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The Sukuuvestaa Corporation, or SuVee as it is commonly known, is the head of the self-proclaimed 'practical' faction within the Caldari State? Read more here.

Author Topic: The Syndicate Institute of Nanomolecular Physics (and other fun things)  (Read 1309 times)

Milo Caman

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About a year ago, I published and presented a scientific paper for SeyCon (Yes, that is a shameless link to my now-defunct blog). When putting the whole thing together at the end, I figured said paper needed to be published in a spacejournal of some kind. After a great deal of thought, I settled on  the Syndicate Institute of Nanomolecular Physics, but used a few of the rejects in the paper itself.

Despite essentially being an interesting little promo piece for some business I was conducting ingame at the time, the article sparked some ideas which have persisted in the back of my mind for some time. Papers like these seem like a fresh and novel way of presenting content, both in terms of new mechanics, and player fiction.

When I eventually resub, in addition to kickstarting ANN (again), I was thinking of pulling together something akin to a scientific publishing company in order to try and encourage the production of this kind of thing, perhaps even with a biannual science conference being hosted or something.

Any interest or input? I'm presently in the process of breaking down all my barriers to resubscribing, so there's probably around a month before I can actually do anything, may as well plan ahead.
« Last Edit: 01 May 2013, 16:52 by Milo Caman »


  • Wetgraver
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This is relevant to my interests.

Techie Kanenald

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You know I support all science in New Eden!


  • Omelette
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Well done for referencing that paper exactly 1 year after it was published.

Also, I would contribute so much bullshit.

Muck Raker

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ANN is on pause at the moment? :O

And RP science things are great, if they're done well.


  • Spilling beans
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I love doing Fictional Science, which is the term somebody suggested for these kind of activities. Since I ended my PhD I have been missing practicing my scientific article writing skills, so during A'J I did it a lot.

It is fun, but also hard if you want to stick to ingame evidence, as these are extreemly limited as well as the number of actual experiments you can conduct with the game mechanics. It also has the danger of god-modding, but as long as one remember that a hypothesis is not "the truth" no matter the supporting evidence, things generally work out fine.
EVE Online Lorebook at

Milo Caman

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ANN is on pause at the moment? :O

Yeah, I've not really had the time to maintain and update the site, not to mention that I'm not subbed up so I can't really pay people for submissions. If anyone is interested in getting submissions published for free, drop me a PM here, and I'll see what I can do. (Also in the inspiracy steam group if you want something done faster)

I actually have a few half-finished templates for a journal site kicking about on my hard drive. I'm going to see about polishing them a bit and sticking them online to see what folks think next time I have a few hours free.

Muck Raker

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There's a couple of things I wrote pending, waiting for appropriate images and such. I don't know anything about that though. Publish them if you like. The ISK was never an issue. All I ever need ISK for is CSPA charges.  8)


  • Guest

So I have a reason now to keep working on this?



  • Omelette
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Yes. You do. Also, the best thing that comes out of these RP arcs are the pretty, official-looking PDFs that can be waved around in the faces of everyone who doesn't have the knowledge/time/skill to make their own PDFs. God damn do I love those PDFs.