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That the top-heavy, curved, vertical design of the Naglfar was copied from Minmatar totems? Read more in the description

Author Topic: [News] Many Nefantar Elite Find Adapting to Republic Life Difficult  (Read 3213 times)

Silver Night

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News story here:

This sounds about right, though I'm not sure why they capitalize 'elite' in there.

Interesting that both heading back to the Mandate and leaving for the Federation are mentioned as options some might have taken following difficulties in the Republic.


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Good to see the Federation playing the safe haven role well.  "Give us your tired, your weak, etc. and we'll make Gallenteans of them yet."

Have there been any news articles describing a successful transition for former slaves/Nefantar defectors as a result of the Elder invasion?  Seems the only ones I can remember are similar to this or about Ardishapur's well-propagandized rule of the Mandate.

Alain Colcer

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The Republic does indeed need some sort of "lift up" news lately.

Personally i think that the PI release, could have had the largest and greatest impact for the Minmatar Republic, with capsuleers from all over their home regions investing in the colonies and giving work to many.

Specially given the manpower available after the "Elders" event.


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Eh. The Republic needs more news about how ebul we are, so the shades of gray balance out a little more across the nations.


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I think of that piece of news mostly as a counterpart on the previous news about Nefantar defectors talking about how they were oppressed in their own Mandate. The Elite is capitalized for the same reason as Holder is quite often capitalized - these people used to be Holders in all but name. So, they could not fullfill their ambitions in the Mandate and defected. The end result is that they lost their wealth and were spit on not only by Amarr Holders but everyone.

Of course, there's a whole lot of conspirators who really were in the business to help their kin and deal with the Elders and Freedom Fighters directly (those likely ended up in the Great Wildlands, though). Then there were those who helped their kin just because it was the Right Thing to Do. And then
there were those who wanted more power than they could have had in the Mandate and defected in hopes of becoming heroes or whatnot. The last two groups were likely the most disappointed, and since we're talking about grimdark, the middle group, who might be considered the real good guys, likely suffer the most. (Since if you had been conspiring with the powers that be, you likely had advance warning. Similarly for the greatest power-mongerers with their Gallentean bank accounts. You did it because at the moment it seemed to be the good thing to do? Sucks to be you.)


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The wording sounds like it was taken out of a transcript of internal AFC discussions, from back when the treachery of defection had been first gazetted.  I approve of CCP's view of the Ammatar.

Silver Night

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Think any Ammatar head to the State? If you're leaving the Mandate, but don't like the prospects in the Fed or Republic...?

Think there are any connections for former high-ranking Ammatar to take advantage of in the State? Somewhere else?


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Maybe, the suggestion has been made.  The issue is the State apparently has too many workers now versus having too few at the inception of the Tube Child program.

Yoshito Sanders

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There's also the issue that any high-ranking Nefantar would be wanted criminals for the Amarr Empire. And not just mundane criminals either, but major traitors. While I'm sure there's a load of Caldari who'd be perfectly fine with letting them in, it couldn't be in a public role at all. I doubt even mid-level workers would be allowed to know the Nefantar was on board, because those workers might contact the Empire looking for a reward, and then the Caldari are in a politically difficult situation.

Silver Night

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I wonder if a situation like that would play into tensions that might be present in the Caldari/Amarr relationship.

I mean, there are likely some corporations that aren't entirely happy with the stronger links. Not because of slavery or any of that, necessarily, but because they don't like the debts to the Empire or for other political reasons we don't know about.

There is also, to my mind, the strong possibility the State legal system is immensely complex, particularly for outsiders.

You're an Ammatar regional authority of some kind. You find out there's an Ammatar 'traitor' hiding in the State. The traitor was bright enough to do his research and find a corporation that isn't a big fan of the deals with the Empire.

So, Ammatar authority contacts the corporation in question to arrange extradition. Corporation says 'For our friends in the Mandate? Of course! There's just a bit of paperwork to be done.'

The Ammatar authority spends the rest of their career trying to hack their way through a hell of overlapping, often conflicting corporate jurisdictions and regulations and the whole time corporations merge, split, change rules (sometimes retroactively), and even disappear.


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Until they figure out that there's a guy who will do the paperwork for them if they pay cold ISK. (Which might be a good deal if it saves a lot of time for the Ammatar.) But yes, sounds an interesting idea, specially if the Ammatar in question was worth something, I could see that some corps might even arrange false IDs. Say, have the Nefantar employee hop through several short-lived subsidiaries, and the path connecting him to his previous identity would be relatively well covered, as long as he keeps his mouth shut.

Additionally, we know that Caldari corps have had shady dealings in the Mandate, so there are people in the Mandate who have connections in the State. The shadier, the better in this case, though some legitimate connections would be of use, as well.

Isobel Mitar

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Think any Ammatar head to the State? If you're leaving the Mandate, but don't like the prospects in the Fed or Republic...?

Think there are any connections for former high-ranking Ammatar to take advantage of in the State? Somewhere else?

I have a vague recollection there was a PF bit which mentioned the Mandate selling the Caldari rights for exploiting mineral resources near the Mandate / Republic border. I might be partially wrong, though, my memory is bit patchy over that bit.

lallara zhuul

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True that.

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Think any Ammatar head to the State? If you're leaving the Mandate, but don't like the prospects in the Fed or Republic...?

Think there are any connections for former high-ranking Ammatar to take advantage of in the State? Somewhere else?

I think after betraying the Amarr, the second-to-last place the Ammatar would want to go is to their allies.

Also, Caldari have the highest homeless rates of the Four States.  (its true! I promise! type "homeless" in the Neocom)  Combined that with their focus on cultural purity, Im thinking there would be a huge political push against allowing any random immigrants in, particularly ones who would possibly alienate their allies. The homeless and the borderline homeless wouldnt want more competition for what homes and housing their are in the State.
« Last Edit: 18 Jul 2010, 21:12 by Gottii »
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