the past five years Heth has given the State an overall negative reputation, and caused a lot of faith lost in the State.
 Korsavius > This will be our chance to redeem ourselves, and prove to the cluster that the Caldari people have a spine, and do not bow down to one man.
 Korsavius > I kindly ask that you not involve yourselves in this Caldari internal matter, let us take care of this. If you wish to be of assistance, take up my suggestion.
 Korsavius > If you choose to involve yourselves regardless, then very well. If the situation demands it, we may or may not cooperate when things decide to escalate.
 Korsavius > I really need to return to my duties, Captain, so I bid you farewell and good luck in your operations.
 N'maro Makari > Good day.

Kor doesn't want anyone outside of the State to stand in his way when the final showdown begins. He wants to be the one who puts the superheated plasma charge through Heth's skull. >_>

Fun conversation regardless =)
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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #55 on: 24 Jun 2013, 13:29 »

Tiberious Thessalonia > How is everyone else?
Valerie Valate > Out-standing!
Tiberious Thessalonia > You seem in a good mood today, Valerie.
Literia > I am weill thank you Tiberious
Valerie Valate > I am filled with the eternal JOY that comes from embracing God's love.
Tiberious Thessalonia > Yes, but you are not usually so... energized about it.
Valerie Valate > unlike the wretched souls of sinners such as doll-minions of unbelievers, who are shunned. SHUN!
Tiberious Thessalonia > Ah.
Valerie Valate > shun them! sssshhhhhhuuuuuunnnn
Tiberious Thessalonia > No, I make it a point to not truely shun anyone.
Valerie Valate > Incredible!
Tiberious Thessalonia nods very, very slowly.
Valerie Valate > superb!
Valerie Valate > beware the dolls, they are the spreader of untruths.
Valerie Valate > but the Book of Redemption says All!
Tiberious Thessalonia > wait, who are these dolls again?
Valerie Valate > the Cat of Righteousness shall be placed amongst the Pigeons of Heresy
Graelyn sighs
Graelyn > The dolls again.
Valerie Valate > and they shall be scattered!
Valerie Valate > Many things will come to Pass!
Tiberious Thessalonia > Water shall run! Wind shall blow!
Tiberious Thessalonia > See? I could get into this.
Graelyn > Someone made a series of novelty plushie dolls a while back, based on my person.
Tiberious Thessalonia > Ahhh, I see
Graelyn > They have somehow become a point of interest to Sani Sabik prophetical groups.
Tiberious Thessalonia > I've only ever heard Valerie mention them
Graelyn > To my utter bafflement.
Valerie Valate > the unbelievers have grown fat on the Bread of Lies, baked from the Flour of Heresy, milled by the Unholy Rumour Mill, from the grain of Truth.
Valerie Valate > but Man cannot live on bread alone
Valerie Valate > Cast out the Bread of Lies, it is fit only for the Pigeons of Heresy, which are destroyed by the Cat of Truth
Tiberious Thessalonia > Wait, is Truth a cat or a grain?
Ashar KorAzor > What.
Tiberious Thessalonia > Your theology is absolutely baffling to me, Valerie.
Valerie Valate > Truth comes in many forms, dear Tiberious
Tiberious Thessalonia > Abbess, how are you?
Ashar KorAzor > Confused.
Ashar KorAzor > You?
Tiberious Thessalonia > Much the same. *chuckles*
Tiberious Thessalonia > Its best to let it continue.
Valerie Valate > The Rumour Mill, is a contraption of the Deceiver!
Valerie Valate > Molok was the first! to take the grain of truth, and form it into the bread of lies. The Yeast of Lust.
Valerie Valate > do not trust the yeast of lust, for it is unrighteous
Graelyn falls down
Ashar KorAzor stares.
Literia blinks
Valerie Valate > A cake of blasphemy, it is a pretty thing, but results in fatness of the soul
Tiberious Thessalonia > I take it you haven't met Valerie, Abbess?
Ashar KorAzor > Darlin', you drunk?
Ashar KorAzor > Drunk on corn liquor maybe?
Ashar KorAzor > I've met her.
Ashar KorAzor > Last time I talked to her, she didn't have the alcoholism, though.
JiaLei Lian > Wouldn't an empty soul be a bad thing?
Valerie Valate > And when the Cake of Blasphemy is introduced to the Spork of Divine purpose, what then? The inner unrighteousness is revealed to all!
Graelyn is unable to stand
Valerie Valate > and it crumbles!
Graelyn > *Audio is unavilible*
Ashar KorAzor > Fucksake
Ashar KorAzor > The baking metaphors.
Ashar KorAzor > Oh god, God preserve me.
Ashar KorAzor > You'll do me an injury.
Valerie Valate > the Cake of Blasphemy crumbles because it is a terrible cake that only makes you fat and unhappy
Literia > But, I like cake
Ashar KorAzor > Are you busking? Is this Blooder stand-up?
Ashar KorAzor > Is there a hat I can toss some money into?
Valerie Valate > cast out the cake of blasphemy, and consume the cake of righteousness
Valerie Valate > that fills the soul with Divine Purpose!
Ashar KorAzor > The cake of righteousness she offers is false!
Ashar KorAzor > It is urinal cake.
Valerie Valate > Lies!
Ashar KorAzor > TRUTH.
Valerie Valate > Lies and slander by an agent of the Heretics!
Valerie Valate > for I have seen the inflatable buildings of the Theology Council
Ashar KorAzor > I am both pure and true.
Ashar KorAzor > What?
Graelyn appears again, red-faced
Ashar KorAzor > Some old priest's blow-up doll isn't a building.
Valerie Valate > This penalty was incurred for destroying Amarr Empire's Blood Raider Chapel in G-TT5V
Valerie Valate > the Pin of Faith bursts the Balloon of Blasphemy
Ashar KorAzor > What was so special about that chapel? We've destroyed all kinds of damn chapels.
Tiberious Thessalonia sits back, looking quite amused.
Ashar KorAzor > Anyway, you can't bake.
Ashar KorAzor > I bet your cakes taste like drop.
Tiberious Thessalonia > I demand a bakeoff.
Tiberious Thessalonia > Whoever wins can save my soul.
Ashar KorAzor > I don't trust her and her blood-pudding.
Literia > Devil's food cake?
Ashar KorAzor > Also you and I should talk teas later, when there's not people offering urinal cake.
Tiberious Thessalonia nods his head.
Ashar KorAzor > Your cake, heretic.
Ashar KorAzor > Your cake is a lie.
Valerie Valate > Blood sausage, do not make me laugh
Ashar KorAzor > I don't need to hear about this.
Valerie Valate > such lies are spread by the Theology council
Ashar KorAzor > I don't need to hear about your blood-sausage urinal cake.
Ashar KorAzor > Take your disturbing food-fetishes elsewhere.
Tiberious Thessalonia > You know, this discussion -had- been making me hungry, until now.
Tiberious Thessalonia > Yuck.
Valerie Valate > Lies! to oppress and be generally not very nice in unspecified at the moment ways
Ashar KorAzor > And then, the temptation was ended.
Ashar KorAzor > YOU'RE not nice in SPECIFIED ways.
Valerie Valate > I am the model of divine purpose
Valerie Valate > Consider the mushroom.
Valerie Valate > grown in the Darkness, it is pretty nasty, and turns everything manky. Such is heresy.
Graelyn > You've been eating the wrong mushrooms.
Graelyn > Which might also explain other things, now that I think of it......
Valerie Valate > whereas the Flower of Righteousness grows in the Light of Faith and is pretty and smells good and is generally nice.
Valerie Valate > Through such metaphors, God reveals his plan to the True Believers.
Valerie Valate > Therefore, Tiberious, reject the sandwich of blasphemy, and consume the sandwich of righteousness.
The Explanatory Leaflet is a Leaflet that Explains.

Saede Riordan

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #56 on: 24 Jun 2013, 13:41 »

An oldie but goodie Synthia :D
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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #57 on: 24 Jun 2013, 13:51 »

I knew I shouldn't have eaten all of that supermarket cake at birthday parties.  It has all become clear now.


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #58 on: 25 Jun 2013, 18:10 »

do not trust the yeast of lust

Yeah, I about had a conniption fit at my keyboard.

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Saede Riordan

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #59 on: 27 Jun 2013, 09:16 »

This was some really great summit RP from last night, discussing wormholes and things. Was a very fun convo. Spun off some awesome RP with Diana Kim too.
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A ship in harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are built for.
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