Having read various tidbits about LULZ around the web (there's not too many online communities that doesn't have a LULZ thread or two) I have noted with some amusement that there's almost always someone saying some variation of the following:
"Why did they bother with Eve? Is there a playerbase more jaded to this stuff?" followed by various comparisons to 'giving a spanking fetishist a pat on the rump' and other various metaphors. Others spoke of us as 'are these people you want to piss off?' and so on.
Apparently us Eve players have reputations for being the badasses of the MMO communities. Having seen it from within for a while, that's kind of hilarious, even if there's a kernel of truth to maturity being a bit more common-place here than in most other MMOs.
Meta-gaming is part of life in EVE.
Theft is part of life in EVE.
Betrayal is part of life in EVE.
Piracy is part of life in EVE.
Horrible losses is part of life in EVE.
Severe and non-fun lag is part of life in EVE.
Suicide ganking is part of life in EVE.
"No-where is safe" is part of life in EVE.
Compared to all other MMO's EVE players must be some of the most sadistic, thick-skinned, horribly jaded and frankly, bitter MMO players to walk the planet.
I still love this game for what it is. I'm confident others do as well. Yes, I too am sure that hitting EVE was a major waste of their time and only helped add another charge to their soon-to-be impressive list of criminal charges to be read up in court.