Hey, guys! Long time Eve player, just-now (sorta) Eve roleplayer here.
Started playing Eve as a dumb kid in, uhh, mid '05, with some quick stabs into it in '04. I like to get involved in RP in any game I can, and I've always really loved the look of the Eve roleplaying community and used to read the Intergalactic Summit all the time (while remaining pretty oblivious of forums like this, hahah.) I wanted to get involved, but unfortunately, I joined up as part of a group of people who didn't really care much about roleplay, who very quickly got themselves - and me, by extension - involved with a group of people who outright disliked it and even kind of mocked it.
So, since I had kinda thick roots with them, I never really felt like I had much chance to properly participate, beyond a few pokes in the summit and participating in a couple events.
I eventually quit in '09 when I started to fall out with that crowd and the game had become nothing but hoarding stuff I'd never fly with and shooting boring crud in huge battleship swarms. Lately though, I've been getting an itch to play again. And since I don't have much tying me down anymore, I figured hey, better late then never, right?
Hopefully, it'll be fun and bring back the edge the game kinda lost for me, since I've always been really passionate about this sorta thing. Whatever the case, looking forward to seeing you folks around.