Thanks for your feedback, Anslo!
The excessive "I" thing was a deliberate choice on my part. I wanted Gwens narrative voice to convey a feeling of consistent doubt and self-analysis - Even when writing in something completely private, she doesn't feel confident in stating her opinions and observations, or even personal feelings, as absolutes. And on the other side of the coin, it's also supposed to reflect a very self obsessed attitude; It's always all about her feelings, her worries, her fears (You can see in entry 7 where she tries to break free of this, but ultimately falls right back in by the end). I imagine she writes the log very much for the purpose of validating herself.
She's also supposed to be a History major, so I tried to make her writing a little dry and direct at times, since that's what she'd be used to.
Though I'm not oblivious to the negatives of this when judging the journal as a work, per se, I ultimately decided that sticking true to the character for something like this would be the better option, considering it isn't just written to entertain, but also as kind of a resource for people interested in the character herself on an OOC level. (And for me, should I ever forget what I'm doing.)
I can certainly change if it's not working, though?