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Author Topic: Read Fanfiction? What's some of your favorite stuff?  (Read 937 times)

Morwen Lagann

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I ordered a Wii the other week to replace my dead/dying Gamecube, and got bored waiting for things to arrive. So, still stuck in the Zelda kick that prompted me to finally get around to getting the Wii in the first place, I went poking around at some things I hadn't poked at in years.

Specifically, fanfiction. :oops:

I used to be a pretty big reader of it when I was in grade school - I didn't have a lot of personal spending money, and getting to the library was a pain in the ass even if they did have things I wanted to read, a rare enough event in itself as time went on. I stopped for the most part while I was in college, partly because I was playing EVE, but also because I'd gotten bored of having to sift through the shit to find the gems no matter what fandom/genre I was looking at that day.

And since I was needing to do something with the Zelda series, I turned to one of my absolute favorite pieces of all time, ELOZE. I ran across it at some point while I was in middle school and was impressed by what I felt then (and still do, upon a recent re-reading) was serious novel-quality writing. The damn thing is huge as well; it took me about a week to read it over again from start to finish in between work and doing stuff in EVE.

Sad part is that it isn't finished - there's still two huge sections left to be written and it seems the author kind of dropped off the face of the internet a couple years ago. :(

Anyway, since most of us here technically do some FF writing of our own, I figured there had to be a few people who still read stuff outside of the realm of EVE. What are some of your favorite pieces?
Lagging Behind

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Anja Suorsa

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Re: Read Fanfiction? What's some of your favorite stuff?
« Reply #1 on: 16 Sep 2013, 06:45 »

Outside EvE? I like to look up Total War AARs, specifically the story written ones. It's not the truest form of fanfiction, but I think it counts. "I did this in turn one, this in turn two" automaton style writing is uninteresting. It's much nicer to read and see the spin some people put on their games through the stories and the quasi-historical figures used. On a similar note, I like reading alternate histories.

Even though you asked for outside of EvE, I think many of the writters on backstage deserve a lot of kudos. Some seriously good stuff here, in my opinion.

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Read Fanfiction? What's some of your favorite stuff?
« Reply #2 on: 16 Sep 2013, 09:45 »

I will point to Tiberium Wars, a semi-fan-novelization of the eponymous game. Vastly outclassing the official novel, the author draws on everything from Warhammer 40,000 to RL war literature to weave a surprisingly good (and even more shockingly true-to-the-game) story about running around a bunch of little men on a screen.

The same author has also written a number of other good fanfics, including ones for Firefly and Mass Effect. Unfortunately, he suffers from a propensity to switch projects before completion, so most of them aren't done.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.


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Re: Read Fanfiction? What's some of your favorite stuff?
« Reply #3 on: 17 Sep 2013, 02:04 »

I vaguely recall posting this before, but I'm not sure. Regardless, I'll just leave this here:

The Pros: It's finished, it's well made, and it has, imho, nice pacing and character development to go by the developing storyline. It takes an interesting twist on the whole show.

The neutral: It's FF about Neon Genesis Evangelion. That will not be everyone's cup of tea.

The bad: Mostly the fact that the writer, Tribun, is not native English, but German, so the sentence build is germanic, for the most part, despite being written in perfectly understandable English. Personally it grew on me to become a point of some affection; the weird sentence structure gave it a sense of charm.

Note that while I've only read about a dozen FF in my time about a number of different shows/topics/etc, and many of them were utter shit, this one is the single bet one I've read, followed closely by Maresia Eterna's Naruto fictions and the Story "Travels of the Chosen One", a re-telling of Fallout 2 by El Stormo. Again, those are not everyone's cup of tea.

I'll also echo Esna's sharing of Tiberium Wars. It's not even half-way into the game's story-line, but oh damn it it GOOD.

Karmilla Strife

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Re: Read Fanfiction? What's some of your favorite stuff?
« Reply #4 on: 17 Sep 2013, 08:07 »

Mittani slashfic.


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Re: Read Fanfiction? What's some of your favorite stuff?
« Reply #5 on: 17 Sep 2013, 08:55 »

Does Intergalatic Intrigue count?
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Re: Read Fanfiction? What's some of your favorite stuff?
« Reply #6 on: 17 Sep 2013, 12:43 »

I have a friend who is enamored of Isabela from DA II and have helped edit her work. I've browsed and written for Dragon Age kink meme.

Generally though, I dislike fanfiction. Whenever I get into a novel, film, or game, I may browse the fanfiction but I soon give up after not finding anything that appeals to me. I am sure there's good stuff out there but don't like sorting through all the bad.
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Re: Read Fanfiction? What's some of your favorite stuff?
« Reply #7 on: 18 Sep 2013, 02:58 »

I used to actually write some of the stuff back when I was first getting into writing as a thing.  In fact, my introduction to roleplaying as a thing was through one of the forums on  I still dabble from time to time, most Warhammer 40k.  Just like you can get a cheap thrill from watching a no-brainer action movie, I like to kick back and not worry overly about my writing standard from time to time.

Reading I don't do so much of any more.  Like others here, I got tired of sifting through the crap for the occasional diamond.

Laria Raven

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Re: Read Fanfiction? What's some of your favorite stuff?
« Reply #8 on: 18 Sep 2013, 06:01 »

I do a thing called "Yuletide" where you make request prompts and offer things and there's a matching algorithm that works so that you get someone to write for and someone else writes for you.

I've written Elizabeth Moon/Serrano Legacy, The Borribles Trilogy, and the Anais Mitchell folk opera Hadestown in recent years.

Saede Riordan > Yeah and Leopold is the human pond scum. Laria's alright...ish.

Victoria Stecker

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Re: Read Fanfiction? What's some of your favorite stuff?
« Reply #9 on: 18 Sep 2013, 08:22 »

I've done a little, not counting the background writing we do in EVE. Ofc, as a novice writer, it's all pretty terrible, but fun.

Generally prefer to stick to writing in wide open settings rather than writing with specific canon characters - like Reppy said, writing for the 40k universe gives you lots of options. Writing stories with canon characters just feels... strange. They aren't mine.

Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: Read Fanfiction? What's some of your favorite stuff?
« Reply #10 on: 18 Sep 2013, 18:45 »

A couple of reboot Battlestar Galactica fics from a site called Twisting the Hellmouth. It's mainly Buffy fanfic but it does have other stuff.

Lost Kin. This branches off from the TV series fairly early on. It has the TV characters running into a high tech Terran civilisation.
A Day in the Life. BSG/The Culture. Sheer wish fulfilment, but a tad funny for all that.


Culture Shock. Harry Potter/Culture. Possibly the silliest crossover I have ever seen. Interestingly it doesn't have one side dominating the other completely.
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.