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Author Topic: Player autobiographies  (Read 4768 times)


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Re: Player autobiographies
« Reply #15 on: 04 Apr 2013, 18:38 »

Name: Jackson W. Neil
Preferred/Nickname: Jack or JW
Date of Birth: AD 1957.01.15
Age: 56
Profession: Director of Allied Health at Arkansas Northeastern College.
Nationality: The State of Arkansas, The United States of America.
Number of years role-playing: 3
Fun facts:

Teaches sunday school and uses “limited” profanity.
Has been married for a very very very long time.
Favorite Food: Chicken and dumplings.
Favorite Drink: Sweet Tea.
Biggest Vice: Single malt Irish whiskey.
First character on EVE was Oland Jan.
Favorite Faction in EVE: Amarr.
Favorite EVE Bloodline: Ni Kunni.
The thing I dislike about myself: I am overly opinionated.
The thing I most like about myself: I am fair.

Historical Summary:
I was born in Blytheville Arkansas the same town I live in now.  I attended K-12 at the same school, completed undergraduate at The University of Mississippi (Ole Miss).  Masters from Arkansas State University, doctoral at the University of Missouri.  I am a divisional director at a local community college and farm, growing mostly rice, soybeans and a little cotton.

I have been married to my beautiful and accomplished wife for a very long time.  I am socialy and politically conservative with libertarian overtones.

I was the youngest of four children both my parents, my eldest brother and only sister have have all died within the past five years.

I enjoy playing Jame Syagrius but his development is been haphazard.  I very much enjoy interacting with other RPers in eve.

Natalcya Katla

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Re: Player autobiographies
« Reply #16 on: 04 Apr 2013, 22:38 »

Oh, very well.

Name: Arne
Year of Birth: 1980
Age: 33
Profession: University student (History)
Nationality: Norwegian
Number of years roleplaying: 20
Fun facts:
  • I type slowly
  • I'm not telling you who my first EVE character was, for Reasons. I still have the character though. And it isn't Katla.
  • Favorite Faction in EVE: Sansha
  • Favorite Fantasy Character type: Bard
  • Favorite Food: The turkey some friends of mine traditionally cook every New Year's Eve. My grandmother's lapskaus is a close second.
  • Favorite Non-Alcoholic Drink: Coke
  • Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Red wine
  • Biggest Vice: Gluttony
  • Really bad at real-life Dexterity checks. I swear my stats are awesome, it's the dice that are against me.
  • The thing I most hate about myself is my tendency to procrastinate. Same as some of you, it seems.
  • The thing I most love about myself is my creativity. Again, just like some of you. I feel uncreative, now.
Historical Summary:

I'm from Bergen and proud of it. Unlike very many other local patriots, this pride does not extend to an interest in football (soccer).

I'm a social liberal, believing that individual freedom and a solid social safety net (including free education) can and should complement rather than contradict each other.

I'm an atheist.

I am quite conservative in my music taste. If a genre was invented after (or even shortly before) my birth, it is probably shit. I do not consider a computer to be a musical instrument, I do not equate bestial growling with song, and if anything is so loud that you need to plug your ears in order to listen to it, it is not music, but noise. Folk songs, shanties and especially political ballads of all - and I do mean all - creeds are what I prefer. If my Youtube history were ever to be investigated by anyone, they'd probably label me a multipolar extremist. Ragtime, cabaret and old jazz is all good music, too, as is satire and just about any song with clever or funny lyrics. Marlene Dietrich is divine.

I'm single and not really looking.

I love Western movies. Absolutely love them.

I study American history, but I have never been to America.

Much like my taste in music, my RPG characters tend to gravitate toward some kind of ideological (or in some cases simply cultural) extreme. Radical ideology fascinates me, even though I don't share it. I enjoy the challenge of exploring mindsets different from my own, while still trying to keep the character three-dimensional and somewhat ambivalent. I usually let my characters stop comfortably short of blind fanaticism, however, which to me seems more likely to destroy interaction than to provoke it.
Ava Starfire > There is evil.
Ava Starfire > Outright evil.
Ruby Amatucci > Hello!

Ché Biko

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Re: Player autobiographies
« Reply #17 on: 05 Apr 2013, 21:29 »

Ok, those who've read my evelopedia profile are gonna find similarities, and yeah I've based Ché on myself, live with it.  :P

First Name: Sanne
Preferred/Nickname: My love calls me (Little) Beast often. My second love and her son call me Nasse.
Date of Birth: 81.03.26
Age: 36
Activities: Youth center/music venue/café volunteer, terrible house"husband", creative guy, lover.
Nationality: Dutch
Number of years roleplaying: 18
Fun facts:
  • Type 33 WPM
  • First character on EVE was Che Biko, although I biomassed a couple chars, including one or more Ché's before current Ché during the first days of my subscription
  • Favorite Faction in EVE: Sansha's Nation
  • Favorite Fantasy Character type: Gangrel vampire
  • Favorite Bands: Radiohead, HORSE The Band, Rage Against The Machine, System of a Down, The Prodigy, Portishead.
  • Favorite Movies: Fight Club, American Beauty, The Matrix trilogy including The Animatrix, La Vita è Bella
  • Favorite Drinks: Water, energy drinks, beer, Single Malt scotch, tea and hot anise or chocolate milk, cola.
  • Biggest Vice: Lust.
  • Really bad at remembering things
  • The thing I most dislike about myself is my dark side
  • The thing I most love about myself is my luck
Historical Summary:

Born in Rotterdam. Only child. Mostly grew up in a small (population ~12.000) riverside city in the "Green Heart" of Holland. My left wing parents divorced at age 7, continued to live with my mother, spend most weekends with my father. My mother started renting some rooms of our big house to students. I was very intelligent, might have been highly gifted, but was rarely motivated to do something with it. Cruised my way through school without much effort, to the point of going to some of my final exams stoned and 2 hours late.
I learned to play various instruments (among them violin, piano, guitar)  but lack of motivation was also a factor here. Made some electronic music and (alternative lyrics to) songs. And I like(d) singing. My first girlfriend introduced me to Metallica when I was 15, and from that point onward I gradually became a metalhead/goth hybrid, although my musical tastes have broadened considerably since then.

When I turned 18, my father informed me against my mother's will that he had 2 younger daughters with another woman. I contacted them, and although we get along well for the most part, we never got really close before they moved abroad.

In my final year in school, when I turned 18, I started smoking weed and started taking pictures, always carrying my camera with me. I also met my current partner, and we quickly became pot smoking buddies and then lovers, in a relationship that was a bit turbulent at first. When I wanted to move into her rented room, my mother prevented it by telling the owner of the house I was a junkie. I did not want to move back in with my mother as I felt betrayed by her (which is still part of why our relationship is troubled to this day), so instead me and my girl stated sharing a small apartment with someone young woman who we befriended around that time, and was a borderliner, which led to some interesting situations. We experimented a little with other drugs and substances, nothing too hard though, but in a way it's amazing that we landed on our feet as good as we did, with our lives and brains relatively intact.
After nearly a year, we found out that the woman had not payed the rent since we moved in, and were about to be evicted. Me and my loved volunteered to pay our fair share, and lend the woman the rest because she was broke. I loaned the money from my father, after my mother had refused to do so, but she allowed me and my love to move into her house, paying rent like the students. We accepted the offer, not wanting to risk a repeat.

After we graduated, I still had no idea what I wanted to do, so I worked several paid jobs, but never longer than a year, for various reasons. My love had similar success, so we were depending on social security often. At some point I had a epiphany, when I realized the nature of money and our economy, and I started to question almost everything, forming my own truths and philosophies, influenced by Buddhism, communism, and nihilism/determinism. After a few years, my mother got tired of our bad habits and bad housekeeping, even though we practically lived in our own apartment within the house, so we moved out to our own place.
Eventually I gave up unsuccessfully "whoring myself to the economy" and focused on my volunteer activities, which gave me far more satisfaction than the paid jobs. The income of my love along with some tax cuts, allowed me to do so, she had landed a steady job she liked, but wants to quit now, so I'm looking for a job.

I'm pretty creative quality wise, in various fields like writing, music and photography, but not very productive. I made a decent amount of art in the form of pictures, some of it is likely sadly lost due to my back-up drive being corrupted.

I think I might have some form of autism. This has yet to be confirmed, but one variant sounds so much like me (and maybe my father as well) that it's freaky. Whether or not it is true, is pretty much irrelevant to me, as I've always been pretty aware of my traits and mannerisms and stuff. I just didn't know most of those traits and mannerisms were lumped together and labeled as a form of autism. Maybe I'll find new ways to make some things in my life easier, but I think it is a bit too late for me to really benefit much from this new insight. It would have been great to know like 30 years ago, but now...meh.

Two and a half years ago, a woman seduced me. Some loving, adventures and travels later, we're now best friends. I'm still in love with her, though (I'm poly-amorous).

Character creation:
I tend to put at least one aspect of myself in my characters, sometimes magnified (and sometimes to the extreme), whether it is personality, interests, or philosophy. Then I throw in some stuff or philosophy that I think contrasts/harmonizes nicely with that, or that twists that "me" trait into something new. And I try to make the char suit the setting/story and the other characters.
For example, I once paired my benevolent self-righteous side with religious fanaticism, as a vampire killing sinners, a dark angel of God's wrath, a Gladius Dei.
Ché started out as an experiment to test the feasibility of creating a communist economy within a capitalist world. He is what I imagine myself to be if I had grown up in New Eden. After his creation though, we have increasingly less in common. Ché got more psychologically unbalanced, for example.
« Last Edit: 04 Dec 2017, 14:34 by Ché Biko »

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Re: Player autobiographies
« Reply #18 on: 20 Apr 2013, 02:27 »

Name: Louella (apparently a German name meaning "young girl warrior". grr :3 )
Real Name: Louise Elisabeth Francis
Birthday: April 13, 1991.
Profession: Environmental conservation
Nationality: British
Number of years RPing: 5ish. (omg)

Fun facts:
  • Favourite foods: pasta, bread, sausages, potato scones
  • Reviled foods: mushrooms, thick chewy steaks, greasy onions, shellfish
  • Can lift a 35kg lawnmower to chest height
  • Sun makes me get a leopard pattern freckling on arms, back, outer legs
  • Have frequent periods of severe depression
  • Unlikely to have children naturally due to allergy
  • Is adopted
  • Is apparently interesting to animals

So, life is somewhat complicated. My real mother died when I was about 2. She was a friend of my adoptive mother. My father was not really suited to trying to look after a child on his own, which is how it came to pass that I was adopted. He disappeared a couple years later, it is possible that he joined the French Foreign Legion, we got a couple postcards for a few years after that, though they stopped around ten years ago.
I found out fairly recently that I am allergic to semen, lol, which means I am unlikely to be able to have children.
I also have frequent depression, which is one reason why I didn't do all that well at school.

It seems that animals find me fascinating. When I've been out and about, animals always seem to come over to have a closer look. Horses, cows, dogs, seem to leave other people alone, but wander over to me instead. It's odd.

I currently work as a park keeper, maintaining grass plots, shrub beds, flower beds, and other park features. It's nice to be out and around during the summer and stuff. Not so much in winter, and other typical UK weather. A few questionable orders from managers too - "go blow sticks and leaves off the paths, in a gale" and so on.


Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: Player autobiographies
« Reply #19 on: 20 Apr 2013, 03:57 »

Name: Arnulf Ogunkoya
Real Name: Shaun Murrant
Birthday: July 09, 1966.
Profession: Local government clerk
Nationality: British. Resident in London.
Number of years RPing: 39. Mostly tabletop & a smattering of LARP. MMO's are something of a recent thing.

  • Favourite foods: Most varieties of Chinese food, kebabs, cheesecake.
  • Not-favourite foods: Tahini. I can eat the stuff when it is used as an ingredient but not by itself. Not too keen on veg that has been boiled to death.
  • Finds the sound of someone eating loudly or slurping very, very annoying.
  • Is polyamorous.
  • Used to be a (field) archer. Mainly stopped because I don't have transport to the ranges now. Still have the longbow though.
  • Used to ride a motorcycle, and the only thing that stops me doing so again is lack of money.

Grew up to UB40 and Madness. Started work in the peak of the Thatcher years (which is why I don't remember her very fondly). Started gaming just after leaving secondary school with AD&D. Over the years have played most of the more popular tabletop systems and run some stuff myself (Mainly Cyberpunk, RQ3 and a little GURPS 3rd edition modern horror).

About a decade or so back I got invited along to one of the big fest live roleplaying events, The Gathering. This happens over the August Bank Holiday near Derby. Haven't been for a while due to money issues and lack of people to go with, but find dressing up & being silly to be a lot of fun. For those that are familiar with the setting, I'm a member of the Unicorn faction.

Sporadic SF fan of the con-going variety. Current member of ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha, the hitch-hiker's guide fanclub. My first girlfriend was a filker.

Wondering if this isn't a major invitation to identity theft given some of the more rabid elements of the EVE playerbase. But I figure none of this is anything that would be too difficult to find out anyway.
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.

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Re: Player autobiographies
« Reply #20 on: 20 Apr 2013, 06:08 »

Name: Erik Lawrence Goodin
Nickname: None outside of EVE
Date of Birth: 05/31/1986
Age: 26 (soon to be 27)
Profession: Student
Nationality: American
Number of Years RPing: 10

Fun Facts:

WPM – 42
First Character on EVE – Izanagi Raiden
Favorite Faction in EVE– Amarr
Favorite Fantasy Character Type: Demi-God
Favorite Food: Kraft Mac and Cheese
Favorite Drink: Mountain Dew
Biggest Vice: MMOs
Thing I hate most about myself – my compassion
Thing I love most about myself – my imagination


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Re: Player autobiographies
« Reply #21 on: 25 Apr 2013, 14:06 »

Name: Jeremiah Snyder
Nickname: Jeremy, Jer, Sny-dog, Snyder
Online Handle: Xns or Dewgong
Date of Birth: July 21 1989
Age: 23
Profession: USAF, Airborne Surveillance Technician (I fly on This)
Nationality: American
Number of years roleplaying: 10
Fun facts:
  • Can type at 130 WPM
  • Choose the name Dewgong because Blastoise was taken
  • Choose Amarr because I thought their ships looked best (still do)
  • Favorite Faction in EVE: Amarr
  • Favorite Fantasy Character type: Polearm/Mage
  • Favorite Food: Pasta (minus Manacotti, that shit is nasty), and Cheesecake
  • Least Favorite Food: Shell fish and most veggies
  • Favorite Non-alcoholic drink: Milk/Apple Juice
  • Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Vodka/Wine/Guinness
  • Biggest Vice: Soda and Smoking
  • The thing I most hate about myself is that I'm too damn Nice.
  • The thing I most love about myself is my Adapability (I'm very relaxed and it enables me to take things in stride)

Born an Army brat.  Dad cheated on and divorced my mother before I was born.  My step-dad was at the hospital with my mother when they just started dating.  Born in Washington State, always my home, although I've never stayed there more than a few years.  Step-dad just recently retired.  Moved around every couple of years or so, ended up going to 3 different high schools and graduated in Texas (ugh).  Lived in Japan for a few years, Okinawa, beautiful place I tell ya.  Lived in Colorado before enlisting, now currently reside in Oklahoma (as much as people says it sucks, and even though I might say it sucks, this place really does grow on ya)

Heavy gamer (until recently because of 'life').  Always enjoyed war and strategy games.  Tetris, Starcraft, Call of Duty/Medal of Honor (the original ones, not this new crap).  Also a huge fan of games like Mario Kart, various RPGs like Final Fantasy (IX is the best) and Skies of Arcadia.  Not really big on sports games.  Heavy Nintendo fan, although fanboyism played out years ago.  Mostly casual gamer now as work and life occupies most of my time and worries.  I have enough flying hours to equate to about three months straight of flying.  Longest flight clocked in at just under 21 hours.

Huge Sci-Fi addict.  Star Wars, Trek, Stargate, X-files, Sci-Fi channel before it went to shit.  Oh, almost forgot Firefly, how dare I.  Decent fan of Fantasy and usually makes for good reading.  Self taught at Photoshop, 12 years now.  Tried to go to college for web design/graphic design but the professors made it into an evil idea.  I still dabble from time to time.  Very artistic outside of computer programs, sketching, painting, drafting, even work with various things such as household items, scraps, even charcoal.

Former member of the Communist Party of America (yes, it exists :o ).  Long story to go with that, but oh well.  Part Welsh, Croatian, Lebanese, German, Norwegian, Irish uhhh, I prefer to drive manual cars over automatics?  I don't know what else to put really.  Oh, I do enjoy reading.  War and Peace is my favorite book, although I've only read it twice (it's a  long read <_< ).  A close second would be 1984.

Any questions, comments, concerns? 

Utsukushi Shi

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Re: Player autobiographies
« Reply #22 on: 26 Apr 2013, 08:06 »

Righto, here we go.

Name: Bjorn Sorensen-Named after the Gurahl in the Hobbit(yes I just mixed WoD and Tolkien, beat me later)
Nickname: Gen Roku-Been my online handle of choice forever, means "Returning Spirit" in Chinese. First used it when I was a Halo addict.
DOB/Age: 08/31/80-32
Profession:Miner/Fabricator-I make stuffs out of soapstone.
Nationality: USA, born in a farmhouse in South Dakota. Raised in Virginia.
Genetic Origin: Mostly 3rd generation Danish immigrant, then black slave stock from North Carolina, then some random mixed stuffs from europe.
Years RP: 20+, started with AD&D 2nd ed when I was 10-11. Moved on to Cyberpunk 2020 and WoD, mainly LARPing. Those two are and will always be my favorite RPG systems/settings.

Vice: I am a terrible pothead.
First Toon: Shinayin Naerth was the first character I ever created for EVE.
Fav Faction: Love most of them.
Fav Bloodline: Same. Wish that CCP would stop using words like "Bloodline and Race" and instead use "Ethnicity" but whateves lol.
Things I like: Role-playing, shooting the occasional person, doing some mining, doing some explo, OCD organizing my stuffs.
Things I dont like: Mean people, Forum-warrioring, "EVE IS DYING BECAUSE X", internet kids who lack reading comprehension.

Rough Bio:
 My father was a carpenter, a drug smuggler, a convict, one crazy long-hair Willy Nelson looking badass muther. My mother was a mixed race single mother in the fifties who ended up in the first all woman folk band in America. they met through the classifieds in Mother Earth News and became farmers in South Dakota where my sister and I were born.
 I grew up in the shadow of the coolest people ever and so of course became a worthless gothic bastard....
 I started working with my older brother at his Soapstone mill over ten years ago and now stone is what I do, just starting to segue left out of the boring production crap and starting to make more art pieces. Think one of my first projects will be a set of four benches themed of the main factions of New Eden. Will see how that goes :)
 I love music of all types, love sci-fi, love smart fantasy. I live in the realm of fantasy and will for the rest of my life.
Sometimes one wants to get caught...


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Re: Player autobiographies
« Reply #23 on: 26 Apr 2013, 10:40 »

Name: Rob Holland
Nickname: Dex
Online Handle: orange or dex (or some variant there of)
Date of Birth: 16 Mar 1984
Age: 29
Profession: USAF Contractor (former Air Force)
Nationality: American
Number of years roleplaying: 15ish
Fun facts:
  • Can type at unk WPM
  • Choose the name Dex Nederland as a variation on my nickname and last name
  • Originally had two characters going Dex Nedeland (Gallente) and Dex Nederland (Caldari) because I wasn't sure which faction I wanted to support.  I settled on Nederland when I read the article about CAIN going after he protest freighter and that it would be fun to join them.
  • Favorite Faction in EVE: Amarr
  • Favorite Fantasy Character type: Tinkerer
  • Favorite Food: Jaeger Schnitzel
  • Least Favorite Food:
  • Favorite Non-alcoholic drink: OJ
  • Favorite Alcoholic Drink: a decent beer
  • Biggest Vice: Soda and Smoking
  • The thing I most hate about myself is that ... dunno
  • The thing I most love about myself is ... uh dunno

Air Force brat.  Born in North Caroline.  Moved around every 2 to 3 years, ended up going to 3 different high schools and graduated in Texas (useful for tax purposes).  Lived in two places in Germany, Belgium, and Denmark.  Went to a small technical school in Colorado before graduating with a BS in Astronautical Engineering and becoming an 2Lt. Tried to be an AF pilot before washing out for not getting the hang of landing fast enough and then trying to be a backseater and getting medically disqualified (I love flying, except for the puking).  AF assigned me Los Angeles working a satellite program.  Got out of the Air Force when my next assignment turned out to be ICBMs.  Now, I am a dirty contractor supporting the Air Force.

Fairly standard gamer, sci-fi fan, etc.

graduated in Texas

Hood, Bliss, or Houston?

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Re: Player autobiographies
« Reply #24 on: 26 Apr 2013, 19:11 »

Name: Richard
Preferred/Nickname: Not any that stuck past one job or another.
Age: 42
Profession: Facilities Management these days
Nationality: New Zealand
Number of years roleplaying: 32
Fun facts:
Started RPing in good old basic D&D sometime around the end of the Eocene
Enjoy but not so into Fantasy,Sci fi is definitely where the heart is
Saw Star Wars when it first came out and have been a fan ever since
Thing I like about myself- I get shit done
Thing I don't like so much- The quieter things get the lazier I get. If I'm not flat out I get bored very easy. Good thing is it tends to be self correcting as a result :)

I've moved around a wee bit. I was born in Southampton in the UK but my parents were 10 pound poms who moved to Oz. They then got fed up with all the whinging poms and crap from the aussies and moved here to NZ.

I started out as an Electrician and in the Navy Reserve, when the '87 crash hit I took an option to go regular Navy and finished my time in there. After that my Fiance was a litigation lawyer who got a job in Sydney about the same time they halved the size of the fleet. Last thing I signed up for was sitting on the hard so I cashed out and went with her. Then I got into Industrial Automation and robotics over there. Did that for a while then got fed up with factories, moved to Tasmania and joined the Parks Service as a Ranger. After 7 odd years there we moved to West Oz and I managed a reasonable sized Marine Reserve (1.8 million hectares) in a place called Shark Bay. Awesome we spot but we got a doctor for a day each fortnight and since we wanted to start a family we figured we needed to move to somewhere closer to civilisation.

So moved back to NZ worked in parks here but got despondent with the way things were going politically and left. These days I'm a facilities manager for a large charity running 114 sites.

Really only got the internet about 10 years ago when I moved to this part of NZ as everywhere else was supplied by a long piece of wet string. So I was a bit late to MMO's. Played SWG and rp'd mainly imperial toons there. I had tried Eve and liked it but couldn't justify two subs. When SWG shut down here was the logical choice and if anything I wish I'd moved earlier.

I've a great 8 year old daughter and my awesome partner is just recovering from a battle with Cancer. So I tend to be a bit erratic on when I can get online and sometimes will go dark without warning. Which I feel really bad about, but such is life.


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Re: Player autobiographies
« Reply #25 on: 27 Apr 2013, 03:50 »

I'll bite, although most of you know most of this anyways :) I'm not exactly a private person, lmao!
Char Name: Lasairiona
Name: Heather
Preferred/Nickname: None really, in game it's Lasa.
Age: 26
Profession: Stay at home mommy
Nationality: American
Location: Scotland
Number of years roleplaying: Going on 5
Fun facts:
- I moved from California to Scotland to marry my husband who I met on Eve.
- I've met Princess Anne in person.
- I'm heavily involved in theatre.
- I write a lot but I've never had anything published. Although, I have had two plays performed that I wrote.
- I love the color purple (not the book, the actual color).
- I have a two year old son who can frequently be seen typing in random channels when I move away from the computer for a minute.
- I have three tattoos.

Short Bio:

Pretty straightforward life. Born in California and lived there until 2009 when I moved to Scotland. Met my hubby through Eve and an ex. I volunteer a lot, play around in the theatre, and take care of my wee man. I have very passionate views, I've been told. Anyways, I'm a pretty open book and if anyone wants to know anything more, they just have to ask :).

Ava Starfire

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Re: Player autobiographies
« Reply #26 on: 28 Apr 2013, 20:33 »

Name: Amanda
Nickname: Amanda. Seriously. Call me "Mandy" and die.
Online Handle: Ava
Date of Birth: 1976
Age: 36
Profession: Math tutor at a state university
Nationality: American
Number of years roleplaying: Tabletop count? 20+. Online? 10
Fun facts:
  • I love fly fishing, and I tie my own flies
  • I play violin and bass guitar
  • I despise ketchup. It is the foulest shit on the planet.
  • I have not owned a television in 12 years
  • I speak Spanish, English, and Romani, and frequently botch all three
  • I am terrified of heights
  • Favorite Faction in EVE: Minny of course!
  • Favorite Fantasy Character type: Thief sorts
  • Favorite Food: Pierogi or Italian sausage
  • Least Favorite Food: Ramen
  • Favorite Non-alcoholic drink: Coke
  • Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Franziskaner Weiss
  • Biggest Vice: Smoking

Born in Ohio and lived here my whole life, to my West Virginia hillbilly dad and my Lovari by way of Croatia mother. Worked a series of dud jobs when I got out of school for about 10 years until I said the hell with it and went back to college. Got my bachelor's in Dec of 2012, and am looking forward to grad school. Woo! My favorite gaming genre is actually fantasy, not Sci Fi. Eve is just a neat enough story - and awesome people - so I stick around! I'm Catholohindu (those who know, know. Those who dont, dont) and I am a rabid foaming liberal socially and economically.
« Last Edit: 28 Apr 2013, 20:40 by Kyllsa Siikanen »
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