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Emperor Heideran VII died on 17.09YC105  of Turit Disease just two weeks after the publication of his opus 'Pax Amarria'.

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Author Topic: Idea: Family Member Characters under other player control (yay?)  (Read 7682 times)

Nicoletta Mithra

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First, that other people were even worse, doesn't make it any better. Second, the fact that she can be nice doesn't mean that she is nice. Third, it's not surprising that the not so small number of people fitting that description gets astronomic dimension if everyone one disagrees with is summarily dismissed as either silly or - or and - heretic.

Laerise [PIE]

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Mh, I guess I'll bite  :)

I don't have any comments on the parts one and two, you're spot on there and I don't see a problem.
Regarding part three I don't really see your point. Plenty of people disagree with Lae' on a regular basis, Jude Kopenhagen is a great example. The definition of heresy on wikipedia is alright, but if you want to argue theology I guess we should open a new thread :D

Modified to adress part one:

Actually, now that I think about it, PIE has always had at least one torch wielding frothing zealot. Be it Gaius or Lallara (or Lae').
If you want a one-size-fits-all "loyalist" organisation I guess there's always CVA for that  ;)

Adding another thought:

I guess what I'm trying to say is you can either accept it and deal with it, avoid it or go away all together. It's  fascinating to me that Andreus and Seriphyn get a lot less OOC flak for their attitudes than Lae does
« Last Edit: 28 Dec 2012, 10:27 by Laerise [PIE] »

Nicoletta Mithra

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I knew what I was signing up for before I put in my application. Indeed one has the choice, either one accepts it or goes away, I just think PIE looses some good loyalists that are 'too liberal for Laerise's tastes', because how frothing-ly (Ah, the lack of decorum!) she reacts to them.

Seriphyn and Andreus get probably less flak, because they are quite amiable with their own people and usually the ones outside the faction they chose to oppose.

To bring this tangent back into contact with the original topic, anyone playing a relative of Silas should really think twice before joining PIE, honestly.

Laerise [PIE]

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Re Nico's comments: Regarding how little time you have spent in PIE for now I'd say wait and see. Actually I can't recall any frothing as of late that was not tied to people being too busy drama-whoring and/or simply being afk all the time  :lol:

Re Silas relative: It would be a lot of fun though - as long as there is a crap ton of drama control.


Morwen Lagann

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Re Silas relative: It would be a lot of fun though - as long as there is a crap ton of drama control.

On the bright side, none of any drama that occurs should (operative word being should) be about squabbling over Silas' land and planetside holdings - because it's all already been snapped up by us (by which I mean TYRIN, though the Tyrathlion family would be more directly accurate). Unless they want to try fruitless negotiation with us, that is. :lol:
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Silas Vitalia

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Any upstanding Vitalia family holdings that were not sold off and relocated prior to outed Sabik-ness were either immediately seized by Kingdom authorities or taken over as Morwen stated. If the character owner wanted to enter into some legal wrangling with Morwen's people that would be completely up to them and need to be consentual, etc.

I doubt the Kingdom would be a good place to try and make a go of it though? 

Still working on this.   And if the family member wanted to join PIE that's entirely up to PIE and where the character owner wants to take things.  They have a life of their own, etc, it would be up to their IC convincing ability to get PIE or other loyalist groups to let them in (which might be fun for those involved).

I imagine they'd have an uphill battle in the Empire to make such arrangements work, but certainly doable. If they could prove they were not compromised and actively working against me, etc it would be plausible.

Equally plausible would be running off to the State with some business contacts and setting up shop there, etc.

And PIE can always use more old-time mouth frothing. Not nearly enough IMO ;)


Andreus Ixiris

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Andreus has no siblings, but four cousins - three on his mother's side (one of which is Ophelia LeHane, the administrative alt I keep on the same account as Andreus) and one on his father's side (which is Orun Erajen, who's a batshit insane death cultist). The other two are unspecified.

I dunno. If someone wanted me to explain Andreus' weird and unhappy family history to them, I'd be totally up for having someone else play one of his other maternal cousins.

Morwen Lagann

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Any upstanding Vitalia family holdings that were not sold off and relocated prior to outed Sabik-ness were either immediately seized by Kingdom authorities or taken over as Morwen stated. If the character owner wanted to enter into some legal wrangling with Morwen's people that would be completely up to them and need to be consentual, etc.

I doubt the Kingdom would be a good place to try and make a go of it though? 

Oh, we'd happily welcome the RP, but I know from the outset that the odds of them being able to provide some sort of fair trade for the land and property that we own would be almost nil - and even then they'd have to get past the cynical "well, it's your own fault for not having gone for it when the opportunity was there" attitude that would surely be present - if not from Morwen, certainly from Reppy, who is the one who makes the final calls on that sort of thing anyway. :P

So it's an issue of whether the RP interaction alone is worth it to whoever is playing the relative, or if they'd actually need to 'get something' out of it beyond that - because if it's the latter, I would personally suggest against it because the odds of it going very far, let alone in their favor, would be particularly slim if they were dealing with us.

I just wanted to provide fair warning, because we never really went public about it IC, and since it rarely comes up in conversation (either IC or OOC) I didn't think many people would have known about the development OOC either. :)
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Silas Vitalia

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I just wanted to provide fair warning, because we never really went public about it IC, and since it rarely comes up in conversation (either IC or OOC) I didn't think many people would have known about the development OOC either. :)

I can haz Morwen updates on this on IGS or similar? Reopen the place as a hotel for all I care let's hear it :P


Morwen Lagann

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I just wanted to provide fair warning, because we never really went public about it IC, and since it rarely comes up in conversation (either IC or OOC) I didn't think many people would have known about the development OOC either. :)

I can haz Morwen updates on this on IGS or similar? Reopen the place as a hotel for all I care let's hear it :P

If Reppy had wanted to go public with it, we would have done so a while back. ;)

You can reasonably assume that it would have made the local news in KP/Kihtaled, but beyond that it wouldn't really be newsworthy enough to be broadcast elsewhere. Morwen won't deny it if she's asked, but it's not something that she feels is necessary to go blabbing about.

The vineyard has been reopened for a while and is back to producing wine. The rest of the land that was picked up along with it is being used for another purpose at the moment (there are clues in various places as to what that purpose is, but I won't spell it out here), and drawing attention to the area IC would be a bad idea as a result. :)
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Silas Vitalia

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I just wanted to provide fair warning, because we never really went public about it IC, and since it rarely comes up in conversation (either IC or OOC) I didn't think many people would have known about the development OOC either. :)

I can haz Morwen updates on this on IGS or similar? Reopen the place as a hotel for all I care let's hear it :P

If Reppy had wanted to go public with it, we would have done so a while back. ;)

You can reasonably assume that it would have made the local news in KP/Kihtaled, but beyond that it wouldn't really be newsworthy enough to be broadcast elsewhere. Morwen won't deny it if she's asked, but it's not something that she feels is necessary to go blabbing about.

The vineyard has been reopened for a while and is back to producing wine. The rest of the land that was picked up along with it is being used for another purpose at the moment (there are clues in various places as to what that purpose is, but I won't spell it out here), and drawing attention to the area IC would be a bad idea as a result. :)

Eldritch ceremonies and chanting? Do tell?! :)


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Late to the table but this is a neat idea.

Silas Vitalia

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Someone cool and awesome has been in consult and we are moving forward (yay).

We have decided to keep the player behind the new character anonymous to keep things nice and separate ic and ooc from their other characters.



Nick Shale

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This Ammund Vitalia sure dont like to talk much.


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Maybe the character is a bit wary about Praetorians, given the family history. He's only been out of hiding for a week.
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