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That the Wolves of Pator rescued and freed 5,000 slaves as a wedding gift for Evanda Char?

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Author Topic: Reasons for you and your character's patriotism/loyalty/ideology  (Read 9208 times)

Raphael Saint

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Being of common (and rather backwoods)  descent, Saint's loyalty to the Empire is nothing more than 'I was born here and this is my home.'  His two reasons for joining a loyalist crusading organization were a friend and a debt he felt he owed God.  Of course the religion he grew up with and embraced also tells him his people are the chosen, so why would he pledge fealty to any other but the Empire?

However, he no longer holds that friendship and recent events have fundamentally challenged the way he views God.  His loyalty to the Empire is slipping, the last few threads tying him there waiting to be cut.

Having grown up working under his father, a True Ammarrian who employed other Amarrians, Udorians, and Ammatar on equal grounds, he holds the Ammatar in high regard and may venture that way, but with the way events seem to be going, it's likely he'd want to separate himself from God, and thusly, the Empire that supposedly represents him.


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Well, that a story that begs to be told Raphael.

Saikoyu is not so much loyal to any political entity (having seen the shady side of most of them) than to the idea of freedom.  As to why, well, she grew up around slavery, but never really started thinking about it until she grew up and went to university and was exposed to conflicting viewpoints about slavery from her room-mate, a Gallente exchange student.  Things came to a head when she ended up looking into the eyes of a slave she was to deliever, and found she couldn't go through with the delivery.  This was the moment that eventually lead to breaking down her belief in the Amarrian Empire and in God, at least the mainstream Amarrian version.  Following that, she left Amarrian space as fast as she could, and eventually ended up running the New Life program to help freed slaves. 


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Lillith asked me to. 

And I like robots.

Mathra Hiede

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Math'ra has a confused and very muddled view of how his loyalty to the Empire, and by extension his home in the Kingdom work together.

He is at heart, a Khanid Kingdom loyalist and recently has returned home to pursue that more actively, his loyalty to the Empire at large stems largely from the fact his father spent alot of his active military career working for the Imperial Navy, and thus the family spent a decent portion of his childhood in various places within the Empire.

But, when his father was killed a seed of doubt was placed, that culminated in his expulsion from the Empire at the forced end in his career with the Imperial Navy, he fled from the Empire and sought work in the State for a while before returning as an indipendant capsuleer to join the Empire again.

Nowdays, he protects the Empire but not with any fire or passion, he does it because it needs to be done - he is deeply dissapointed in its treatment of many of peoples of New Eden, but holds out in faith for Sarum to change things.


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Bong-cha Jones

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Simon's loyal to the Intaki because they are his people and a group he believes he will exist within past this life in a bond that transcends time.  He's ideologically in line with the stated beliefs and form of the Federation, but he's seen enough corruption and experienced a pretty major sucker punch recently that has him changing how he thinks making the Federation better should happen.  In fact, I'd say his viewpoint is slowly transitioning in terms of how he positions himself within the Fed.
Formerly Simon Coal.

Saxon Hawke

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Simon's loyal to the Intaki because they are his people and a group he believes he will exist within past this life in a bond that transcends time.  He's ideologically in line with the stated beliefs and form of the Federation, but he's seen enough corruption and experienced a pretty major sucker punch recently that has him changing how he thinks making the Federation better should happen.  In fact, I'd say his viewpoint is slowly transitioning in terms of how he positions himself within the Fed.

When you finally see the light, we'll have a place for you in the ILF ;)

Saede Riordan

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Nikita is from Utopia, its her home, and despite everything they put her through, she still cares for the cartel, and her friends in it, she sees them as a big dysfunctional family in a way. She'll never betray them, even if its completely expected of her.
Personal Blog//Character Blog
A ship in harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are built for.

Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Arnulf is loyal to the Republic, which he sees as the best hope for the future of the Minmatar as a people. This view is largely due to being raised by people working for two of the Republic's native corporations (Urban Managment & Fleet).

He isn't blindly loyal to any one particular leader or administration, but he does seek to defend and work for the betterment of his home.
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.


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IC: Jakiin's family gained a good amount of power by assisting theKing in the seperation and following civil wars, so pragmatically it makes sense to keep following the tried and true path. He will actually mark the third generation of Torash being rich and decadent under K2 once he takes up the reigns. Asditionally, he has come to believe that the Kingdom should remain seperate from the Empire and close to the State because it then acts as a bridge between the two powers. He's a die-hard reclaimationist, except rather than wanting to wagewar he's decided to convert everyone via diplomacy: Honey versus vinnegar.

OOC: Which of the four major 'sides' to choose was process of elimination.

Federation: I already live in the western world, not enough of an escape.

Republic: You know how in Star Wars you root for the rebellion? I didn't. I rooted for the Empire to do some reforms. I guess I just prefer to change things peacefully than by shaking everything up. Plus, I like the aesthetics of uniformity.

State: Looked great, but since everyone and their dog was Caldari (Just as players, not in RP) when I decided to make a new character I decided against another Caldari. Also, hated the poor PvP ability.

Empire: There's a sort of challenge to RPing something that you would condemn on every level in real life.

Then I decided to make it a Kingdom loyalist because it had the 'social taboo' I percieved of the Amarr, along with elements of the pragmatic and calculating Caldari. Plus the scene was somewhat alive but not overpopular, so it set off my 'anti-popularity' fetish, which I realise is in it's own way just as conformative as pro-popularity.

I never really considered piracy. Not that I have anything against it (Fun fact: Only anti-pirate because it's a challenge that will make me popular with the rich industrialists) it was just never a part of my considerations.

If you ever get ransomed by a narcissist called 'Uncle Jack', you'll know I decided to give it a shot ;)


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You should have named him "Pancake Jack," because then you coul


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State: Looked great, but since everyone and their dog was Caldari (Just as players, not in RP) when I decided to make a new character I decided against another Caldari. Also, hated the poor PvP ability.

...What poor PvP ability?


Lillith Blackheart

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I dunno if it's what he is talking about, Vik, but there was a period (pre-SF Curb Stomp and Kimtoro Directive) that the State RPers were pretty weak on the PvP because they couldn't coordinate themselves to save their asses, due to too many grandstanders and therefore a lot of bad blood.

Individual corps here and there were pretty awesome at what they did, but there was no collective... anything.


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I think he was referring to the general impression that Caldari ships are not PvP ships (largely because they are good at PvE).

Lillith Blackheart

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HAM Drakes are pretty mighty gankers that no one expects.


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...What poor PvP ability?

I like free midslots. The fact State ships use almost all of theirs for tank feels restrictive to me, less adaptable. They have a few great niche ships, and if you just want decent tank and damage you can't go wrong with a Drake, but if you like playing with a deck of aces up your sleeve it's not really the race for you.

Maybe I shouldn't have said 'poor'. It's just not my playstyle at all.
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