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Author Topic: Final Fantasy XIII  (Read 1250 times)


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Final Fantasy XIII
« on: 20 Apr 2010, 21:10 »

Allright, first impressions. I started off in the spoiler tag thread, but decided I might as well make a new one and copypaste:

Oh, and first impression on FFXIII? Gods it's longwinded, and actually kind of boring. I keep hearing it starts to rock further in, but after playing 10+ hours now, I have to say they could have condensed that gameplay to less than half of that. And where's the RP part of the game? I haven't made a single decision yet. Just ran from cutscene to cutscene, killing stuff along the way. At least there were conversation options in FFVII and FFVIII. Hell, I think there were some in FFX too.

They really should have worked better on the FFXIII pacing and storytelling.

As for the character development bit, I almost max out all available 'skilltrees' before more is unlocked anyway. It's not character development, it's just... well, it grows stronger as I fight. No real choice in the matter.

And what's with the Eidolons? They suck! I summoned Odin for a bossfight, and he barely touched the boss. I have to say, the combat gameplay in general was enjoyable compared to the travesty that was FFXII, but I much preferred the summoning in FFVII and FFVIII. Hell, even FFX.


I have to say, though, the characters are more enjoyable. The main character isn't a whiny little bitch anymore. She's a tough and gnarly bitch instead. I have to say I hate Hope, though. Gods what a pathetic little runt. And Snow? Come on, couldn't he have been a little less cliché 'Imma hero!' character? I do like Sazh for the moment, though. Mature and relatively decently rounded 'old man' character. Vanille? Well... too stereotype 'giggly' girl. And never... ever... say 'let's drink every time she sighs, moans or giggles' or half of one cutscene will kill you.

Still, it's the first time I've actually liked the main character in a Final Fantasy game. 
« Last Edit: 20 Apr 2010, 21:15 by Mizhara »

Myrhial Arkenath

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII
« Reply #1 on: 26 May 2010, 01:14 »

First off, Odin is good against groups, bad against solo. You want Bahamuth for that. You'll come across him eventually if you haven't already.

The buildup of the game isn't conventional for the series, and I must say I had trouble with it. I seriously miss the ability to travel back to places. That is what really made FF for me. Maybe I am a bitter old veteran but after FFX it went downhill for me. Now I know the diehard FFVII fans say FFVIII ruined the series and so forth, but I've always seen free roaming (with restrictions at the start) as a fundamental of JRPG's, or at least needed for my personal enjoyment of them. Of the recent ones I have played I'd rate Tales of Symphonia a lot higher over FFXIII for that reason.

On the other hand, the game did remind me of point and click adventures or interactive movies, which I've always enjoyed, and there are merits to this concept. When regarding the game as a standalone away from the series it is certainly not bad and I enjoyed playing it, but it feels it was released under the FF banner to lift on the fame of the series, and because it had these certain aspects that are recurring in every part of the series.

As for FFXII, I never even finished that game, which is quite the shocker if you know I used to be such a fangirl I had my own FFVIII fansite. Hosted on Tripod and totally made with the website builder. My inner web developer dies of a heart attack five times over when I think of how amateur that was. But it goes to say something. And no, don't point and laugh ffs, I was like 14 at the time and the internet was like new back then ¬¬

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