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Author Topic: DUST is kill  (Read 7561 times)

Avio Yaken

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DUST is kill
« on: 01 Jun 2016, 20:08 »

Any in favor of turning this subfourm's topic to sneks?



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Re: DUST is kill
« Reply #1 on: 02 Jun 2016, 10:53 »



  • Ye Olde One
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Re: DUST is kill
« Reply #2 on: 20 Jun 2016, 18:32 »


I played it a month. I read the promises. They sounded really ambitious. I saw the first steps of progress they made in the first patches...and I bailed. I did so because I'm a hopelessly cynical bastard who knows the value of of a Harpa Pledge, but other, more functional people didn't have that crutch. They totally believed that DUST would develop into a real element of EVE Online.

Did the game ever become good? What kept that community believing? What bone was thrown to the dogs that kept them faithful that more would come? All these years, I've been treating the DUSTers in my channels as The Condemned, a doomed race of strange portraits in local. The end will come for them, it has to, and it won't be clean. What kept them going? There must have been some very cool moments or memories that happened to keep folks coming back..

Tell me DUSTers! What was great about 514?

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

Aria Jenneth

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Re: DUST is kill
« Reply #3 on: 08 Jul 2016, 08:35 »


I played it a month. I read the promises. They sounded really ambitious. I saw the first steps of progress they made in the first patches...and I bailed. I did so because I'm a hopelessly cynical bastard who knows the value of of a Harpa Pledge, but other, more functional people didn't have that crutch. They totally believed that DUST would develop into a real element of EVE Online.

Did the game ever become good? What kept that community believing? What bone was thrown to the dogs that kept them faithful that more would come? All these years, I've been treating the DUSTers in my channels as The Condemned, a doomed race of strange portraits in local. The end will come for them, it has to, and it won't be clean. What kept them going? There must have been some very cool moments or memories that happened to keep folks coming back..

Tell me DUSTers! What was great about 514?

That strange, wonderful period where nobody played scouts, scanners weren't a thing yet, objectives and capturables "informed" on their surroundings, and I could hold an objective, solo, with a Minmatar scout suit, SMG, nova knives, and remote explosives, against an entire organized squad. Booby trap the objective, detonate the first couple of fools who try to hack it, nova knife their friend who was standing watch when he tries to hack in turn, drop another explosive pack. Vary as needed.

Getting two kills with a single nova knife swipe and getting away clean? Priceless. Holding off eight players for half the match, solo? Likewise priceless. And though it was relatively common, scoring a nova knife one-shot on a heavy was always an amazing feeling.

For a time, that was the very incarnation of my preferred style of gameplay: fast, stealthy, based almost entirely on speed and cunning. And the best part was, I was one of only a handful of people who played like that. The pre-cloak scout was not underpowered; it just demanded a very information-based style of gameplay.

Over time, I wasn't especially loyal. I found other things to keep me occupied, though never another multiplayer FPS that interested me very much. I might have found my place again after the cloaks appeared, but....

Perhaps Yun Hee Ryeon will make a return once Project Legion kicks off, if that ever happens.

Thal Vadam

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Re: DUST is kill
« Reply #4 on: 23 Sep 2016, 11:45 »

DUST was great because it had a good community that loved their game. I had a tight group of friends I played with everyday, and we genuinely thought the game was more fun then any shooter out there and had some great and funny moments in it. Nothing has happened to DUSTers IC. My character is still a DUSTer, he will stay a DUSTer. I liked the lore of DUST much better then EVE, and I liked it how it was. No, this topic should not be changed to sneks. If you are instant on changing it change it to Nova.
"I do what I do because it is the right thing to do. I am a warrior, and it is the way of the warrior to fight superior odds."
Thal Vadam

Kador Ouryon

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Re: DUST is kill
« Reply #5 on: 16 Dec 2016, 04:31 »

Perhaps Yun Hee Ryeon will make a return once Project Legion kicks off, if that ever happens.

You were Yun Hee?

If so I remember you from when I used to roll around with the Dead Six Initiative as Harkon Vysarri.

There were many moments that made the experience of Dust 514 worth sticking around for nearly four years.

Though Dust 514 never managed the same kind of scale as EVE did in some of it's famous conflicts the conflicts that occured between cloned soldiers in Factional Warfare and Planetary Conquest were equally as hard fought by the clones defending and attacking those districts.

Most EVE pilots will never know (or remember) the moment when Amarr Fac-War completely flipped control of the Dust 514 warzone (while it was languishing under the throes of a broken district control system) over a period of 48 hours the made six or eight systems vulnerable to an Amarr Hub Bash Fleet.

Most EVE players will never know about...

1.) The effort that went into 'acquiring' allies to supplement the numbers of the core Amarr FW groups before big campaigns.
2.) How our fire teams, arguably, had better communications discipline than any fleet I've ever been part of.
3.) How satisfying it was to play a shooter where death had a price and combat would devolve into these bitter wars of attrition over rivalries with other players, corporations, or players who made nuisances of themselves on the battlefield.
4.) How undeniably bad ass it was to know a pilot in orbit had your back with a weapon of mass destruction from on high.

For all the faults the game had or promises it failed to live up to I wouldn't wish that I'd never played the game.

Community made that game what it was, community is why I am still around in EVE (even though I loathe the game) now that Dust 514 is dead.
"We ripped up the ending and the rules...and cast aside destiny...leaving nothing for us but an endless cycle of death and rebirth. Which is all well and good, except... Well, what if I've made the wrong choice? I have faith that it wasn't.....but how am I supposed to know? I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you my story.Let me tell you everything."
- [name redacted] Truest Adamance

Utari Onzo

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Re: DUST is kill
« Reply #6 on: 16 Dec 2016, 06:57 »

I remember that flip and the bashathon that followed. Anyone that thought DUST had little relevance to Eve was either ignorant because they're not in FW or ignorant out of choice.