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That Scagga once had a bodyguard by the name of 'cuddles'?

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Author Topic: Why do Baseliners work for you?  (Read 4345 times)

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #15 on: 03 Feb 2013, 06:36 »

It's part of the Mithra's family business.

Vincent Pryce

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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #16 on: 03 Feb 2013, 11:39 »

Vincent uses slaves on most of his lower grade capsuleer combat ships. Most of them he aquires through the Cartel or raiding them himself from the remnants of those he attacks. They are property, and if they die nothing of value was lost. Despite this fact, some slaves are eager to sign on his ships - because he lets them work their way to freedom. Depending on the ship and relative danger each slave has to do tours of duty from one to five capsuleer combat incidents. If they survive he gives them three options; First one is to become a free citizen of Curse and he will set up you with a basic necessities for a lifetime. Second is to start a proper training to become an Angel proper, which is becoming fast the most popular one and has resulted in a strong cult following for him among the ranks of Archangels. Third one is to be returned to ones home sovereign state.

Reality of option three is however far more sinister. Kindness wasted on ingrates is kindness wasted more often than not, majority of the ones who pridefully wish to return to the Republic, State, Empire or other chosen faction end up in the chemical laboratories and bio-medical facilities of the Serpentis, never to be seen again. Some candidates are released back to where they wish, so they can spread the word of the Angels mercy and sow the seeds of dissent among the ranks of their respective factions.

Recently after his return in to the pod, people have slowly started to enlist in his service on their own. The disenfranchised, the outcasts and the people from the warzones who've lost all hope of stability and safety, signing up in hope for a new life, a new start in Curse, under the Angels wings.


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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #17 on: 03 Feb 2013, 12:29 »

Vincent uses slaves on most of his lower grade capsuleer combat ships. Most of them he aquires through the Cartel or raiding them himself from the remnants of those he attacks. They are property, and if they die nothing of value was lost. Despite this fact, some slaves are eager to sign on his ships - because he lets them work their way to freedom. Depending on the ship and relative danger each slave has to do tours of duty from one to five capsuleer combat incidents. If they survive he gives them three options; First one is to become a free citizen of Curse and he will set up you with a basic necessities for a lifetime. Second is to start a proper training to become an Angel proper, which is becoming fast the most popular one and has resulted in a strong cult following for him among the ranks of Archangels. Third one is to be returned to ones home sovereign state.

Reality of option three is however far more sinister. Kindness wasted on ingrates is kindness wasted more often than not, majority of the ones who pridefully wish to return to the Republic, State, Empire or other chosen faction end up in the chemical laboratories and bio-medical facilities of the Serpentis, never to be seen again. Some candidates are released back to where they wish, so they can spread the word of the Angels mercy and sow the seeds of dissent among the ranks of their respective factions.

Recently after his return in to the pod, people have slowly started to enlist in his service on their own. The disenfranchised, the outcasts and the people from the warzones who've lost all hope of stability and safety, signing up in hope for a new life, a new start in Curse, under the Angels wings.

This is great stuff...
"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"
― Isaac Asimov


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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #18 on: 03 Feb 2013, 14:18 »

Vieve no longer has personal employees.  All of them either work for her husband Jake, or Omerta Syndicate itself.
Celeste's core staff are all related to her, though an outsider likely wouldn't realize this, because they look Civire, and she appears Gallente. They receive generous compensation, responsibilities commensurate with their competence, and a guaranteed clone contract. They also have the right to argue with her, assuming she tells them what she's up to. Her other employees are in the main contract workers.  One (her personal trainer) is on long term loan from an associate.
Almost the entirety of Maris' crew is on long term loan, including her crew chief (who usually seems to report to her) and her security chief/bodyguard (who most certainly does not report to her).  The loan of the crew allegedly reflects an altruistic interest in the work she does for the Sisters of EVE via Ataraxia Pharmacies, though she's not convinced of that, and neither is her security chief.  They do their job well, and so far not a single piece of cargo or a single refugee life she's transported has ever been lost -- despite way too damn many low sec runs in a mundane cargo ship -- so she's not complaining.


  • Intaki Still-Rager
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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #19 on: 03 Feb 2013, 15:27 »

Vincent uses slaves on most of his lower grade capsuleer combat ships. Most of them he aquires through the Cartel or raiding them himself from the remnants of those he attacks. They are property, and if they die nothing of value was lost. Despite this fact, some slaves are eager to sign on his ships - because he lets them work their way to freedom. Depending on the ship and relative danger each slave has to do tours of duty from one to five capsuleer combat incidents. If they survive he gives them three options; First one is to become a free citizen of Curse and he will set up you with a basic necessities for a lifetime. Second is to start a proper training to become an Angel proper, which is becoming fast the most popular one and has resulted in a strong cult following for him among the ranks of Archangels. Third one is to be returned to ones home sovereign state.

Reality of option three is however far more sinister. Kindness wasted on ingrates is kindness wasted more often than not, majority of the ones who pridefully wish to return to the Republic, State, Empire or other chosen faction end up in the chemical laboratories and bio-medical facilities of the Serpentis, never to be seen again. Some candidates are released back to where they wish, so they can spread the word of the Angels mercy and sow the seeds of dissent among the ranks of their respective factions.

Recently after his return in to the pod, people have slowly started to enlist in his service on their own. The disenfranchised, the outcasts and the people from the warzones who've lost all hope of stability and safety, signing up in hope for a new life, a new start in Curse, under the Angels wings.

Love this, deliciously typical Angel behavior, where the 'neutral' option of going home really is not neutral at all - it's most often a total betrayal of trust - as befitting a tried and true Angel mobster :twisted:


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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #20 on: 03 Feb 2013, 16:06 »

For PvE ops (read, missions), Vikarion has an old and standard crew. He doesn't particularly know them, but he's comfortable with them, and since he (almost) never loses a ship, pay is somewhat lower. For PvP ops, Vikarion does his level best to hire Gallente nationals, since he tends to fly ships with low survival rates and he tends to fly them until they explode (destroyers, large frigates, cruisers). Such crew are paid well, and anyone who performs exceptionally well is referred to a State Mega for possible employment. Aside from that, he doesn't care - not complete apathy, it merely doesn't enter into his mind unless someone mentions it.

Vincent Pryce

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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #21 on: 03 Feb 2013, 16:27 »

Thanks, glad you guys liked it  :)


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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #22 on: 04 Feb 2013, 11:33 »

Anslo hired baseliners on ship and planet side. His PI facilities are people run because he knows them well enough to trust them. These were people that were sort of cast aside for whatever reason, and he took them in to give em a job and a home. He makes sure that they're WELL out of harms way as well.

The club he owns is employed with his closest baseliner friends who run it the majority of the time he isn't there. If they need isk to keep the business going, he tosses stupid amounts of planetary currency to make sure they stay afloat and employed. He also prefers hanging out with regular humans compared to most capsuleers he's met. MOST anyway, not all.

In terms of ships, he's very careful about it. He tried to run a minimal crew and not loose anyway. If he feels things are going south, he orders a general evac instead of forcing everyone to stay and fight to the death. He knows that he can be resurrected, but that baseliners can't. It's also why he shied away from war and pvp now. During his hiatus from egg life, he learned a lot about baseliners and their hundreds of cultures. Because of that, he treasures each life in his life and would sooner give up his own immortality than allow his own people to die wantonly.


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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #23 on: 05 Feb 2013, 10:37 »

Because of and

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #24 on: 05 Feb 2013, 19:36 »

Forenote: With all the writing I am doing on this lately, I think I'll go consolidate this into one place sooner or later.

Now: Esna's staff and crews are a combination of many things, with a strict hierarchy in place between three distinct castes - a reflection, in many ways, of the Empire he grew up in.

At the top are the "Determined" - this caste forms the crew on his core vessels, officers on less important ones, and the overseers and chiefs of his facilities. They are people who show religious, social, or personal conviction for joining his forces, and can thus be relied on to 'do the right thing' for more reasons than pure money. While, of course, the enticements of good treatment, decent pay, and care for family are a draw to many, it is only those who choose to fight for a higher cause that fit into this first group. Notably, Esna is perfectly happy to abuse a grey zone in the laws regarding Holders and starships: Although a Holder is forbidden from raising his own space fleet, the rules regarding forming special deals with certain "private military contractors" are rather more nebulous. So what if the contractor happens to be solely owned and financed by a certain capsuleer... in this way, Esna is able to funnel commoner recruits and contracted slaves into his crews to augment those who volunteer on their own. In the case of slaves in this 'caste', duty on a combat vessel is optional, but explained as a likely faster track to freedom or a comfier position.

The second slot are true mercenaries: Those whose only attractions to service with Esna are glory, pay, and the thrill of fighting under a capsuleer. These are also funneled through a private military contractor Esna sponsors for the sake of simply keeping all the recruits in one pool and one system. Unless they happen to start showing signs of developing a sense of faith or conscience, they are generally end up assigned to non-critical positions in facilities and basic duties aboard some vessels.

Finally, a small number of slaves are funneled into his crew as penitents. Captured pirate crews, Blood Raiders, or terrorists who have already committed crimes and whose hatred of the Amarr is judged to be so great they will surely strike again, these are used as a resource for crewing the most dangerous vessels - ships whose lifespans following undocking can be measured in hours. Most do not survive, but the ones who do somehow manage to live through enough 'runs' are eventually transferred to some other duty where they will serve out the remainder of their lives. Esna doesn't like to talk about these.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.

Lhara Arbosa

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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #25 on: 06 Feb 2013, 10:31 »

I'm going to say that a large part of Lhara's staff are recently reintegrated former slaves. This would mostly be for psychological reasons, for even after gaining their freedom, many Matari would still be 'wired' to think and act in an Amarrian chain of command. As a former 'administrator' of sorts while she was a slave herself, Lhara understands this structure and is herself predisposed to working in it.

These are the kinds of people she seeks out for her own benefit, but also as a way to 'transition' these people from Amarrian structures to the life of a free individual (or at least that's what she tells the TLF recruitment pool).


  • Omelette
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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #26 on: 06 Feb 2013, 13:50 »

Most of Sai's crews were standard hires, people who said they wanted to serve on a starship and didn't mind the danger.  Sai paid them the going rate, and maybe a bit above, but tried to keep away from them, since she knew sooner or later, they were going to die.  Given her nature this didn't last long, and she ended up gettign hurt several times as she got close to them and then the ship they were on blew up.  Still there are a few who have survived and worked their way up in the ranks, and these people have taken up a position something like a senior non-com, the experienced vet acting as filter between the general crew, and the officers (in this case Sai herself).

The exception to this is the number of mercs, nationals, terrorists, and marines she has captured or picked up from missions over the years.  Since almost all of these have been from "enemy" factions, as she takes them in, she gives them a choice.  Work for her, or step out the airlock (either to whatever local laws they broke, or empty space).  To date, no one given the option of breathing the viod has taken it, and most of the people who have stayed on with Sai are loyal to her, if only because they see her as the one who has their lives in her hands.

Jev North

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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #27 on: 06 Feb 2013, 15:34 »

Jev's spent a lot of time hand-nurturing reliable support staff and an intelligence apparatus. Her actual crew, although they get good training and are carefully vetted, is a lot more loosely attached.. let's just say they get excellent death benefits.


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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #28 on: 06 Feb 2013, 15:49 »

let's just say they get excellent death benefits.

Are they siphoned back to Jev through fraudulent front companies, fine print, and red tape?

Can't be true Caldari unless death benefits are also a source of profit you know.

Jev North

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Re: Why do Baseliners work for you?
« Reply #29 on: 06 Feb 2013, 15:51 »

Look, they're paid out as trust funds paying out gradually over time, without interest accruing.. for the beneficiaries, at least.. and it's all perfectly legal, let me assure you.
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