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Author Topic: Curious...  (Read 3524 times)

Lyn Farel

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Re: Curious...
« Reply #15 on: 20 Jan 2014, 13:34 »

Best advice : never mix what is said IC and what is said OOC. The trick then, is to know when something IC is actually petty veiled OOC butthurtness.

Tbh in a perfect world players should be able to play with each other even if they dislike each other since everything that happens is supposedly IC. Except of course if there is also conflict on said IC or disagreements over the PF, or whatever... So a character not attending or sniping a certain open event should remain IC and all what it entails...

The fact that I dislike a few players doesn't mean that I will always try to avoid their characters ICly. I don't care the slightest (except again, the people with differing views on RP, but that doesnt mean I dislike those).

Unfortunately not a lot of people share these views.

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Curious...
« Reply #16 on: 20 Jan 2014, 15:50 »

You'll also get people who'd turn up, with the primary or possibly even sole intent of dissuading various other people from turning up.

They wouldn't be disruptive, oh no, that's not how it works. They'd abide by all the rules of the place, and be polite and all that, but because of who/what they are, their simple presence at the event would make various other people decide against going. "Oh, if they're there, then I'm not going. I don't want to be in the same room as them!" and all that.

And because they're polite and not disruptive, they then get to use that as a stick to beat the people who didn't turn up with. "Such a shame how certain people can't put their petty political differences aside for one evening" and so on.

This is definitely thing that I have experienced before.

There's two different levels of "IC enemies" as well. There's "we happen to disagree politically but have no specific major issues between us in specific" and "you and I have an ongoing specific grudge between us in particular that remains unresolved and cannot be ignored in our regular interaction" - that is the kind of thing that will keep Esna from going to an event, as he's frankly kind of confused as to how people are expected to just put that kind of thing to the side.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.

Saede Riordan

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Re: Curious...
« Reply #17 on: 20 Jan 2014, 17:27 »

You'll also get people who'd turn up, with the primary or possibly even sole intent of dissuading various other people from turning up.

They wouldn't be disruptive, oh no, that's not how it works. They'd abide by all the rules of the place, and be polite and all that, but because of who/what they are, their simple presence at the event would make various other people decide against going. "Oh, if they're there, then I'm not going. I don't want to be in the same room as them!" and all that.

And because they're polite and not disruptive, they then get to use that as a stick to beat the people who didn't turn up with. "Such a shame how certain people can't put their petty political differences aside for one evening" and so on.

This is definitely thing that I have experienced before.

There's two different levels of "IC enemies" as well. There's "we happen to disagree politically but have no specific major issues between us in specific" and "you and I have an ongoing specific grudge between us in particular that remains unresolved and cannot be ignored in our regular interaction" - that is the kind of thing that will keep Esna from going to an event, as he's frankly kind of confused as to how people are expected to just put that kind of thing to the side.

All of this yeah. Both Esna and Louella make very accurate points, and in fact I could swear I'd expect to see the exact words Louella wrote there out of certain characters mouths. This sort of thing is definitely something that has to be considered.
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Re: Curious...
« Reply #18 on: 21 Jan 2014, 11:59 »

I know 'internet=drama', but I'll never understand why people will actively dislike one another over a game.

That said, I think the cultural differences between the Empires with regard to views on 'idle socialization' will at least cause some modicum of friction, albeit manageable friction. When you take into account characters which have an unpleasant history, or organizations with violently opposed agendas, those things won't be set aside for the sake of an admittedly gracious host.

Then of course there are those personalities who thrive on using these events to spawn shitstorms, a la New Eden's Andy Dick.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Curious...
« Reply #19 on: 21 Jan 2014, 12:57 »

We should also note that people who hate each other sit down at the same table all the time in real life.  The UN, diplomats in all countries, etc. 

Certain types of people have to 'fraternize' with the enemy as their job; I have to imagine plenty of capsuleer organizations would have to deal with other organizations they despise in a social setting.

Not attending an event because so-and-so would be there might be a principled stance, but not attending can leave a gaping hole in social status and maintaining relationships. 

IE if -your- representative isn't there making nice and establishing potential relationships and business partners, then someone else -will- be.


Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Curious...
« Reply #20 on: 21 Jan 2014, 14:16 »

We should also note that people who hate each other sit down at the same table all the time in real life.  The UN, diplomats in all countries, etc. 

Certain types of people have to 'fraternize' with the enemy as their job; I have to imagine plenty of capsuleer organizations would have to deal with other organizations they despise in a social setting.

Not attending an event because so-and-so would be there might be a principled stance, but not attending can leave a gaping hole in social status and maintaining relationships. 

IE if -your- representative isn't there making nice and establishing potential relationships and business partners, then someone else -will- be.

Generally, if you're sitting down at a diplomatic table with an enemy, there are two preconditions there: 1, there's some reason to believe that peace or some other diplomatic achievement is possible, and 2, neither of the diplomats has a personal issue against another person at the meeting.

So, to continue the example from EVE, it's less "sit down with North Korea to talk about ending their nuclear enrichment program" and more "sit down with North Korea while they are launching lethal attacks on a daily basis, which have killed people you knew personally and was also commanded by the person sitting across the table from you, who is showing no interest in stopping the attacks."
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Curious...
« Reply #21 on: 21 Jan 2014, 14:27 »

You can still do that to reduce what is happening at the same time... Looks more productive than taking arms and going all yarr in facwar to punch the same (immortal) people in the face.

V. Gesakaarin

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Re: Curious...
« Reply #22 on: 21 Jan 2014, 15:36 »

I think open RP events are great for characters that enjoy being social and mingling as well as providing opportunities for new rp'ers/characters to get into the mileu.

Vic Van Meter

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Re: Curious...
« Reply #23 on: 21 Jan 2014, 18:23 »

We should also note that people who hate each other sit down at the same table all the time in real life.  The UN, diplomats in all countries, etc. 

Certain types of people have to 'fraternize' with the enemy as their job; I have to imagine plenty of capsuleer organizations would have to deal with other organizations they despise in a social setting.

Not attending an event because so-and-so would be there might be a principled stance, but not attending can leave a gaping hole in social status and maintaining relationships. 

IE if -your- representative isn't there making nice and establishing potential relationships and business partners, then someone else -will- be.

Well, there's also the point that if you talk to some people, it precludes you from others.  There's that angle where, "No one from my corp would associate with 'those' people."  No one's thinking that Dennis Rodman did himself or his country a service by heading to North Korea for a while.

Victoria Stecker

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Re: Curious...
« Reply #24 on: 22 Jan 2014, 09:38 »

  No one's thinking that Dennis Rodman did himself or his country a service by heading to North Korea for a while.

Sure he did. He provided comedic relief and he gave a bunch of empty talking heads things to talk about on TV.

[spoiler]I had to listen to his interview with CNN while stuck in an airport and it was insufferable. I wanted to strangle the interviewer and interviewee at the same time.[/spoiler]

Vic Van Meter

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Re: Curious...
« Reply #25 on: 22 Jan 2014, 11:14 »

  No one's thinking that Dennis Rodman did himself or his country a service by heading to North Korea for a while.

Sure he did. He provided comedic relief and he gave a bunch of empty talking heads things to talk about on TV.

[spoiler]I had to listen to his interview with CNN while stuck in an airport and it was insufferable. I wanted to strangle the interviewer and interviewee at the same time.[/spoiler]

Yeah, but Kanye West does that regularly without visiting North Korea.


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Re: Curious...
« Reply #26 on: 23 Jan 2014, 05:08 »

Thanks all for the varied input! :)


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Re: Curious...
« Reply #27 on: 23 Jan 2014, 05:47 »

  No one's thinking that Dennis Rodman did himself or his country a service by heading to North Korea for a while.

Sure he did. He provided comedic relief and he gave a bunch of empty talking heads things to talk about on TV.

[spoiler]I had to listen to his interview with CNN while stuck in an airport and it was insufferable. I wanted to strangle the interviewer and interviewee at the same time.[/spoiler]

You need Goons, Hired Goons (nothing to do with the ones that like Bee gifs) - you'll be able to strangle as many people as you need to simultaneously.

Elmund Egivand

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Re: Curious...
« Reply #28 on: 23 Jan 2014, 07:43 »

  No one's thinking that Dennis Rodman did himself or his country a service by heading to North Korea for a while.

Sure he did. He provided comedic relief and he gave a bunch of empty talking heads things to talk about on TV.

[spoiler]I had to listen to his interview with CNN while stuck in an airport and it was insufferable. I wanted to strangle the interviewer and interviewee at the same time.[/spoiler]

You need Goons, Hired Goons (nothing to do with the ones that like Bee gifs) - you'll be able to strangle as many people as you need to simultaneously.

If you can actually hire little bees to strangle people you could strangle half of New Eden in ways achievable via spaceships and meta.
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Anabella Rella

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Re: Curious...
« Reply #29 on: 23 Jan 2014, 13:32 »

As someone who's not part of any particular social circle I really enjoy the open events. Although there's definitely an opportunity for IC conflict and OOC drama, as others have well pointed out, I think the chance to get new RPers and those who aren't part of the "in crowds" involved outweigh the potential problems.
I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused.
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