I would assume like IRL, any EVE culture that is steeped in cultural traditions and takes bloodline and heritage very seriously would be opposed to interracial relationships - and I say that without casting a finger-waggle of 'racism!' at it. I am familiar with Native Americans who would be quite upset if their children married outside of their nation/tribe but are not racist. (Hoping that made sense.)
Insofar as EVE, I could picture the Minmatar and Caldari being this way, as they are both cultures that are traditionalists and as far as the Caldari, xenophobic. With the Amarr, it would seem pointless to care because there are so damn many of them, though it would likely be similar to England where the Imperial line would be broken if any of them married/carried the blood of an outsider.
I couldn't see it even being an issue in the majority of the Federation. Don't know enough about the Jin'Mei to really understand their background...
TLDR; Probably would depend on the local standards and whether or not cultural and hierarchical (if that is even a word) requirements dictated a 'pure' racial bloodline.