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That small robots called "cleaner bugs" are used to keep space station areas free of refuse? (The Burning Life p. 74)

Author Topic: Hello from Aellos Lisetier... a returning capsuleer  (Read 1730 times)

Aellos Lisetier

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Hello everyone, I've been in and out of EVE in the past, I've always been really interested in the RP scene in EVE (I love the setting) as a Pen and Paper GM in real life but I've had a hard time finding people and places to meet with (having a Gallente character doesn't exactly seem to help either :P) but somebody pointed me here so here I am.

 I've got a fair amount of RP experience in different MMOs (City of Heroes, Star Trek Online and one or two others) and on the Tabletop... well I've done a lot D&D, Traveller, Shadowrun, World of Darkness etc.

I'm fairly easy going and tend to be a bit of a dilletante when it comes to EVE (so far I've got my head around Mission Running and Mining with a vague intent to expand into Manufacturing when I have enough capital to play around with, and at some point I wouldn't mind giving PvP a go... effectively I do a little bit of everything)

So what about my character in EVE: well Aellos isn't fully fleshed out yet... my characters tend to be determined more by RP than any more than the vaguest concept. But here's what I know about him... he'd describe himself as a "professional patriot to the human race" he speaks with a Gallentean accent reflecting his upbringing and tends to have a rather wry sense of humour. He believes in Gallentean ideals but isn't a rabid nationalist, he's more interested in humans than politics. He does have a strong sense of honour and chivalry and would carry on holding doors open for women and giving up his seat on the bus if he wasn't a capsuleer and most of the doors weren't automated these days. He's currently head of the Starfield Rangers Corporation... but since that's a one man band... as he tends to put it... "It's more of an honourary title than a meaningful one but it does keep the paperwork to a minimum" and tends to act more as a sort of professional well tailored drifter, he appreciates fine tailoring and good food but can go without them (although he'll probably complain in the process. Negative personality traits are that he's almost reflexively sarcastic to anyone he feels is pompous, enjoying authority too much or just a bit too sure of themselves, and well diplomacy isn't necesarily his strong point.... especially when it comes to Slave Holders and that sense of honour can lead to him being unwilling to back down even when it would be more sensible to do so.

I hope that's a good enough start for you guys, I'm looking forward to getting going with RP in EVE
"And when we some day follow to the places they have been
We'll take the paths they've marked for us and see the sights they've seen
To Jupiter and Saturn, to the stars themselves we'll steer
And we pray that God but grant us then, the luck of the Pioneer" - Pioneer's song: J Ecklar, L Fish

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Hello from Aellos Lisetier... a returning capsuleer
« Reply #1 on: 27 Apr 2012, 16:16 »

Well, hello! Sounds like someone that Esna will have some interesting banter with!

In the meantime, drink, drug, and self-defense weapon of choice?
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.


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Re: Hello from Aellos Lisetier... a returning capsuleer
« Reply #2 on: 27 Apr 2012, 18:13 »

Professional body-guard signing up for the job!


Welcome to BackStage, Federal. Make no mistake, being Gallente or any member-nation affiliated is a pro, not a con ;)

Your toon also seem to lean more towards idealism rather than cynicism, this is good. Let's see how long it lasts.

By the way. If your Guard randomly opens fire on anything and simply says "Serpent" when asked, just nod your head, smile and go on as before, and you will be fine.

Aellos Lisetier

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Re: Hello from Aellos Lisetier... a returning capsuleer
« Reply #3 on: 28 Apr 2012, 03:04 »

Thank you both.

Bloodbird: love the picture, where's it from? and... idealism and cynicism are not necessarily mutually exclusive, I think Lisetier would be rather offended if you suggested he wasn't cynical... I think it's kind of an attitude of "I love humanity... it's just humans I have a problem with" he wants a universe of peace and galactic brotherhood... he's just thinks that even if you could actually get the governments to agree (which would be a miracle in and of itself) Murphy's law and human nature would be along soon enough to mess it up... but if you don't try it definitely won't happen.

Esna: I'm going to give you several answers here since it's a bit situational (no I haven't spent way too long overthinking this even before I found this board... at least when it comes to weapons)

IRL as it stands I'm in a country with fairly strict gun laws so: Relentless Energy Drink, Caffeine and a bow and arrow (i'm an ok archer... even if nowhere near tourney grade)

If firearms were to be allowed and if I started drinking alcohol (health reasons keep me teetotal): Sauvignon Blanc wine (or possibly Sake), sticking with caffeine as drug of choice, and the L98A2 Cadet rifle (I've handled it's predecessor so I know roughly how it handles and how to maintain it)

and if anything is allowed: the above stays the same but I wouldn't mind giving the Davy Crockett a spin.

In game: Lisetier isn't that picky ... so long as it's got alcohol in it he'll drink it especially if it's high quality: good whiskey, fine wine it's all the same to him. Drugs? well... he's not a Booster user so probably alcohol. Weapon of choice: Drones or if it has to be something ship mounted: Hybrid weapons (he's something of a mild patriot)
"And when we some day follow to the places they have been
We'll take the paths they've marked for us and see the sights they've seen
To Jupiter and Saturn, to the stars themselves we'll steer
And we pray that God but grant us then, the luck of the Pioneer" - Pioneer's song: J Ecklar, L Fish


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Re: Hello from Aellos Lisetier... a returning capsuleer
« Reply #4 on: 28 Apr 2012, 15:37 »

Good to know.

Keep in mind however that this being the OOC forums, you are not required to introduce your toon in any way, shape or form - you can divulge however much or nothing at all depending on interest, or reserve everything for IC and IG interactions. Your original post was a bit like a job-resume for a toon. We are a bit more laid-back here and don't require anyone to do this, unless wanted.

As for the picture, it's a parody on Gears of war. Toon is... I'm not sure. It can be one among thousands. Literally.


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Re: Hello from Aellos Lisetier... a returning capsuleer
« Reply #5 on: 28 Apr 2012, 19:49 »

Hello person!
The assumption that other people are acting in good faith is the single most important principle underpinning human civilization.

Nmaro Makari

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Re: Hello from Aellos Lisetier... a returning capsuleer
« Reply #6 on: 30 Apr 2012, 12:25 »

Welcome new person!

Heres some dynamite

The very model of a British Minmatarian


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Re: Hello from Aellos Lisetier... a returning capsuleer
« Reply #7 on: 30 Apr 2012, 12:59 »

Hello new person. 

Please check your sanity at the door.  Its not required, but it helps.

Bastian Valoron

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Re: Hello from Aellos Lisetier... a returning capsuleer
« Reply #8 on: 03 May 2012, 16:16 »

Hello and welcome.


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Re: Hello from Aellos Lisetier... a returning capsuleer
« Reply #9 on: 03 May 2012, 17:28 »


If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!