Oh, hey, a thread about that corp I was in for a while. Sweet!
Now, what would be interesting is a capsuleer who sympathizes with rogue drones; all that would take is an EXTREMELY convoluted path of logic to explain why anyone would want to interface with murderous AI. Stranger things have been explained. However, even in that case, there would have to be reasoning behind it.
I can answer that in regards to my own character and, at least in her case, it's not
that convoluted to explain why she joined. Cruci was one of the Infected-types that 41 49 3432 outlined, and it was a matter of a drug-fueled frenzy to experience a
mass collective consciousness first hand. Stumbling upon a hive of rogue drones willing to bring her into the fold would be an opportunity to good to pass up, especially for one as terribly misanthropic as she. Crucifire had no factional loyalties and a great deal of dislike for humans in general, killing people was not something particularly new to her yet, like every sentient being, she still needed some place to fit in. The result being she is now a completely different personality from the one I outlined in her bio here at Backstage - her very human psychological issues have been replaced with cold, emotionless logic. Still, this sort of corp does best with eternally loyal alts created exclusively for the hive that will never leave, but since it was so relevent to my main's interests I went ahead and had her plugged in for story purposes (and also drone fun, who could object?)
Now, the convoluted part will come with me explaining why she left. There are still a number of things I have yet to explain away regarding her, especially concerning how she managed to leave the hive Entity. The all-too-simple IC answer for now is that she went rogue from these particular rogue drones after her programming became increasingly erratic and began to deviate, and she departed on a journey to rediscover her human side. This led her to the region of Outer Ring, where she was recruited by a capsuleer who recognized her from her earlier efforts in Fountain when she was fresh out of Republic University (he does not RP, but this is how I have interpreted the series of events.)
In fact, any input or help regarding that last part would certainly be appreciated.
As for why these drones appear to be capsuleers... yeah, it's definitely a little hand-wavy, but due only to limitations of the game itself. It's not like they exactly want their description to read that they're human, nor do they have any control over that, so I find IC attacks at this aspect to be a low blow.
41 should get his robot ass on these forums already, maybe he can work some stuff out with that other group of drone people.
EDIT: Hm, after reading out the reasons why Cruci joined the Rogue Drones maybe it is quite a bit convoluted. It still works.