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The Lutin lights are sometimes seen by ships approaching the Iyen-Oursta stargate. Many Minmatar slaves believe that seeing the lights means their firstborn son will be blessed with freedom. Read more here.

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Author Topic: Slavery discussion  (Read 34803 times)

Lyn Farel

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #195 on: 19 Aug 2012, 06:58 »

I suppose I'd take issue with the insinuation that many characters are influenced by their player's personal viewpoints on slavery when three of the four major cultures in New Eden are just as fervently opposed to the idea.

You can also take it on the sheer population size itself. The Empire represents probably around half of the cluster population (slaves included). Added to that most pirate factions, it could be said that at least half of the cluster usually practices slavery.

Or, just look at it territory wise. The Empire + Khanid + Ammatar = half of the major factions space.

All of this in the end, is quite relative.


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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #196 on: 19 Aug 2012, 11:20 »

It *is* hard to play a genuinely 'good', non-abusive or humanitarian slaver, since the concept is just so alien to our culture and the subject matter evokes such negative initial visceral responses. You'd not only have to fight your own sense of what is proper, but also need to overcome the biased OOC stereotypes of others (there cannot be good slavers, so its impossible for someone to play a good slaver).
I think the real challenge is proving to an audience of players and characters that this humanitarian slaver is a sympathetic character. (I also think we're saying exactly the same thing, just switched around!) A Matari Freedom Fighter is never going to tolerate the slaver no matter how comforting they are to their slaves, just as the preconceptions of a RL audience would find the idea of a slaver abhorrent. Some of the best writers in Earth's history have made barbaric characters into sympathetic ones despite the preconceptions of their audience. Part of that involves immersing the audience in their world to aid the reader to understanding their perspective and motivations.

When people make presumptions that players are influencing their characters' behavior based on their own RL preconceptions, I take issue with that point. I do so because there's clearly enough evidence to show that opposition to slavery isn't a novel concept, or is it at least in the minority in at least half the major cultures in New Eden. I could argue the Caldari are with them, but perhaps we can leave that in a separate discussion.


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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #197 on: 19 Aug 2012, 12:47 »

(post omitted)
« Last Edit: 30 May 2013, 15:40 by evelyn_anna »


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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #198 on: 19 Aug 2012, 15:45 »

  And no has a problem with "Most of the people in New Eden abhor slavery and therefore they would have strong (and negative) feelings about any Ammar they met".
Most of the people in New Eden are Amarrian.

As for the Caldari, I'm not sure they abhor it. They don't use it, but they aren't rending their clothes in grief over the innocent slaves. Individual Caldari might think it's evil, but in general, Amarrian slavery doesn't seem too important to them.
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Ava Starfire

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #199 on: 19 Aug 2012, 17:47 »

After 14 pages, I have no idea what this thread is about.

It seems people are trying to tackle several things;

1) Slavery is seen to be "ok" by most of new eden, so characters should "mostly" be ok with it.

2) Slavery is hated ICly because we hate it OOCly

3) We associate characters with their governments and thats wrong! IE, amarr players are seen as "Evil" because their governments are.

My feelings on them;

1) Most of New Eden dosent include Minmatar, who will hate slavery regardless how "kind" it is to the slaves. Minmatar will likely have a deep cultural hatred of the Amarr, and hence anything connected with them, that would boggle modern minds. You know how much Palestinians hate Israelis? Yeah? Magnify that 4 or 5 thousand times. You might be in the ballpark. If you make an Amarrian character, and try to "play your character", Minmatar characters will play theirs by hating you.

2) Of course we hate it OOCly, because it is a disgusting, barbaric thing. The fact that eve is set in a mythical future otherworld does not make us suddenly hate it less, OOCly. Thats pretty hard to do. We see child porn, animal abuse, and a zillion other things as disgusting (rightly so) and morally reprehensible. If someone RPed these in EVE, would it be wrong to make our characters make judgements because they might be influenced by our OOC feelings?

3) As an American, a rather unorthodox Catholic, and a member of an ethnic minority that gets shit on the world over, allow me to say; we NEVER judge people because of their nationality/skin color/religion/whatever the hell else IRL, right??? Is it right to do so? No, of course not. Is it "In character"? Yes.

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #200 on: 19 Aug 2012, 20:30 »

The waters of this thread are muddy indeed. That is, though, not because the argument hasn't been made clear, but rather because there are several arguments which have been intermingled variously on the one hand and on the other hand because the debate here is oftentimes a less rational and instead more emotional one.

So, it's imho not only the things you brought onto the table, Evelyn. But to start with the ones you have brought up so far:

From what I can tell, no one involved in this thread has a problem with the statement "slavery is bad".
So, I think that while painting with a broad brush, this might be true, there are actually some people here who would deny that: Not because they personally think of slavery as acceptable, but rather because they
a) think that there is no objective way to ascribe the qualities "good" and "bad" to something and thus it is always relative/subjective/culturally dependent whether it in fact is good or bad.
b) think that categories of "bad" and "good" are nonsensical to begin with (which can be for various reasons like the idea that "good" and "bad" refer to emotive stances rather than something with a propostionally relevant content. So, saying "Salvery is evil" would more correspond to "Yuck! Slavery!" Which isn't really something that has a truth value).

And no has a problem with "Most of the people in New Eden abhor slavery and therefore they would have strong (and negative) feelings about any Ammar they met".
I think here the question is, what 'most people in New Eden' is supposed to mean. There are aruments that the Caldari are kind of 'neutral' in regard to slavery outside their turf and think of it more as ineffective than abhorrent. There are arguments that population wise Empire, Mandate and Kingdom (together with the pirate factions) are 'most people in New Eden'.

I think, though, as you said that both of these questions are not the ones which are really heating the debate here:

The trouble seems to be when someone says, "Slavery is bad, Ammar practice slavery, therefore an Ammar character can only be evil."  This is fine from the perspective of an in-game character.
This gets closer to the issue and indeed as most people would say that while in-game that's a position that a char can take, it's not as easily bought into as far as it's an OOC position. Though, here it seems to me that people are agreeing largely on this.

However, it seems (or is perceived ) to be an OOC viewpoint as well, which tacks on another little bit "if you play an Ammar character that is 'good', then you must believe slavery is 'good' in real life".  This seems to be the true conflict in this thread.

I think that gets closer to the conflict at hand, but I think it's stating the problem in too wide terms. As many people seem to agree that an Amarr can be good despite being a slaver, it seems that most people agree that the player of an Amarr can be good despite playing an Amarrian who is good despite being a slaver. It gets tricky here, though.

((though I'll admit that half of players feel defensive based on a statement similar to "you only hate my character because you hate slavery in real life" so perhaps we are all talking about completely different things in nearly the same way))  It seems safe to say that the only real issue people are having with slavery (in-game and out), is the OOC presumptions being placed on themselves for the character they play.

Indeed, this seems to be the issue that people have: When others put OOC presumptions on some players based on how and which chars they play. This isn't merely a question of good/bad though.

Interestingly, no one seems to think it's a problem if someone portrays an Amarr as evil or evil in so far as he is a slaver. The problem really seems to arise at the specific point that someone portrays an Amarr as slaver and as a benign, gracious and friendly in his function as slaver and towards his slaves - as somone who is appearing as a 'good' slaver.

It seems to me that some people claim that one can be a good Amarr despite being a slaver and it's okay to portray this, but on the other hand it is not possible that an Amarr is good - or appears good - in so far as he is a slaver and that thus portraying an Amarr as being a 'good' slaver is somehow problematic. These problems are by those claiming such explicated in three ways, apparently:
1) The player portraying an Amarr as a good slaver and thus slavery as somehow (possibly) good is unethical (bad if not outright evil) and probably 'pro slavery'.
2) The player that is protraying an Amarr as a good slaver does so because he couldn't bear playing a 'proper slaver' (sic: one portrayed as evil in so far as he enslaves people, though having maybe other redeeming qualities). In this case the player is 'doin it wrong', he is somehow failing to play the role he picked.
3) The player is portraying an Amarr as a good slavers is simply 'doin it wrong'. He picked the wrong role or plays the role of a slaver wrongly. He might be a troll.

These explications rest on the assumption that one cannot portray a slaver as being somehow 'good' in his role and function as slaver and is therefore 'doin it wrong' either in representing what a slaver is or in being mistaken in whether slavery is good or bad.

Somehow these people think that a slaver has to abuse his slaves and won't shy away from abusing them in all possible ways. Apparently, for them the question whether slavery is acceptable or not rests on the question whether slavery implicates abuse by necessity and whether one is able to be somehow 'benign', 'gentle' or 'good' in the function of the slaver.

As if, if there is a slaver who doesn't abuse his slaves, who makes sure that slaves benefit from their work and are treated in some way fairly, are well housed and cared for in terms of food, shelter and medical attention, that then they would be compelled to agree that there are good cases of slavery. This idea, though, is wrong. One would merely have to accept that there are better and worse cases slavery and that one slaver may treat his slaves 'good' in relation to other slavers or a possible treatment of slaves that is worse. This, though only means that within slavery there are relatively better or worse cases. Not that suddenly slavery isn't bad in general anymore.

Of course, though, one would suddenly have to do a lot more to show that slavery is bad. One would have to put a lot more effort into building ones arguments against slavery. One would have to put a hell of a lot more thought into it. Suddenly it wouldn't be as easy as "Slavery is abuse is bad!" anymore. Suddenly the work of Bartolomé de Las Casas wasn't something that wasn't really necessary as it was obvious from the beginning that slavery is unethical. Suddenly the better part of the history of mankind would be more than one gigantic case of people just not seeing the obvious truth that slavery is bad or seeing it and doing it anyway. Suddenly the work and effort and sweat and, yes, blood that has been put into bringing it to the fore that slavery is bad makes a lot of sense and is something to be genuinely valued.

But enough of my  pleading to see the problem whether slavery is good or bad or neutral as just that: a true and full fledged problem.

I think the real challenge is proving to an audience of players and characters that this humanitarian slaver is a sympathetic character. [...] Some of the best writers in Earth's history have made barbaric characters into sympathetic ones despite the preconceptions of their audience. Part of that involves immersing the audience in their world to aid the reader to understanding their perspective and motivations.[...]

That, exactly. And I take issue with people who are telling me that I am either a) doing it fundamentally wrong or b) am an unethical person if I try myself at doing things that are similar to what 'some of the best writers in Earth's history' have done. I have various reasons for portraying a character that is a humanitarian slaver and who is not only overall sympathetic but also sympathetic in the way she treats her slaves: next to making a case for taking the problem  whether slavery is good or bad or neutral seriously it's about critique at taking certain of our social institutions as good without second guessing that and provoking thought about how we treat the lower rungs of our societies.


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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #201 on: 19 Aug 2012, 21:06 »

(post omitted)
« Last Edit: 30 May 2013, 15:40 by evelyn_anna »

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #202 on: 19 Aug 2012, 21:22 »

[...]So, well. I dunno.  It's very possible that the greater part of this debate boils down to a 'you're doing it wrong' argument. (and Nicoletta posts as I'm typing these very words)
Well, thanks for summing up my argument. :D

a) think that there is no objective way to ascribe the qualities "good" and "bad" to something and thus it is always relative/subjective/culturally dependent whether it in fact is good or bad.
b) think that categories of "bad" and "good" are nonsensical to begin with (which can be for various reasons like the idea that "good" and "bad" refer to emotive stances rather than something with a propostionally relevant content. So, saying "Salvery is evil" would more correspond to "Yuck! Slavery!" Which isn't really something that has a truth value).

Oh dear. Then truly we are lost, because relative or nonsensical values attributed to terms of morality is a very different, much bigger, much muddier debate. <3

I should probably stick with the 'bloodelf space lesbian barbie simulator' where the biggest problem is spatial awareness.   Words are hard. :(

Well, I think the positive thing is indeed, that it is a very different, much bigger, much muddier debate. Once identified as such, I think we can just ignore that question here, in so far as it has little bearing on the "you're doing it wrong" argument. If someone wants to debate the nature of terms of morality and their capability for truth - a quite interesting debate, certainly, they can do so somewhere else, I think.


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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #203 on: 20 Aug 2012, 03:27 »

Well, seems I've missed a good deal of this discussion...

Regardless I'll go right ahead and say that (from an IC standpoint) I do have a problem with the statement "Slavery is bad."  I know that on a few occasions I've actually been able to explain my character's reasoning for why she supports slavery as a concept, but sadly those occasions are few and far between.  More often than not the discussions all lead off into heavily OOC/IRL flavored debate points.  Notably, in one instance, I wasn't allowed to really get a word in edgewise after having someone link the Webster's Dictionary definition for slavery.  Now, I'm all for passionate response and I do understand that some characters do legitimately get riled up, rabid, and downright rude when some issues come up and I have no problems with that.  But at the same time it can be rather frustrating when an otherwise usually calm and well spoken character ends up shouting and insulting you (your character) to the point that it is "impossible" to carry on with further conversation.


Lyn Farel

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #204 on: 20 Aug 2012, 05:24 »

Oh dear. Then truly we are lost, because relative or nonsensical values attributed to terms of morality is a very different, much bigger, much muddier debate. <3

Isn't it ? I just tend to take issues with assertions of "good" and "evil". Especially the last one. I have nothing against the first one (good) as long as it does not get associated with the latter (evil). Edit : I do not mind it used so much IRL even if it makes me grin at times, since it is mostly how we think and how we got raised in our own culture, but when it starts to be applied OOCly at Eve, a society that defines itself completely alien and different from our own, it is annoying.

If we start to use such subjective concepts in the discussion, then the debate about cultural relativism becomes unfortunately impossible to avoid.

Fortunately though, even people that disagree with me OOCly at least agree with the fact that New Eden is grimdark/dystopian as hell and that anyway, everyone will have his evil side.

Unfortunately, this is precisely because of such OOC influenced points of view that playing very alien or different cultures and mindsets gets very tiresome when you perfectly know that it is not even the character arguing against yours that is speaking anymore, but the player behind. It tends to be quite obvious most of the time. That's what I stopped playing mostly. As mature and serious the eve RP community is, it seems to me that eve setting still shows far too complex and alien sometimes for people to often forget the OOC/IC holy barrier.
« Last Edit: 20 Aug 2012, 05:28 by Lyn Farel »

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #205 on: 20 Aug 2012, 07:51 »

Well, Lyn, it's not quite clear - your claim nonewithstanding - that "good" and "evil" are 'subjective concepts'. There are good reasons that they can't be subjective, indeed to me it seems quite clear that anyone claiming that they are hasn't understood what their actual meaning is, but that is really another debate, it has little to none impact on why people are breaking the IC/OOC divide.

As to doing that: You're forgetting the IC/OOC divide yourself the moment you claim that "you perfectly know that it is not even the character arguing against yours that is speaking anymore, but the player behind". I don't think that you really have the opportunity to acquire perfect knowledge of that kind in chat interactions in EVE. So I think this really is a bad argument as it's premises depend on you having committed the very action that you aim to repudiate.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #206 on: 20 Aug 2012, 10:02 »

Well, Lyn, it's not quite clear - your claim nonewithstanding - that "good" and "evil" are 'subjective concepts'. There are good reasons that they can't be subjective, indeed to me it seems quite clear that anyone claiming that they are hasn't understood what their actual meaning is, but that is really another debate, it has little to none impact on why people are breaking the IC/OOC divide.

I'm not sure to understand your point correctly but if you are suggesting that we are speaking about an objective good and evil, then I really doubt that any of use will be able to use these words again in all objectivity...

As to doing that: You're forgetting the IC/OOC divide yourself the moment you claim that "you perfectly know that it is not even the character arguing against yours that is speaking anymore, but the player behind". I don't think that you really have the opportunity to acquire perfect knowledge of that kind in chat interactions in EVE. So I think this really is a bad argument as it's premises depend on you having committed the very action that you aim to repudiate.

How so ?

I can understand it's a terrible argument - and actually I don't even think it was supposed to be one in the first place, just my empirical  feeling on the matter. But I don't see how it makes me guilty of the same by making that claim.

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #207 on: 20 Aug 2012, 12:15 »

I don't think I understand the purpose of this thread.   :ugh:
Section 3) Shitposting. "The cluster would be a much better place if all Amarrians were set on fire"


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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #208 on: 20 Aug 2012, 12:19 »

Whether someone's character is for or against slavery, I assume the player is against slavery. It makes things easier.

As for Nicoletta's view regarding good and evil, I believe she's suggesting that good and evil can only exist objectively. Something that's subjectively evil can't be classified as evil, it's simply wrong in a given situation or cultural context.

I've heard the same distinction applied to morality vs ethics.

I don't think I understand the purpose of this thread.   :ugh:
I knew it when the thread started, but have since forgotten.
« Last Edit: 20 Aug 2012, 12:21 by Makkal »
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Victoria Stecker

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Re: Slavery discussion
« Reply #209 on: 20 Aug 2012, 13:45 »

Threads like this are proof that evolution occurs...

... or perhaps just mutation.

Either way, this thread appears to be a living and growing creature, learning and maturing as more information and viewpoints are added.

inb4 skynet.
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