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That CCP financed the initial development of EVE Online by publishing a board game called Hættuspil ("Danger Game")?

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Author Topic: Combat! What has been some of your best and worst pvp experiences? Let's hear it  (Read 8074 times)

Silas Vitalia

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I haven't really been using active tanks for a long time. Either you can out-rep it and last for an extremely long time, or you are taking too much damage over your rep amount and die instantly.

Buffers at least seem to be a known quantity and I can better time how long I have to survive / shoot people before de-aggressing or taking other actions...

Great stories everyone!!



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I haven't really been using active tanks for a long time. Either you can out-rep it and last for an extremely long time, or you are taking too much damage over your rep amount and die instantly.

Actually, you can extend a tank that hasn't enough oopmh to counter a hostile's full dps by decreasing the hostile's dps. You can do that by  mucking up his tracking, staying outside of his optimal, or even use ECM. This is why my Crusader tends to beat the non-active-tanked Taranises. You can always choose to a tactic (tracking or range) that reduces his (and your own) dps, which gives your active tank time to act while you whittle down his static EHP.

Silas Vitalia

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I haven't really been using active tanks for a long time. Either you can out-rep it and last for an extremely long time, or you are taking too much damage over your rep amount and die instantly.

Actually, you can extend a tank that hasn't enough oopmh to counter a hostile's full dps by decreasing the hostile's dps. You can do that by  mucking up his tracking, staying outside of his optimal, or even use ECM. This is why my Crusader tends to beat the non-active-tanked Taranises. You can always choose to a tactic (tracking or range) that reduces his (and your own) dps, which gives your active tank time to act while you whittle down his static EHP.

Quite correct as usual Merd. I was probably thinking more about 'multiple target' senarios where you have groups of people shooting at you simultaneously. Dogfights are an entirely different animal for experts like you :P

Andreus Ixiris

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So back in 2008 when Mixed Metaphor was at its peak, we had a war with Trinity Nova alliance, who were professional mercenaries hired against us by a person (who shall remain nameless) distinctly unhappy about our excellent performance in factional warfare. Despite being outnumbered three-to-one, we quite definitively returned them to sender. This isn't what the story's about, however. Perhaps thinking that our will to fight might have been dampened or our resources stretched by that war, an opportunistic group with a small name but a big ego, NQX Innovations, demanded five hundred million ISK from our corporation, unless we wanted to find ourselves in another war. Still riding high from our recent victory against TNT, we told them we'd deliver their ransom a bullet at a time.

Initial exchange of gunfire in the war went well, with a few frigates falling under our guns. It was, I believe, the third day of the war when Faust and Vince called me up and told me that there was, quote, "a Hyperion parked outside top station in Villore waving his dick around." I immediately brought my Maelstrom, Faust his Myrmidon and Vince, who is the most important character in this story, his Blackbird.

We initially thought the NQX Hyperion was playing bait for a trap, but we'd learnt from previous wars to keep tight intel, and after seeing that only two other members were online and they were both two regions away, we realised this guy was just spoiling for a fight. We kept Vince out of the way because we knew he wouldn't engage us if he saw ECM on the field.

Faust and I opened up on the Hyperion and he immediately returned fire, but either Faust and I were very well-tanked or he wasn't very good at fitting Hyperions, because he quickly realised that his tank was breaking while ours weren't going to go anywhere. He stopped firing, and we realised with some disappointment that he was going to redock before we could get through his armour.

At this point, I heard (on Vent) and saw (in local) a scream of "JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!" and a grey blur on my screen. Vince had warped in on us and intentionally MWD-rammed the Hyperion, intentionally not engaging his jammers. The Hyperion opened up with all guns on Vince's ship, which, possessing no tank, crumpled like paper. But it was a fatal mistake - killing Vince's ship while still maintaining his tank had used up all his cap boosters, and his hardeners went offline. In short order there were two wrecks sitting outside the station - that of a Hyperion, and that of a Blackbird willingly sacrificed to secure the death of the former.

This, more than anything, is why I was so sad to see Vince leave my corporation.

Norrin Ellis

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Best: Winning some fights
Worst: Losing some fights

Ava Starfire

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Best: Fighting outnumbered and successfully splitting a gang and killing some or all of them. Little better rush than knowing you have literally a few seconds to do what you have to do before the rest land or you  have to bounce. Sometimes works, sometimes dosent.

Worst: Doing the above poorly. Always makes me sigh and wrack my brain about what I did wrong.


Reyd Karris

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Best: Scaring away a group of Curses with my pod. True story; they thought I was a scout for a larger force. Of course I wasn't, but I wasn't about to tell them that!

Worst: Countless PvP roams that ended with no fight to be had. I'm like PvP repellent. If I'm in a fleet, no fights happen.  :ugh:

Silas Vitalia

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I Just heard one of my all-time favorites over TS this weekend with an alliance-mate.

Long story short he accidentally afk autopiloted a freighter into a lowsec gate camp.  Tons of wrecks on the gate, tons of blinky reds, naked freighter on top of them.

The pirates had been camping this gate for a long time and had assumed their time was up and any bait coming through would be to establish aggro for a massive drop/counter/whatever.

My friend's freighter materializes in the middle of the gate camp and one of the pirates in local yells "Holy Freighter Bait!"

They took a few shots and then all ceased fire.

They thought he was bait for counterattack.

So he's sitting on gate with a ton of reds, mexican standoff style, no one shooting at the freighter, but my friend is scared to so much as blink and try to run lest they figure out he's just screwed up.

His entire shields regen as they all stare at each other.

A good 15 minutes later he sees an opening and aligns to station just before a HAC gains a warp jam. Makes it to station, picks up his PI cargo, and warps right past them to jump to highsec.



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Best:  "GodDamnitDave, I've got a meeting in forty-five minutes and you want to do a -- just kill ONE ship?  FINE!"  I think I helped kill four or five on the way back to base. Honestly, I lost count.

Worst:  "Hey, guys, what's a Nighthawk?"   Yeah, I was very new to fleet fighting.  Probably shouldn't have been a scout (though if memory serves, I was the only one in that fleet that didn't get podded, and after an hour of chatting with the ebil pirates, they gave me an escort home).

Jev North

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Gods, yes. Roaming and hunting are fine things, really, but sometimes the one-minute kills are a nice treat. I remember one time when I was on fire and had three killmails together with Milo in less than three minutes after logging in. Good fight, too, Incursus duo vs. Claw and Comet.

Lithium Flower

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Most of the time I fail horribly and end in a big ball of fire, but still sometimes I do very very unforgivable mistakes, against which I try to fight as hard as I can. I consider them as my worst PvP experiences. Here are some of them:
1. I died to CONCORD in highsec, because I messed repair drones with combat drones. Well, I guess many did this thing... but I did it TWICE in a row (well, I was dualboxing, and I really suck at dualboxing)
2. Flying drunk. Lost a couple of HACs and a pod by continuously derping into enemy fleet alone.
3. Most often annoying thing: failing to understand FC orders and derping :( Missed dread jump once and left it in some forgotten system for almost a month.
4. Messing with hotkeys: suddenly warp my nanohac right on a gate with enemy fleet instead of aligning.
5. Over-overloading. Im afraid I can't give exact situation that I remember, but quite a number of my ships died because modules (mostly guns and point/mwd) went offline.

Best experiences:
Killing dessies and cruisers with a badger.
Killing rigged mega with like ~50 t1 cheap fitted caracals in enemy highsec back when facwars only started. Well, and such highsec runs were quite fun thing.
I really loved Andraz as FC, there were crazy roams when we attacked almost anything disregarding everything.
And I love my CEO as FC, because of very clear orders (understandable even by me!) and military-like discipline.
Also there was a fun moment, when I reapproached a gate in a veng and jumped, being scrammed, webbed and attacked by t3 and a couple of bcs.
And, of course, when enemy falcon saved my harby in like 10% structure!


  • Kalalalaakiota
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I've just remembered one of the last truly exciting fights I had before I quit.

Shortly after the release of the Ancillary shield booster, I had quite a lot of fun fitting them on battlecruisers. Most successfully, the hurricane, ferox and brutix. On this particular occasion, I had decided to take a brutix out on a solo roam through the great wildlands and curse, and into providence. The fit was thus:

[Brutix, xlasb]

Pseudoelectron Containment Field I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II

Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
Large F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction
Warp Scrambler II
X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 400

Heavy Electron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Void M

Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Hybrid Burst Aerator I

Hammerhead II x5

So, pure, balls to the wall damage. No messing with ecm drones for me. More than 800 dps with the guns heated.

I made it all the way through GW without seeing a single person. Jumping into the last system before Curse, I see two in local and a single out gate more than 30 AU away. Some of you can see where this is going. By this point I've been going almost half an hour and I am bored. I give a cursory look at the directional scanner and see nothing, so I warp to the out gate.

Suddenly bubble, and I'm 60km off the gate. A sabre and a falcon decloak and I'm immediately jammed. The sabre's dps is awful. It was a bit embarrassing. However, I knew what was going to happen, I was eventually going to have to reload my xlasb and he was going to kill me without me ever firing a shot. Not a noble way to die.

So, I start to move, webbed, towards to gate. Shields are at 50% and I'm on my last 3 loaded charges. The gate is now 57km away.

30% shields, boost, 35% shields and 54km.

Boost the last two charges out in an attempt to gain some buffer time, 45% shields remaining, 60s before I can boost again and 53km to the gate.

The sabre is sitting 500m directly behind me, the falcon around 30km off.

Shields are now down, and the adrenaline hits. I've got another 45s before I can boost, and another 50km to the gate.

My armour is considerably faster to drop than my shields, he's got plasma loaded.

Half armour now, and I know I'm going to die. 40s to reload and 49km to the gate.

The falcon misses a jam.

I'm so surprised I don't even notice for a few seconds. When I do, I immediately pre-heat my guns, get them blinking as ready to go, and start to lock the sabre.

One second I'm at 25% armour, dying to a sabre. A heartbeat later, and the sabre is a rapidly expanding dust cloud. Heated electron blasters with 2 magstabs has a rate of fire of 1.74 seconds. The sabre had no tank of any kind. My first shot did nearly one and a half thousand damage, the second finished him.

It was so quick I thought the sabre had warped at first.

I have never been more excited while playing a game. I actually cheered in real life. I quickly warped off to a planet to let my booster finish reloading, then warped back to the gate, this time from a less bubble protected angle.

But my exciting Brutix based adventure did not finish there, no sir. I was in no shape to be fighting the denizens of curse, so I hot-footed through to providence in the hope of finding a ratting cruiser or somesuch.

Unfortunately, not quite. I found a hurricane on a gate about five or six jumps into provi, and chased it to a belt. Heating my guns, I tore into his buffered shields and quickly had him down to mid amour. I, on the other hand was still at around 60% shields and boosting nicely.

And then I stopped firing. That same tiny rate of fire that had proven so effective against the sabre, had been my undoing. I had burnt out all seven of my guns after firing less than 30 times. Less than a minute into the fight, I was effectively out of it.

Then, to top it off, the rest of the hurricane's gang started landing. I knew this was it for me, so I decided to simply keep surviving for as long as possible. Some thirty thousand damage later, my valiant brutix gave in.

Best ship I've ever owned. I sincerely suggest you give it a go.

"Eve roleplayers scare me." - The Mittani

Silas Vitalia

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Awesome story, Kalaratiri!

Fortune does smile on us occasionally. Blaster help though :)



  • Kalalalaakiota
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Actually, heh, it seems I mixed my fits up slightly. My actual brutix fit, as you can see from the killmail, was:

[Brutix, xlasb]

Pseudoelectron Containment Field I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
Large F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction
Warp Scrambler II
X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 400

Heavy Electron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II, Void M

Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Hybrid Burst Aerator I

Hammerhead II x5

Which is even more ganky :D ROF is now 1.69s

"Eve roleplayers scare me." - The Mittani

Druur Monakh

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I've just remembered one of the last truly exciting fights I had before I quit.

Dear madam, I applaud you - this sounds like one of those fights making up for all the months of aggravation and suffering leading up to it.

And it makes me jealous, because I haven't yet found an obvious way to fit a decent-sized ASB onto one of my beloved Harbingers (ok, I have not looked into this very deeply yet, either).
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