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Author Topic: Why is there/what is the nature of the Khanid-Tetrimon link?  (Read 3422 times)

Gaven Lok ri

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This is an element of the backstory I find really odd and would like to hear what people have to say on it who have thought about it for their characters.

There seems to be some connection between the suppression of the Order and the Khanid rebellion, and I don't quite understand what that connection would be.

There also is explicitly stated tolerance for the Order in the Kingdom, but otherwise I see the Kingdom as more progressive than Amarr, which doesn't mesh with the ultra-conservatism of the Tetrimon.

We certainly have reports of Khanid tolerating them, but do we have any reports on his own religious views? He is a bit more present in the chronicles of the last few years, and I haven't read all of them, so I am wondering if something there could shed light on his relationship with the Tetrimon.

Basically, what do other people think is going on there and what are the range of opinions in the Kingdom on the Tetrimon?

Aldrith Shutaq

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I personally think it is a matter of practicallity, since both the Kingdom and the Cult of Tetrimon are in defiance of the Theology Council and the current power scheme in the Empire. It could also very well be that King Khanid supports the pre-Moral Reform political structure of the Empire since it affords the lesser players in the Empire more power, and also didn't require the Heirs to kill themselves upon succession.

Reyd Karris

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I personally think it is a matter of practicallity, since both the Kingdom and the Cult of Tetrimon are in defiance of the Theology Council and the current power scheme in the Empire. It could also very well be that King Khanid supports the pre-Moral Reform political structure of the Empire since it affords the lesser players in the Empire more power, and also didn't require the Heirs to kill themselves upon succession.
This is always how I've seen it.

Aldrith Shutaq

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It might be worth it to post this to the Fiction section of the official forums. CCP often comments on lore questions like this.

Gaven Lok ri

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That is the beginnings of an answer. What does Khanid gain by allowing the Tetrimon to stay with him?

What does he risk?

Is he a Tetrimon adherant in any way?

Do we have any records of him coming across as anti-TC?

Ect. What evidence do we actually have either way for it?

And I am more interested in what roleplayers working with it think than what the CCP people think. I don't really view their word as sacred at this point :P


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I personally think it is a matter of practicallity, since both the Kingdom and the Cult of Tetrimon are in defiance of the Theology Council and the current power scheme in the Empire. It could also very well be that King Khanid supports the pre-Moral Reform political structure of the Empire since it affords the lesser players in the Empire more power, and also didn't require the Heirs to kill themselves upon succession.
That's what Odelya believes. It also provides some religious legitimacy and that is what you are lacking after breaking with the common (ritual, political etc.) order.

Silas Vitalia

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Khanid follows whatever path lets him stay one step ahead and weaken others.   Sheltering Tetrimon likely served those ends.   8)

Khanid has nothing but contempt for the Theology Council (see Signs chronicle)

Arista Shahni

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Kahnid  likes to fly in the face of the Empire, as I see it -- sheltering the cult of Tetrimon would do this - even if he has zero consideration of what it is they do.

Gaven Lok ri

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Khanid has nothing but contempt for the Theology Council (see Signs chronicle)

Would be nice to have that from him rather than from an Amarr interpretation of him, though. :P

Nicoletta Mithra

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I think the tetrimon simply took the opportunity to leave for a place where Religion is less strictly controlled than in the Empire proper. It is stated that Khanid II is quite lax on those issues as well as on regulating his holders in comparison to the Empire. It seems he's a power politician who has Little interest in such Details, unless they touch his plans. I don't think Khanid has any particular sympathy for the Tetrimon, but it cost him nothimng to shelter them and they are a thorn in the flesh of his opponets. I don't think that Khanid II is interested in a pre-moral-reforms structure for the Empire. I assume that this would conflict with his plans to become Emperor himself.

Louella Dougans

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There may be things in the Tetrimonic scriptures that King Khanid finds/found useful, to silence critics of his reign, and other theological/political reasons.

Arista Shahni

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"Soo gais,see, I'm religious, the Cult of Tetrimon is allowed to live here."

"..did I go to church this week?  That's his Majesty's fucking business, not yours.  Welcome to the 'progressive' nature of the Kingdom."

Again, doesn't hurt him to allow them to hang out.  His Reasons are of course His Own. ;)


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Khanid has nothing but contempt for the Theology Council (see Signs chronicle)

Would be nice to have that from him rather than from an Amarr interpretation of him, though. :P
Indeed, we should join our efforts to get CCP provide us with some new Khanid spice. Let’s work out an arc and get as many people involved as possible to build some pressure. And we can bombard the NPC representatives with mails  :eek:  :yar:

Morwen Lagann

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I'd just be happy with another L4 agent in highsec or two. Or, god forbid, more Khanid Innovation/Works stations :|
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.


  • Ye Olde One
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  • These things just seem to happen...

Is there a Tetrimon anymore?

The entire faction, everyone and everything involved with them exploded with our tower in Haras, I thought.

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!
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