Concord Interdepartmental MemoSource: Inguna EnDelial DED Capsuleer Tracking
Landing: Satomo Irlibsyr DED Capsuleer Records Department
Dated: 29.7.114
Mr. Irlibsyr,
My department was requested to go over the attached records of capsuleer 92149662 after a series of recent incidents involving the pilot in question and DED forces operating in the Tranquillity Constellation of the Curse region. Due to these incidents, we believe it may be prudent to go back over the provided record sheet, so that our forces in the field are more prepared in the event of an encounter with this capsuleer. Attached are the incident reports, along with actual recordsheet and our notations on it. Please update the sheet and repost the updated sheet to the internal database as soon as possible.
Incident Log7.23.114 - Pilot committed aggressive action on CONCORD Assembly's DED Soldier 3rd Class in XX9-WV
Notes: Several vessels were in the squad of this ship that are currently MIA, suspected lost. Unknown if pilot in question is responsible.
7.23.114 Pilot destroyed CONCORD Assembly's DED Soldier 2nd Class in XX9-WV
Notes: This was a vanguard scout to a DED task force, its location should have been classified.
7.23.114 Pilot destroyed CONCORD Assembly's DED Soldier 3rd Class in XX9-WV
Notes: This ship was part of a small DED task force, its location remains unknown. All vessels listed as MIA, suspected lost.
7.27.114 Pilot destroyed CONCORD Assembly's DED Soldier 1st Class in H-ADOC
Notes: Several vessels were in the squad of this ship that are currently MIA, suspected lost. Unknown if pilot in question is responsible.
7.28.114 Pilot destroyed CONCORD Assembly's DED Soldier 2nd Class in OSY-UD
Notes: Several vessels were in the squad of this ship that are currently MIA, suspected lost. Unknown if pilot in question is responsible.
7.28.114 Pilot destroyed CONCORD Assembly's Minmatar Stasis Tower in H-ADOC
Notes: This stasis tower was put up at a DED blockade on an Angel Cartel owned stargate. The location of the blockade taskforce is unknown and suspected lost. All vessels listed MIA.
DED Capsuleer Records DepartmentCapsuleer ID Number:92149662
Record Filed: 7.03.114
Most Recent Photo: Subject Name: Saede Riordan
Blood Type: AB
Age: 25
Height: 171.05cm (5'8")
Weight: 51.7095kg (114 pounds )
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: hazel
Political Alignment: Pilot lists as Transhumanist
(IEnD: It is suspected that the pilot is at least affiliated with the Angel Cartel in some manner, though how exactly is unknown.)Date of Birth: 17th September YC89
Place of Birth: CBD Mining Corporate Hospital, Iddiserigard, Isohuolvi District, Planet II, Skarkon
(IEnD: This alone is cause for suspicion. Do we know if and how she voted during the Skarkon Incident? For that matter, do we actually have a verifiable record of her birth?)Employment History: *Pator Tech School
*The Extinction Protocol
(IEnD: What exactly is this?)*Sebiestor Tribe
*Alexylva Paradox
Security Status: Positive (IEnD: This will at minimum need to be modified to neutral)DED Charges: none
DED Threat Assessment: HarmlessNotes: Pilot is a bit eccentric, as all capsuleers are, but seems to mostly concern herself with mining asteroids and conducting scientific research.
(IEnD: This assessment is being reconducted entirely by my department. Replace with the following: Pilot has engaged CONCORD DED forces several times and seems to be operating out of the Tranquillity Constellation of Curse, and has fired indiscriminately on DED vessels. Threat Assessment: Moderate to Severe)Personality Assessment: Pilot is quiet and reserved.
(IEnD: How the hell did you people get away with listing nothing but this? Do we really not have anything else to go off of here? Interviews? recordings? Anything?)Physical Assessment: Pilot is small of frame, with dark skin, and numerous tribal markings common to the sebiestor tribe. It is not believed that she possesses any particular hand to hand skill, shooting prowess, or combat implants and wetwirings.
(IEnD: This will need to be more closely investigated, and that should already have been done.)History: Pilot was raised on Skarkon II
(IEnD: Who thought this was enough and stamped it green? Because when I find out, I will make sure they end up on a scout ship in Stain.)Please see to that the modifications requested are made, if more information is required, then
someone had better actually get that information. We need this data soon, it needs to get propagated to the database for our ships in the field, Priority Level 3.
Inguna EnDelialDED Capsuleer Tracking