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Author Topic: Tanoo Proclaimer [Worldbuilding/Rumors/Tabloid/IC News?]  (Read 6399 times)

Armast Darkar

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[spoiler][OOC: I am going to try to write these a little more semi-regularly. Since I didn't want to saturate the Tabloids! thread, I thought it best to just make a new one specific to the Tanoo Proclaimer. Hope you enjoy!] [/spoiler]

Tanoo - San Matar - Derelik
Tanoo V - Moon 1 - Ammatar Consulate Bureau
Tanoo Proclaimer, a subsidiary of Amarr Certified News

Tanoo II - A flurry of activity has gripped a number of outlying neighborhoods and suburbs surrounding the spaceport city of Milh just north of the equatorial plane following a leak on local media that a member of the Darkar family was spotted on a surveillance camera at one of the stations connecting to the city's underground transportation network. Local authorities descended swiftly upon the location, resulting in a disruption of public transportation and a temporary lockdown of the spaceport on Nisra Island. Search efforts remain ongoing, though local authorities have stated that the Ministry of Internal Order and Order of Saint Tetrimon offices on Halturzhan in the Jarizza system have been notified.

Authorities have released the name of the suspect as Ramiz Darkar, identified as an older brother to attainted heretic and terrorist Armast Darkar. Little is known from publicly-accessible databases about Ramiz Darkar except that he entered into holy matrimony with Naima Clevazir in YC108 and worked in a supervisory role on a plantation north of Milh's famous salt flats. They are believed to be traveling together and with their three young children. If sighted, faithful and loyal citizens of the Ammatar Mandate are encouraged to keep their distance and notify authorities as soon as possible. It is likely they are being smuggled through the city by terrorists from The Ghosts of Kahah, Ammatar Church-adherent sympathizers, or other seditionists hostile to the unity of Holy Amarr and the just rule of House Ardishapur.

In related news, authorities have seized and destroyed an illicit printing press in the metropolis of Najah in the southern hemisphere of Tanoo II. The location was a former meeting place of a local "Minmatar league" though authorities have stated that the site had likely been abandoned until very recently. Although no arrests were made, the destruction of seditious and heretical literature is a great victory for all faithful Ammatar. A spokesperson from the Najah Metropolitan Constabulary stated that the location represented a desperate attempt among seditious elements within the Mandate to organize. "It is an unlikely and unholy alliance of a few spiritually impoverished Ammatar Church clergy, low-ranking members of the Ammatar elite, Republic sympathizers, anarchists, and survivors of so-called 'Minmatar leagues' from a decade ago, who have been galvanized by destabilizing events affecting Holy Amarr and who most likely receive funds from The Ghosts of Kahah and their heretical leader Armast Darkar. This rotten organization—if it can even be called that—is doomed to fail and the Najah Metropolitan Constabulary will continue to seek out these threats in full cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Order and the Order of Saint Tetrimon to protect our great city." 

Faithful citizens of Tanoo II have responded to these and other events by encouraging prayer, fasting, and almsgiving ahead of the feast days celebrating the prophet Tyrion Plethar. The largest of these movements have scheduled a series of rallies and vigils in the coming weeks to take place at Plethar Square in the city of Milh. 

Tanoo II
« Last Edit: 22 Mar 2019, 05:31 by Armast Darkar »

Armast Darkar

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Re: Tanoo Proclaimer [Worldbuilding/Rumors/Tabloid/IC News?]
« Reply #1 on: 13 Apr 2019, 04:25 »

Tanoo - San Matar - Derelik
Tanoo V - Moon 1 - Ammatar Consulate Bureau
Tanoo Proclaimer, a subsidiary of Amarr Certified News

Tanoo II - A joyous day greets the faithful of Tanoo and the wider Ammatar Mandate! His Royal Highness Lord Arim Ardishapur has resoundingly answered the unease of the populations of Tanoo II and Halturzhan. The Imperial Governor of the Ammatar Mandate and successor to Lord Yonis Ardishapur has invited the Order of Saint Tetrimon to officially open a chapter within the Ammatar Mandate and has "given special dispensation" for the new chapter to select fresh recruits from the Ardishapur demesne, including the entire region of Derelik. Hundreds of faithful gave praise on the streets of Milh and Najah as news broke from the Ardishapur court in Ves-Arkon.

"Give thanks, brothers and sisters! Give thanks!" A spokesperson of the Lord Mayor of Milh proclaimed from the city's Plethar Square, "The days of the Darkar Family evading the honorable and just law enforcement agencies of the Ammatar Mandate will soon come to an end. But I caution you, my brothers and sisters, I caution you to follow the example of the great Lord Arim Ardishapur. Do not speak the vile name of the attainted heretic who coats bared fangs in honey. I say to you that he has already received his reward in damnation and the Order of Saint Tetrimon shall weed out the rest of the fallen who follow in his shadow. He may attempt to wield economic sanctions as a weapon against this holy order, but the faithful of Milh, Tanoo, and the Ammatar Mandate shall remain steadfast in their support for justice, order, and integrity. Let us partake in prayer, fasting, and almsgiving."

Those of weak faith gave into uncertainty in the preceding weeks as the Customs Offices of Tanoo II and Halturzhan were destroyed and replaced by The Ghosts of Kahah. With customs taxes levied by the Yulai Convention-protected corporation reduced to zero percent, both worlds have seen stronger incentives for investment from independent capsuleers, leading to unfounded concerns within some circles of a minority of the Ammatar Consulate government about an influx of poorly-regulated and lightly-inspected goods and materials.

Additional details about the Darkar family have surfaced in recent weeks. Now, with rumors circulating that the 1st Mandate Redemptionist Brigade will be providing "engineering and logistical support to the Order of St. Tetrimon," the Tanoo Proclaimer was able to determine that a member of the Darkar family had served in the Second Tanoo Redemptionist Regiment. Officially listed as "Killed in Action" during the 1st Mandate Redemptionist Brigade's deployment to the system of Ezzara in the Bleak Lands, Farzan Darkar was "convicted of support for defectors" though the specifics of his case are unknown at this time.


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Re: Tanoo Proclaimer [Worldbuilding/Rumors/Tabloid/IC News?]
« Reply #2 on: 12 May 2019, 00:10 »

Thank you for the update, Mr Darkar.

There are interesting developments, as I always regarding Tanoo as a borderlands backwater that could not amount to much given the primary of Jarizza, Sasta, Yuzier and Assah as areas of economic activity. The proximity to the tribal border always threatened the idea of serious settlement there.  Perhaps the outlook of Lord Ardishapur is that Tanoo will not be a peripheral holding much longer?