Because the Federation retook a large swathe of star systems, the entire storyline was turned on it's head.
How so, you ask? Anyone that had seen the situation playing out in chronicles and news items understood this to be the case: Formerly, the pressure was on Foiritain due to the Caldari occupation. He had started cutting deals, allocating secret funds vis-a-vis the Ishukone/Mordus arrangement in Intaki. Eventually, because of the continuing poor state of affairs, he was forced out of office, and Roden was elected.
At the time of the election/ascent of Roden, systems were being retaken.
By the time it was all said and done, Intaki was reconquered, the Assembly freed of any obligation to the State, Ishukone chose to remain in the system under Assembly/Federation political support/consent.
The vast array of investments the megacorporations had set up in the occupied territories were nullified, along with it, a large chunk of their liquid capital. various megacorporations got out better than others (SuVee (systems untouched in the Abune pipe towards Old Man Star), Ishukone (because of backroom deal)), and , but all were impcated. Interestingly, it is SuVee and Ishukone that have been meeting in recent weeks.
Additionally, Caldari Funds Unlimited, in which Kaalakiota/Provists (And KK, who just lost all of it's holdings in the Placid Region) has a plurality share, , begins experiencing intense
distress. Since the Caldari pensioner system is the bread and games that binds the corporate structure together, this has massive political implications.
Indeed, it appears that CFU investment capital was used in relation to the KK attempts to colonize the Placid region, and this asset vanished due to FDU action, backlash occured throughout the complicated Caldari financial system.
So, yes, facwar matters. Moving on.