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Author Topic: [Character] Sakuma Ogunuchi  (Read 1349 times)

Hamish Grayson

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[Character] Sakuma Ogunuchi
« on: 10 May 2011, 19:35 »

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Hamish Grayson

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Re: [Character] Sakuma Ogunuchi
« Reply #1 on: 10 May 2011, 19:42 »


State Factionalism (chronicle)

The third faction is not all that concerned about trade, but more about the place the Caldari State enjoys versus the other empires in both military and economical sense. These are the patriots and they are led by the Kaalakiota Corporation, but also include Lai Dai and Wiyrkomi. The patriots cultivate the Caldari heritage, reminisce about the great Raata Empire of old and weep for their lost home world, Caldari Prime. The most fanatical of them cry for a renewal of the war with the Federation, but they are a minority. The majority sees economical dominance in the world only as a tool to promote military power. The patriots are willing to negotiate alternative ways to acquire Caldari Prime other than through war, but they know that they can only see their dream come true by convincing the Federation of the economical and, most importantly, militaristic superiority of the Caldari State. This is what they strive for.

New Horizons (Chronicle)

Deteis were supposed to be different - more cunning, more underhanded. These, at least were the rumors she had heard. But usually they came from people - Dark Amarrians - that had no firsthand knowledge of the Caldari. Other traders she knew said that although the Deteis were in many ways different they still shared all the basic Caldari traits with the Civire - duty, discipline and sincerity.
Her new Deteis agent for the Wiyrkomi Corporation had been polite and to the point and shown no indication of being sly or untrustworthy. In essence, he was pretty much like every other Caldari she had ever met. Yet there were slight differences, for instance he had
inquired about her home back in the Kingdom and shown genuine interest in all things Dark Amarrian. An inquisitive mind was not something she was accustomed to with the Civire, who were usually dull conversationalists.

Official Overview of New Eden’s factions -2008: Caldari Citizens, The Disassociated

The second group includes those who've found themselves moving between two or three different corporations - usually upper-middle management transferred between corporations in a giant game of pass-the-personnel - and who have in the process realized quite how thoroughly indoctrinated the average employee is.

The Science of Never Again (chronicle)

On paper, Trevor Kekkonen looked like the model CONCORD citizen. He appeared to be just one of countless others taking advantage of the economic opportunities that had emerged since the end of the Gallente-Caldari War. The two states were eager to put the dark memories of those years behind them and forge ahead on the promise of peace and mutual prosperity. Trevor had graduated at the top of his class from the School of Applied Science in Todaki and demonstrated remarkable natural talent for research and science.
He overcame the cerebral deficiencies required for effective starship command through the use of cyber implants and eventually qualified to captain both Caldari and Gallente cruiser-class ships. His outstanding combat record against the Gurista and Serpentis pirate organizations earned him high marks with both the Caldari and Gallente governments. And most importantly, he had developed extensive connections with quality personnel from some of the most powerful corporations in both states, including Ishukone, Kaalakiota, CreoDron, and Duvolle Laboratories.

In Trevor’s scarred mind, the notion that a failure of diplomacy had been the cause of the war and ultimately the death of his parents was completely unacceptable. The politics just shouldn’t have mattered in the slightest. Instead, he concluded that the blame lay squarely on the lack of superior technology when it was needed most. Gallente warships had pummeled Caldari Prime cities from orbit uncontested for far too long; had planetary defense been in the forefront of the Caldari technological initiative at the time, things might have been different.

Tyma Raitaru (chronicle)

The name of Tyma Raitaru will forever be associated with the term freelance research. Raitaru, a Caldari by birth, pioneered what has today become a popular profession among rogue scientists and scholars around the world of EVE - that of the knowledge nomad, selling his work to the highest bidder.

The Elite (chronicle)

The ship captains are regarded by the empires as an expensive investment as well as a huge prestige - the number of inter-stellar traders an empire has in many ways reflects the economic vitality of the empire.

The Communication Relay Committee (chronicle)

The devices inserted into his occipital lobe ensured each channel was represented as a spectrum of colors, shot through with tiny incandescent motes of information. The visualizations made it far easier for the brain to process the torrents coursing through the fluid routers. He mused to himself that he couldn’t imagine what it was like to process all this information the old-fashioned way, then plucked a hair-thin strand of green and merged it into a larger existing strand.

The capsule slid open. The neural connectors retracted themselves and he made his way out. Already, someone was waiting with towels and hot Arkonian tea, both of which he gladly accepted. The darkness inside the relay tower seemed almost intentional and the hum was louder now he was outside of the pod. Shadows cast across the router complexes while a glaring blue light paled in contrast to the world that waited in the pod. Damn, he did love his job.

He couldn’t wait to get back.

« Last Edit: 10 May 2011, 19:47 by Hamish Grayson »

Hamish Grayson

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Re: [Character] Sakuma Ogunuchi
« Reply #2 on: 11 May 2011, 10:12 »


Xav Serise

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Re: [Character] Sakuma Ogunuchi
« Reply #3 on: 22 May 2011, 13:11 »

Wonderful collection of fiction-bits; I'm going to happily steal some of that inspiration for my own character-building ;D


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Re: [Character] Sakuma Ogunuchi
« Reply #4 on: 22 May 2011, 16:03 »

No idea what will happen, but excited for the results!
"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"
― Isaac Asimov


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Re: [Character] Sakuma Ogunuchi
« Reply #5 on: 22 May 2011, 16:06 »

I like the approach to character-building here. Hm.