Last night, we had an incredible cruiser roam.
After killing a panicking PvP Tengu that should have been able to escape us just by hitting and overheating its 100mn AB and coasting out of our webs, or even just docking up we decided to go out on on a T2 frigate/T1 cruiser roam.
We headed up to the end of our patrol path and back without really finding any targets when we were back in Ostingele. Drake found a lone Myrmidon at the belt, and got a tackle. It was obvious bait but we were still flying high off the nearly 800 million ISK tengu kill and figured we were ahead of the game even if we all died horribly, so we jumped in.
The rest us landed and killed the Myrmidion, just in time for a hurricane, tengu, and incursus to jump on top of us.
There was a fire fight! From here it gets confusing because it turned into a free for all so a lot of people show up on the battle report on both sides.
The incursus got blapped so fast we assumed it had warped off and only realized later that drones and the SFI had killed it. The hurricane went down shortly after the Myrmidion, and I landed a tackle on the Tengu with my short point and my web. He was MWD fit, so he slowed down to a crawl, and then he webbed and tackled me, so I set up going as fast as I could with my AB overheated to mitigate his damage. By this point, the rest of the gang had gotten blown up or had managed to warp out, but I was stuck.
I tried to disengage, figuring that since the Tengu was moving 24m/s I would be able to get away with my 200 m/s with AB on. Sadly, this did not turn out to be the case and we had a Suddenly Spaceships Stabber Fleet Issue/Tornado pair land in the belt while it was just me and the not-moving Dual ASB fit tengu.
Being smart folks, generally, the Tornado and SFI locked me up, but started firing on the tengu.
By this point, TSF had managed to reship and regroup, and got back into the belt just in time to get on the Tengu killmail. We landed points on the SFI and blew it up, but not before my Vengeance exploded. The Tornado warped out at that point.
All told, we lost 200 million ISK worth of ships, but blew up 1.2 billion ISK worth of ships, in a super exciting running battle.
I also learned that a vengeance can tank like a boss when it has to.