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The Ishukone corporation is one of the major players in the 'liberal' faction and was the first non-Jovian organization to receive capsule technology from the Jovians?

Author Topic: [Character] Bacchanalian  (Read 884 times)


  • Omelette
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[Character] Bacchanalian
« on: 23 Oct 2011, 02:05 »

Wall of text warning (okay, upon re-reading, holy fuck wall of text warning, sorry, I got carried away and wrote an entire mini-biography).  Most of this is IC knowledge that is either well enough known to anyone who has interacted with Bacch IC, or easily accessible via killboards/IGS/etc that I consider none of this to be unknown to anyone who would bother doing a bit of research.  Sorry if this doesn't follow the general format of the others, but after 5 years in EVE there's a lot to say.  That and I find actual histories more interesting than DED threat whatever or blood types.  And yes, some of this is in fact a blur with OOC me, and I know that's a fuzzy line, but I am not in fact a fanatical racist hell bent on mass murder to get a point across.  :P

Name : Bacchanalian; true name unknown
Gender : Male
Race/Bloodline: Gallente/Jin-Mei
DOB/POB: Unknown, estimated to be 28-30 years old
Height : 6'0"
Weight : 185 lbs
Hair Color : Black
Eye color : Brown

Background checks on Bacchanalian reveal little beyond the obvious.  He graduated from the Federal Navy Academy, but records before that have been scrubbed.  Of his fellow graduates, none can recall him ever going by anything other than Bacchanalian, and this handle was universally believed to have been gained as a nickname given his raucous nature while at the Academy.  Evidence seems to support that he comes from an affluent Jin-Mei family, and the manner in which the records have been tampered with lead one to the conclusion that they were destroyed by either an agent of Bacchanalian himself or his family--in either case due to estrangement between the pilot and his family in an effort to completely sever ties to one another.  Last known contact between them was on his graduation day, as witnessed by fellow graduates, but no other evidence can be found to indicate who they might have been.

Bacchanalian briefly spent time in a mostly industrial organization, but engaged in piracy in low security and appears to have resigned his position from the organization after destroying a Goonswarm cruiser in Molden Heath, likely due to his corporation's concerns over the repercussions of attacking Goonswarm.  He rejoined the organization some weeks later, but left again after only 2 months to join the anarchist organization Jericho Fraction.

An extremely active pilot for Star Fraction, he quickly rose to the top of their kill records and to this day ranks amongst their elite.  He showed some interest in the freespace ideals, but his ideas diverged from those of Star Fraction, and after evidently growing disgruntled with both the methodology employed by Star Fraction and his disagreements with their philosophy, he and several of his closer companions broke off to form their own organization, Stimulus.

He was a director of Stimulus from the start, eventually taking the position of CEO and spearheading the creation of their own alliance, Rote Kapelle.  Both Stimulus and Rote Kapelle bear the mark of Bacchanalian's philosophies and utter disregard for human life (note that according to his views humans and capsuleers are two separate species, though he seems to have no reservations about killing either, his qualms about killing capsuleers seem assuaged by the fact that cloning prevents these deaths from being anything other than a minor discomfort), and the radicalism that eventually led Stimulus away from their original "liberal NRDS" policy occurred under his leadership, to the dismay of some of his organization, most notably Jonny Damordred, another former leader of Stimulus and ex-Fractionite.  It is worth noting that Bacchanalian has a violent disregard for non-capsuleer life and sees non-podders quite literally as inferior animals and openly refers to them as such.  He is rumored to have been asked during his interview with Star Fraction if he would have any qualms destroying an entire planet occupied with civilians if it would advance the cause, and to have answered that he would have no qualms whatsoever because said civilians were inferior beings and insignificant in the scheme of capsuleer life. 

He has made comments publicly at times indicating that he felt the best way to recruit pilots to his cause was by utterly crushing and humiliating them and their allies in space, leaving those with high aspirations realizing how inferior their organization is and wanting to learn how to do what Stimulus does.  This has interestingly proved to be a moderately effective strategy over time, and a fair minority of pilots recruited during times of his leadership were former victims of Stimulus or Stimulus pilots seeking to learn how to improve their abilities.  It is rare for him to take any of these recruits under his wing, but second hand reports indicate that he is both ruthless at times and patient with new recruits at other times.  This often depends as much on his mood as it does the attitude of the recruit in question.

At some point apparently due to internal conflict as well as overwhelming stress, Bacchanalian abruptly both resigned as CEO of Stimulus, Executor of Rote Kapelle, and joined The Illuminati, a corporation in Pandemic Legion.  He spent several months there, along with some of his former agents (see below) and a few ex-Stimulus pilots that left with him.  His sabbatical was short-lived, however, and within 3 months he had rejoined Rote Kapelle after a day's stop in Selective Pressure, a corporation founded by former corpmate and alliance mate both in Stimulus and Star Fraction, Sakura Nihil.  Sakura Nihil and his organization some months thereafter joined Rote Kapelle, and it is suspected that this brief time spent was an attempt to convince Nihil to make the decision to rejoin his old mates.

He remains the most dangerous pilot in Stimulus, with a higher rate of participation on kills than any other pilot in his organization by a fairly notable margin.  Of late his activity has tapered off, though he remains a dangerous pilot capable of flying nearly every subcapital hull in the cluster with exceptional skill.  He also ranks highly amongst his Rote Kapelle members, but during his time as executor his presence in space was severely impacted and his activity levels in space lately have also flagged.

His public kill records show him with no heavy biases towards one race of ships or another besides generally eschewing Caldari vessels, though he seems to prefer cruiser or battlecruiser hulls, always of the tech 2 or tech 3 variety.  It is rare that he flies anything without some sort of expensive fitting, but it is also rare that he loses a ship--he seems to have an uncanny ability to get his ships out of sticky situations that rarely fails him; of particular note is his Damnation, Bulwark, a ship that he has flown for 3 years with over 100 CONCORD-registered kills and is rumored to have survived more than one fight deep in structure when the rest of his fleet had died or abandoned the field.  His leadership abilities are remarkable, and it is no accident that many of his most-flown ships are of the command variety.  As far as is known, all of his clones are augmented with a variety of implants, including those of the pirate variety.

Bacchanalian is well known to be one of the coordinators of intelligence activities for Stimulus and Rote Kapelle, and is suspected to have operated in a similar fashion for Star Fraction before them.  Most notably, he cultivated and recruited several pilots, employing them as his agents to infiltrate and in at least one known case sabotage and rob his enemies.  At least two of his former agents, Xaiah Darlis and Mishka Chinoise, joined Stimulus after being exposed, and followed him to The Illuminati and back again.  How many others he may have employed in the past or currently has working for him is unknown.  He has shown a particular affinity and level of trust for Chinoise, at one point gifting her a Nyx class supercarrier (she eventually grew tired of piloting it and arranged with him to sell it and return the isk to him) as well as a variety of other vessels. 

He is regarded as a terrorist and extremely dangerous in space.  Out of the pod, he is not known to carry weapons, but rarely leaves his office or quarters in anything other than a virtual manner.  Out of the pod, however, he is still a significant threat, having pulled off several confidence scams including one reported to have netted him over 25 billion isk from the infamous Viper Shizzle, a pilot he had flown under in The Illuminati. 

He is not well-known as a fleet commander outside of tournaments, though he frequently takes command of fleets in the heat of battle when necessary.  He displays composure and remarkable decision-making in the line of fire, but in more than one case has been known to lose track of those around him in his near-fanatical determination to destroy and has found himself the last ship standing on the field.  He also has shown a weakness in strategic fleet movement.  These limitations do not hamper him in a tournament environment, however, and he has in the past been highly active in nearly every tournament held since he started out as a pilot.  Notably, he flew a Thorax in the memorable Star Fraction upset of perennial champions Band of Brothers, and he has captained both the Star Fraction team once and the Rote Kapelle team twice, twice failing to reach the bracket stages and once leading his team to an eventual loss to the runners-up, Hydra Reloaded in the late stages of the tournament, after upsetting favorites Against All Authorities in an extremely closely-fought match ((and no, that's not a beam harbinger, Kil2 is an idiot and doesn't know that purple lasers=scorch, nevermind that RoF. Beams don't fire every two seconds there chief)).  ((Also, sorry for the epeen waving, I like my tournament matches and reminiscing about them  :( ))  His tactical theories are exceptional and he is a significant contributor to the standardized fittings in Rote Kapelle as well as the strategies employed in Rote Kapelle's tourney matches.

On public kill records, Bacchanalian is remarkably and openly critical of his fellow pilots, and has been known in more than one instance to harass perceived failure so ardently as to drive pilots and indeed entire corporations out of Rote Kapelle.  He has also created strife between Rote Kapelle and their allies more than once with his venomous words, such that the phrase "Bacchplomacy" was coined inside of Stimulus.  His level of perfectionism and drive for excellence is such that he is a polarizing figure inside of the alliance, and those he flies with are either fiercely loyal to him or openly opposed to his employment in Stimulus.  It appears that this strife led to Bacchanalian stepping down from the board of Rote Kapelle, but he remains a high level leader in Stimulus.  It is unclear whether his resignation was his own choice or coerced, but in either case it seems clear that his loyalty is firmly with Stimulus and his regard for the other organizations making up his alliance is questionable at best.  He is known for having a sharp tongue and rarely holding back his true thoughts, and is often called on by his fleet commanders to infuriate enemy pilots such that they make tactical mistakes out of sheer anger. 

He is not known to associate with many outside of Rote Kapelle, and those he does associate with outside of Rote Kapelle in any sort of public manner are members of allied groups such as Veto, or in the past Eternal Rapture.  It is speculated that he does in fact associate with other individuals outside of these organizations, but investigations into his possible contacts have come up empty handed.

Matariki Rain

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Re: [Character] Bacchanalian
« Reply #1 on: 23 Oct 2011, 15:56 »

Would like this in the official wiki, please, along the lines of the biographies of Elsebeth Rhiannon and Arkady Sadik.


  • Omelette
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Re: [Character] Bacchanalian
« Reply #2 on: 23 Oct 2011, 20:15 »

Hmm.  Didn't even know that page existed.  Will tinker with it when I'm motivated.  :)


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Re: [Character] Bacchanalian
« Reply #3 on: 25 Oct 2011, 17:40 »

Great work.
"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"
― Isaac Asimov

Logan Fyreite

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Re: [Character] Bacchanalian
« Reply #4 on: 26 Oct 2011, 05:17 »

an impressive and enlightening wall of text, even if I already knew it all.