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That there was a total information blockade during the Caldari occupation of Placid, only lifted when the Caldari Navy in the area was destroyed or driven out?

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Author Topic: Militia Service and Loyalty  (Read 11446 times)


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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #90 on: 23 Jan 2013, 03:55 »

Actually, not sure Black Rise is old enough at all, though mineral rich which is the draw for both sides..Feds have secondmost important planet at stake...

Now Amarr. Bleak Lands and Devoid...that's right there as unimportant...if I were Amarr, its almost a case of "You know, no one actually lives there anyway..."

John Revenent

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #91 on: 23 Jan 2013, 06:01 »

Wow I guess I need to read backstage more!


Lyn Farel

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #92 on: 23 Jan 2013, 06:20 »

All of this sounds like an IC debate to me.

Someone making up things will be mocked, someone joining the militia will be attacked because it can be argued to be worthless, someone not joining it will be attacked by hardline patriots, etc etc.


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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #93 on: 23 Jan 2013, 07:47 »

@Seriphyn <- I knew that it was YC79/80 when the colonization began and that it was purely objective based. But that article actually is very interesting.


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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #94 on: 23 Jan 2013, 08:53 »

@Seriphyn <- I knew that it was YC79/80 when the colonization began and that it was purely objective based. But that article actually is very interesting.
Why do I feel like that is a "new" page and the YC79/80 is really the only "new" info in it?


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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #95 on: 23 Jan 2013, 09:17 »

I must've read it long time ago and forgotten about it, then. Because while I had the dates in my head some of the stuff in there was new to me. ;)

Hamish Grayson

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #96 on: 24 Jan 2013, 09:29 »

speak openly and in public against Tibus Heth then to her they are dissidents or traitors who have lost face and shamed themselves by criticizing a leadership figure of the State.

How would she feel about a member of the CEP doing the same?

If that capsuleer had higher standing with STPRO (and rank), KK, Homeguard, Caldari Navy and the State in general would your character denoucing them in public not be in affect doing the same thing they?
« Last Edit: 24 Jan 2013, 11:14 by Hamish Grayson »


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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #97 on: 24 Jan 2013, 12:32 »

How would she feel about a member of the CEP doing the same?

Since she doesn't sit on the CEP it would not be her place pass commentary. As it has not occurred, then as far as she's concerned the CEP condones the position of Executor and the CPD.

If that capsuleer had higher standing with STPRO (and rank), KK, Homeguard, Caldari Navy and the State in general would your character denoucing them in public not be in affect doing the same thing they?

She has not denounced in public any persons who are considered above her in what she considers the Kaalakiota chain of command or State CEP leadership which she ascribes loyalty to nor does she have access to standings information.

Hamish Grayson

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #98 on: 24 Jan 2013, 13:31 »

As such, if the State is under threat, I think that Vikarion had better damn well be in FW, or he's a hypocrite. End of, full stop… It seems reasonable that a Caldari character who is loyal to the State would seek to avoid having the State conquered and occupied, and Vikarion was pointing out that duty and loyalty imply an obligation to prevent such.

Do you feel, out of character, that the Federal Defense Union’s campaign is the most significant threat to the fall of the Caldari State or the dilution of the Caldari culture and way of life?   

Are there other threats to the physical safety of the Caldari State, the relative economic, technological and military strength of the Caldari State in relation to the clusters and the conservation of the Caldari Culture than just the Federal Defense Union’s campaign in Blackrise and Placid?

If so, what would they be?

If there are any then how do they compare, in order, to the threat posed by the FDU?

Why do they rate above or below the FDU as a threat?   Can you provide hard data, like numbers, to support their position on the list?

For a character to be real, to be personable, to be interesting, I think it needs to be more than a puppet which dances to the desires and game-play preferences of the player. I hated Syndicate, but I lived in it for three months and lost expensive ships there in order to play out the consequences of my character's choices. And in retrospect, it was one of the most satisfying things I did, because it meant that the choices my character made had mattered, and affected not just my character, but also me, and how I played the game.

Is it possible for a character who makes nearly every daily choice based on opportunity cost to believe that the cost of personally fighting on the front lines today is heavier to than preparing for future threats? 

If they did would this make that character more real, personable and interesting than a character that did not?

Even if he believed that the faction war was the most important thing in the universe, shouldn't an older character be wise enough to realize that he could do more good for the warzone by spending his time making wads of ISK and hiring out a few five and ten man noob corps that otherwise wouldn’t be in FW to go circle buttons in his stead? 

Could some consider it unrealistic for an older Caldari character who's had concepts like opportunity cost shoved down his throat since he was a baseliner to spend his time personally capture plexes and hunting plexers when he should know it's not the best way for him or her to achieve victory.

I understand that loyalty to the State requires toleration of some of the RP things I dislike about it.

Why? In the code of bushido, which I think was a heavy inspiration for the concept of Heiian, duty comes before maintaining honor or face.   

In bushido one does one’s duty even if it causes them disgrace and this is especially true in the case were a Samurai might take the dishonor of his Daimyo onto himself and allow his master to save face.   My interpretation of Heiian is that it would require the same.   Is that an unreasonable interpretation on my part?
Can one be loyal to the CEP and not the CPD?  What if one considered himself loyal to only the CEP and was aware that the executive panel wished to depose of Heth as soon as it’s possible?  Would creating a powerful capsuleer paramilitary for the express purpose of negating the CPD’s powerbase and allowing the CEP to keep its hands clean be in accordance with bushido or my interpretation of Heiian?   Could an organized capsulleer unit that’s officially independent of the CEP and operates outside of the CPD’s sphere very useful to the CEP?  They can denounce them in public and use them for their needs.
If such a capsuleer considered the CEP his master and oriented his goals towards doing what’s in the best interest of the CEP over the long run, then is it feasible that the capsuleer could be considered loyal to the State without maintaining a letter or mark indefinitely?    Perhaps not by every character, but they loyalty is still there isn't it?

Additionally, Is it unrealistic for a CEP loyalist to consider a positive gain in the warzone to be a good thing for this quarter’s profits but a bad thing in the long run if it strengthened the CPD in relation to the CEP?

If I may bring one of my RP enemies into this thread, I'd like to point out that Andreus Ixiris did exactly this: he is a Federation loyalist, his character became peeved with some Sansha loyalists, as a Fed loyalist would, and he declared war on them. And he lost, horribly. But, in my eyes, as much as his character and mine do not get along, and as much as he and I have had conflicts, the fact that his character went out there and tried was fucking awesome.

I supposes it’s ok for a Gallente character to tilt at windmills and make futile but heartfelt gestures but IMHO a Caldari should run the numbers.   You know I’m all for exploding things in space if that’s the most pragmatic way for Hamish to reach his goals.   However, sticking with the milita just because it provides quick and easy PVP on the cheap when it’s not a very practical for a ten year old Capsuleer to expend his time and energy in support of the State in that way is my opinion is an example of what you called “trying to get out of RP obligations”  or “trying to get all the benefits of RP without the costs.”   

The actions in that case could be taken for OOC reasons and not because that’s how the character would behave if Eve was real life.

Vikarion is a very skilled combat pilot

However you may feel about the Broker, it is possible for a being to reach that kind of power and influence in the world of New Eden.  I think that a character of Vikarion’s or Hamish’s age, experience, wealth, connections and skillpoint level would at least have an inkling that it’s possible for an entity to attain that level of power.      I would say that at this point our characters are closer to the Broker than to a front line grunt even if they both still have a considerable way to go before reaching Brokerness.

Now, for someone who’s life is dedicated to the preservation of the State, that idea should scare the hell out of them.   How many beings are there out in void capable of manipulating the Megacorps like a puppet on a string and how many of them have the State’s best interest at heart?     

CONCORD is becoming less and less of a shield against the demi-gods.   They can no longer keep the Empires at peace as was their primary mandate, they conceded planetary control to the Capsuleers, they can’t stop the Sansha incursions and they let capsuleers have even more of a free reign in low-sec.   

The nullsecers might not be the most immediate threat to the State, but I think that it should be apparent to most that they are becoming too strong too fast and that the Caldari Navy can keep the Fedearl Navy at bay for now.   The immortals need to keep an eye on what's going to happen a hundred years from now and prepare for it today.

If Hamish were to focus his energy and time on the militia conflict, he might reach the zenith of capsuleerdom (like the Broker) eventually – but he’d be decades behind others in the more fertile soils of nullsec or W-space.  Perhaps too late to help stop them from molesting the State while he was busy circling the same button for the thousandth time.   

With this mysterious backer of Heth or the Mittani demonstrating that he can throw the State’s economy on its ear with a whim, as far as Hamish is concerned he might just be too late as it is.   For all he knows someone started the faction wars just to destract the loyalists from the real threat coming.

Just because someone is a skilled combat pilot doesn't mean that is the depth and breadth of their character and that the only or even best option is for them to serve on the front lines of the milita.

For Hamish I feel that the best way for him to Serve the State is to use nullsec to grow his wealth and experience so that he may build a tool that is useful to the CEP while also coming to understand the threat that's over the hill and not just the one thats jumping up and down and waving it's arms in front of him.


To sum up my points here

  • It is possible for some empire loyalists to do more good for their respective empire outside the realm of FW and opting out of the milita (or even industrial support of the militia) in favor of the method they are most able to help even in a time of war isn’t unfeasible, unrealistic or necessarily the player making OOC decisions that conflict with the IC persona.     In Hamish’s case he feels he’s more suited to finding and understanding certain other threats and that it’s more appropriate for him to let others orbit the button.
  • The State isn’t quite so black and white that the only way to support the State is to scream “For the State” and then rush off to bayonet some Fedo.    Internal politics and the complexity of Heiian not only allow for much more than that, but in my opinion make it more interesting and realistic because those aren’t your only options.
« Last Edit: 24 Jan 2013, 14:01 by Hamish Grayson »

Hamish Grayson

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #99 on: 24 Jan 2013, 14:08 »

Since she doesn't sit on the CEP it would not be her place pass commentary. As it has not occurred, then as far as she's concerned the CEP condones the position of Executor and the CPD.

Do you, out of Character, think that the CEP would like to remove Heth and the CEP?

If so, how common do you think this knowledge is in character?  Is it an open secret that the politically savvy can pick up on or something only a handful are privy too?

She has not denounced in public any persons who are considered above her in what she considers the Kaalakiota chain of command or State CEP leadership which she ascribes loyalty to nor does she have access to standings information.

I don’t give much credence to standings myself, I’m just curious about how you see her reacting to someone who is held in rather high regard by those she’s allowed to hold near authority over her. 
« Last Edit: 24 Jan 2013, 14:41 by Hamish Grayson »

Louella Dougans

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #100 on: 24 Jan 2013, 14:13 »

need 500 mil ISK to wardec PIE, accepting donations

why not just join minmatar militia. Free wardec against PIE then.

Tiberious Thessalonia

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #101 on: 24 Jan 2013, 14:29 »

need 500 mil ISK to wardec PIE, accepting donations

why not just join minmatar militia. Free wardec against PIE then.

Would be difficult to attack any hi-sec holdings they have though...
Do you see it now?  Something is different.  Something is never was in the first part!


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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #102 on: 24 Jan 2013, 14:43 »

Do you, out of Character, think that the CEP would like to remove Heth and the CEP?

If so, how common do you think this knowledge is in character?  Is it an open secret that the politically savvy can pick up on or something only a handful are privy too?

I tend to divorce my own out of character thoughts and opinions from the construction of thoughts and opinions of the characters I play, who, if they were politically savvy enough to have an opinion on Heth and the CPD would probably also be politically savvy enough to play the game of State corporate realpolitik and know what to express in the public eye and what would be necessary to keep to themselves given their own real or perceived social status and positions in the hierarchy.

Hamish Grayson

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #103 on: 24 Jan 2013, 14:53 »

Do you, out of Character, think that the CEP would like to remove Heth and the CEP?

If so, how common do you think this knowledge is in character?  Is it an open secret that the politically savvy can pick up on or something only a handful are privy too?

I tend to divorce my own out of character thoughts and opinions from the construction of thoughts and opinions of the characters I play, who, if they were politically savvy enough to have an opinion on Heth and the CPD would probably also be politically savvy enough to play the game of State corporate realpolitik and know what to express in the public eye and what would be necessary to keep to themselves given their own real or perceived social status and positions in the hierarchy.

Ha!  Touche.   Although playing a character like that means you'll only have a handful of people who actually get what you are doing.  I guess I've just gotten lazy :(  Also, I nor Hamish have many fucks left to give.

Pop in a charisma implant and blow up a pirate base for them and baseliners can be led believe anything he tells them and the memory of the IGS is a short one.
« Last Edit: 24 Jan 2013, 15:11 by Hamish Grayson »


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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #104 on: 24 Jan 2013, 15:01 »

Although playing a character like that means you'll only have a handful of people who actually get what you are doing. 

Truth be told, I barely have any idea about what I'm actually doing any given day of the week.

I guess this ends up reflected in my own characters and plans, who knows?
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