Yeah, we fucked up early.

We didn't know about that extra 15min repair cycle..

We thought you (Miz) would come in and peck at the thing in an effort to push the timer to EMDecLive, we'd blow up your stuff and bail out heroically.
That said, we were able to, 2 days after reformation, with short notice and panic abounding, with holidays interfering, recruits and prospects not arrived, and an stuck-typing-only FC, get enough pilots and ships on grid to equal PIE's numbers on a so-so day. That's a yardstick we'll take some comfort in. I'm hopeful we can be on track to handle a dedicated EM fleet on equal footing before too long.
Numbers aside, per pilot effectiveness isn't anywhere near 1:1 with Praetorians yet, of course. And I'm as shitty at multiboxing as ever. (-1 Raven)
Imagine though, if you will, a discord packed with people who all looked at the new timer popping up and went, at the same time "Ohhhh.."