Yeah, I'm confused, too.
So, general question, in the interests of understanding:
Some people seem to have a deep-seated need for the Caldari to be greedy space nazis, while others seem to want them to be a Randian meritocratic paradise. In much similar vein, it seems to me this debate is about some people wanting the Amarr to be pig-eyed, whip-wielding slavers, while others want them to be basically okay people with a strange quirk in their moral system that they're otherwise very nice about, now there's a good slave, have a cup of tea.
In both cases the two viewpoints are not incompatible with each other.
It's quite possible for someone to think of themselves as a Randian hero while others see them as a greedy space nazi. Likewise, a slaver may well see themselves as upright and moral while opponents of slavery will see them as whip-wielding nutters.
And the scary thing is, all of those views could be valid.
For example...
Future Kryten: Kryten, we're epicures now. We travel through history enjoying the very best time has to offer.
Future Rimmer: Dolphin sweetmeats, roast suckling elephants, baby seal hearts stuffed with dove pate. Food fit for emperors!
Future Lister: We socialize with all of the greatest figures in history -- the Hapsburgs, the Borgias ...
Future Kryten: Why, only last week, Louis the Sixteenth threw a banquet especially in our honour.
Future Rimmer: The man is a complete delight -- urbane, witty, charming ...
Kryten: He was an idiotic despot who lived in the most obscene luxury while the working classes starved in abject poverty.
Future Rimmer: Well, we certainly didn't see any of that while we were there!
Future Kryten: And his wife's an absolute cutie.
Future Cat: I think they're our favourite hosts. If you don't count the Hitlers.
Kryten: The who?!
Future Rimmer: Providing you avoid talking politics, they're an absolute hoot.
Kryten: You're good friends with the Hitlers?!
Future Kryten: It's just a social thing. We don't talk about his work. We just have a few laughs, play canasta, and enjoy the odd game of mixed doubles with the Goerings.
Kryten: I don't believe what I'm hearing!
Future Rimmer: Look, you have to understand -- we travel back and forth throughout the whole of history, and naturally we want to sample the best of everything. It's just a bit unfortunate that the finest things tend to be in the possession of people who are judged to be a bit dodgy.