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Author Topic: Are you ready for some....wardecs!?  (Read 17025 times)


  • Ye Olde One
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Are you ready for some....wardecs!?
« on: 23 Dec 2018, 03:21 »


You want content? We're going in facefirst!

It's gonna hurt a bit, but you're all going to have a lot of fun, methinks.  :cube:

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Are you ready for some....wardecs!?
« Reply #1 on: 23 Dec 2018, 21:32 »

Whut? Explain for the distant onlookers


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Re: Are you ready for some....wardecs!?
« Reply #3 on: 24 Dec 2018, 03:26 »

You want content? We're going in facefirst!

It's gonna hurt a bit, but you're all going to have a lot of fun, methinks.  :cube:

I am not entirely sure this went the expected way.
Take Two, when?


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Re: Are you ready for some....wardecs!?
« Reply #4 on: 24 Dec 2018, 14:10 »

Yeah, we fucked up early.  :yar:

We didn't know about that extra 15min repair cycle.. :oops: We thought you (Miz) would come in and peck at the thing in an effort to push the timer to EMDecLive, we'd blow up your stuff and bail out heroically.

That said, we were able to, 2 days after reformation, with short notice and panic abounding, with holidays interfering, recruits and prospects not arrived, and an stuck-typing-only FC, get enough pilots and ships on grid to equal PIE's numbers on a so-so day. That's a yardstick we'll take some comfort in. I'm hopeful we can be on track to handle a dedicated EM fleet on equal footing before too long.

Numbers aside, per pilot effectiveness isn't anywhere near 1:1 with Praetorians yet, of course. And I'm as shitty at multiboxing as ever. (-1 Raven)

Imagine though, if you will, a discord packed with people who all looked at the new timer popping up and went, at the same time "Ohhhh.." :idea:
« Last Edit: 24 Dec 2018, 14:22 by Graelyn »

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Armast Darkar

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Re: Are you ready for some....wardecs!?
« Reply #5 on: 24 Dec 2018, 17:43 »

I certainly send kudos your way for planting a structure on a grid that expressed numerous hostile intentions. The willingness to take that risk is commendable and should be praised. The structures we put in space are basically killmails waiting to happen and planting hem to influence the story on a given planet helps give those stories some meat to them (at least in my opinion).

Better to take the risk and put an asset in space that can die. Anyone can say they put military forces somewhere and they’re doing X, but I respect those who say military/humanitarian forces are doing something AND put a structure (or a freighter haha) in place that could be killed. It generates in-space content and offers better opportunity for counterplay both with ships and roleplay.

You should be proud of making the attempt. It’s good for everyone and gives more content for CCP to review to determine if these kinds of events are worth investing in.


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Re: Are you ready for some....wardecs!?
« Reply #6 on: 24 Dec 2018, 18:26 »

I don't think anyone would criticize the courage. It's a good thing. I'm genuinely extremely surprised seeing even SFRIM etc breaking out the wardecs. It's a pleasure to see.

That said, there's almost too many structures up now. I figured I'd take a step back and not really be involved in Thebeka on that level, since dropping a Fortizar garnered zero response from neither CCP or AmarrBloc, instead letting Samira, PIE, EM etc take the foreground. I did not expect this much space litter.

Armast Darkar

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Re: Are you ready for some....wardecs!?
« Reply #7 on: 24 Dec 2018, 18:44 »

I think there’s a difference between “merely” participating in space versus claiming influence on the ground. For example, I think House Newelle is doing it right. They make after action reports but they also have an Astrahus above Alkabsi. This allows counterplay for their actions, at least by disrupting their space presence, if there were groups that wanted to.

Similarly, as long as pilot allegiances are clear and either control a structure or have access to one that will allow them to do so, it’s fine to not have a personal structure as long as there is _something_ that can be attacked in space. Mobile depots should warrant minor stories and structures like Astrahuses/Raitarus, which represent bigger investments, should receive larger stories as well.

To me, it seems fair to say that the bigger the in-space and vulnerable investment, the bigger the story for terrestrial stuff. Multiple groups can share a structure—that’s totally fine in my book—as long as there is some form of counterplay.

Basically, no one likes zero counterplay. And in my opinion, House Newelle is to the Kahah freighter invasion what other groups are to the self-destructing blood raider sacrifice freighters.

My bottom line is that it’s up to CCP to write in what is reasonable and what is just fake news when it comes to ground stuff. But if you ARE going to write about ground stuff, you should be risking something significant if your battle actions are significant.
« Last Edit: 24 Dec 2018, 18:47 by Armast Darkar »

Armast Darkar

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Re: Are you ready for some....wardecs!?
« Reply #8 on: 24 Dec 2018, 18:56 »

As for CCP ignoring your Fortizar, I’m sorry to hear that. Significant investments should warrant some attention, but I think CCP’s logic is that actions in event systems are more important. But that’s just my speculation.


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Re: Are you ready for some....wardecs!?
« Reply #9 on: 24 Dec 2018, 21:06 »

Just following your lead as it pertains to risk, Armast.  8)

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Armast Darkar

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Re: Are you ready for some....wardecs!?
« Reply #10 on: 24 Dec 2018, 21:43 »

Just following your lead as it pertains to risk, Armast.  8)

Nice  8)

Samira Kernher

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Re: Are you ready for some....wardecs!?
« Reply #11 on: 24 Dec 2018, 22:32 »

As for CCP ignoring your Fortizar, I’m sorry to hear that. Significant investments should warrant some attention, but I think CCP’s logic is that actions in event systems are more important. But that’s just my speculation.

I think it relates more to it having been dropped before this recent influx of events, and not in a system that has any current plot focus. With AmarrBloc's lack of actions being more to not believing they can actually take it on in a fight.

Armast Darkar

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Re: Are you ready for some....wardecs!?
« Reply #12 on: 25 Dec 2018, 04:30 »

Those are my thoughts but expressed in a much clearer way.

Samira Kernher

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