On the whole, my understanding is that Andreus Ixiris and MDX are some kind of loosely Federal aligned soldiers, vigilantes or mercenaries, who are always ready to back up their words with guns. All that is good.
However, the dialogue in IGS makes me often confused. Maybe I miss the context, but I find it difficult to swallow that Luminaire Generals or military commanders suddently show up and tell completely unrelated people that what they are doing is wrong, without coming up with a counter-proposal that could be criticized in reverse. However, when they do act like this, it would be interesting to hear, what was the background that compelled them to barge in and risk the reputation and honour of their troops, and how do they even know the characters they are talking to? Anyhow, this is a generic thing, and I understand that sometimes the discussions are just too irresistible for some juicy side remarks.
The commenting by Andreus Ixiris shows in my opinion that his player has a very firm grip on the backstory of EVE, and maybe he could use part of his creative energy and knowledge to build up more good stories which wouldn't interfere with any piece of the PF. I'm pretty sure that most players would not try to discourage but support this kind of efforts, with all available means.